Sunday 20 March 2011

"... There was just a large concentration of highly talented young men" : A quick post

Okay, so I'll keep this short because I'm supposed to be off studying for Biology/ sleeping.
So, today I saw Wicked for my fourth time. Wooooooow. I just do not get sick of this show. It was as amazing and emotional as always today, maybe even moreso.
I finally got see see Lucy Durack (Glinda) and Jemma Rix (Elphaba) performing together. They have such a wonderful chemistry; it was well worth the wait. They did all these cute things together, like chatting and cracking each other up as the beds came on for Popular and giggling at each other in For Good. It made me smile.
The show was particularly hilarious today. The whole "Toss, toss" section of Popular was pee-your-pants funny. I started getting chest pains, I was laughing so much. It was like:
Also, I finally got to cheer properly at both Glinda's and Elphaba's entrance. So happy!
And there was an understudy of for Nessa. She was sub-lime! Her rendition of Wicked Witch of the East made me bawl my eyes out. Gotta love understudies (well, as many of you know, I really do).
Of course, David Harris was the highlight of the show. I literally reached towards the stage and whispered "Don't go, please don't go!" when he stumbled backwards off the stage after As Long As You're Mine. And said "Helloooo" in some suggestive voice when he walked onstage for the Dancing Through Life ball. He's just so... gorgeous! Okay, I know he's gay, and I know he's twice my age, but... Can we just get married or something? As I've already ranted, I'm not the most comfortable person with all things sexual, but holy crapoli, if David Harris wanted me, let's just say, there's nothing I would deny him. Oh dear Lord, let's hope he never does a Google ego search and finds this.
I'm sorry, but anyone who has a voice (AND OH, DOES HE HAVE A VOICE!), body and face like that is someone who you can't help but be attracted to. Well, I can't anyways.
When he swung on stage and yelled "Let the green girl go!" in a growl-y voice, I pretty much died. The audience like, fully applauded this line. I was so proud of them. Oh, what I wouldn't have given to be the green girl then...
And his Dancing Through Life riff was just... Orgasmic. I feel really awkward using that word, because I really don't want people to think I was just having some sexual experience to myself while at the theatre. I wasn't, but the riff was HOT AS! He didn't have the added high note at the end, that randomly appeared last week, but it was still brilliant.
Meeting him at Stage Door just topped everything else. [ClearlyUnfocused] totally ambushed him, because we could see that he was going to just leave to have drinks, without talking to anyone. Kinda rude, but whatevers. I did not take off my shoes and run down [possibly 9] flights of stairs to make sure I met him, just to have him walk away. Despite wanting to go, he was still so nice in signing programs and taking a photo with us. I had a total Boq moment: "You're TOUCHING me!"
Okay, so he had his arm around me for a photo, but it was still awesome. I kind pushed [ClearlyUnfocused]'s brother out of the way, just so I could be next to him in the photo. What? Fangirl-ness does things to you...
Oh! And I totally saw Prince William drive past when we were hanging near the convention centre. Mmmhmm.
It's been such an incredible day. I have been stressing so much about school, bu having been away from it for a bit, I can now look at things in perspective. I'm not going to worry about things too much, I'm going to dance through life, mindless and careless.
It's just life, so keep dancing through!
Buenos Tardes!

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