Sunday 13 March 2011

Dear Japan, I love you... and Blogger.

It's really quite sad. Now that I've started blogging, I can't stop. Every single thought I have, now has a follw-up thought of "I wonder if I should talk about this in my blog. Maybe I should go and blog, like right now. Maybe I shouldn't do that Maths revision, because, you know, I could be blogging."
I must say, I very easily get obsessed with things. I remember when I first saw The Phantom of the Opera on stage. Dear Lord, for about six months, literally everything I talked about had something to do with Phantom. Even things such as homework, for example: "Hey [anonymous], did you do the English homework. It sucked. Just like the garish light of day does. ZOMG PHANTOM REFERENCE!"
I'll write more about my phangirl-ness another time, because that wasn't what I gave up valuable sleeping time on a Sunday night to talk about.
This post is dedicated to the poor, unfortunate country of Japan.
Japan has been good to me. Really, really good to me. It has been responsible for the inventions of many of my favourite things, most notably, ANIME. Now, anime is not something that I ever thought I would get into, but after a good friend [shoutout to GoJo C! Even though she'll probably never read this] persuaded me to watch Death Note last year, I became completely hooked. Since that time, I've dedicated hours and hours of my valuable time to watching animes episodes. Ah, I look back with fond memories on the days when I would spend 5 hours in a day watching InuYasha. What? It was just that good. Sadly, I gave up and moved on after episode 74, but it's such a good show (albeit filled with, well, filler), I'm sure I shall return and finish it someday. Hopefully, in the not too distant future.
Yet again, I have steered off topic. No wonder it takes me a good five hours just to write a 1000 word English assignment.
Back on track! Unless you have been living under a rock (or in a labyrinth. See? I still have complusions to reference Phantom all the time) for the past few days, you would know that Japan has been hit crazily hard by natural disasters. Now, I thought the flooding and bushfires that Australia had been experiencing just a few months ago were bad. Then, I saw the earthquakes that had occured in Christchurch, and I was shocked again. Well, it seems like Japan has upstaged both Australia and New Zealand. Someone posted "Damn over-achieving Asians, had to upstage us" on Facebook. The cultural stereotype, applied for comedic effect in such a devestating context made me chuckle.
Seriously though, poor Japan! I've never really known anyone who lived there. Sure, I once had a Japanese exchange student buddy at school for a week a few days ago [oh dear anonymousperson, I hope you are okay], which, might I add, was an awesome experience, but it's not like I am in direct contact with anyone living there. Despite this, I'm feeling especially moved by it all. Maybe it's just the comprehension of so great a loss. Maybe it's the fact that I often have an unhealthy amount of empathy. Maybe it's just because I like Japan. Maybe it's a combination of all these things. All I know is, if you're able to remain unmoved by events such as this, just because you're not personally affected, you must be pretty heartless.
On top of the pain I feel for the Japanese people, is a feeling of worry for my own country. So, nuclear powerplants + earthquakes = disaster. C'mon people, the Earthquake ruined the cooler in a nuclear powerplant, and now it looks as though there's going to be a meltdown. People have already been diagnosed with radiation poisoning, and if there is a full-blown meltdown, the consequences could be endless. Think back to Chernobyl. When things went bad there, things went really, really bad. The winds blew over a large area of Europe and America, making it pretty much a global nuclear disaster, which the full impact of is still unknown.
Yeah, see, this is why I'm against people buiding Nuclear Powerstations in my country. To my knowledge, there's only one, and I hope it stays that was. Messing with radiation is never, ever good. As an example of how much I believe that, I will tell you that I never talk on my mobile phone for more than five minutes and I will not even stand within 5m of the microwave when it is on. Ever. I'm a smart cookie. I've studied Nuclear Physics, and, in turn, what can happen when things get out of control. It's not good, seriously.
Et hem. Moving away from my anti-nuclear rant. The people of Japan need everyone's support. As an unemployed, senior highschool student, there's not too much I can do in terms of monetary assistance, but what I can do it pray. So, pray I shall. I'm not really sure of the results of prayer (I often ask for selfish or undoable things, so it's not supprising that God ignores me. Though, there have been occasions when I've felt my prayers answered in the most unusual and amazing ways), but surely sending your thoughts to a people in need, as asking a devine creator to help them cannot be a bad thing.
So, dear Japan, may you recover as quickly as a musician plays demisemiquavers in cut common. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.


  1. GoJo C totes just read this, by the way. ;) Anime, nom nom nom

  2. "So, dear Japan, may you recover as quickly as a musician plays demisemiquavers in cut common."
    Best analogy EVER.
