Monday 14 March 2011

My Life in an Institution

Yes, that's right, I'm living in a mental institution. I can almost see the shock horror on your faces, through the Internet.
It's probably not so shocking or surprising, that my opening sentence is completely made up. The institution I was referring to is the most evil of them all: school.
I really don't know how many times I have said "I hate school!"
I'm guessing the count is somewhere in the thousands. Really, I hate school. The thing is, I get good grades, I work hard, I have amazing friends, the facilities are... well, there's not much of them, but at least they're modern, and most of the teachers like me.
"So," you ask yourself "What possible reason could she have for hating school?"
My reply is this: On the surface, it would seem that I don't have any reasons to complain about school, but really, I do.
The stress of senior is killing me... and not softly. As much as I don't want to try with all my assignments and give up, my perfectionist nature just won't allow for it. I say to myself "I'll just spend half an hour on my draft, then give up" and then I end up spending five hours just making sure I have the perfect idea, and two hours actually writing it.
My studying, however, is not as productive. For that, I set aside a large amount of time, convincing myself that I will study, then get distracted by anything, and completely abandon the whole task.
I really, really, really want to exit school with good grades, thus helping my chances in life, but there is this part of me that is simply not motivated to do anything. This side completely clashes with the side of me that wants to do everything to perfection. It is so frustrating.
On top of this, I feel so restricted by school. I'm not interested in most of the subjects, and I just want to get out and live my dream. I want to travel the World (oh Spain, I yearn for thee), keep my amazing friendships, meet new people and... there is a very girly part of me that just wants to settle down and get married. I always have, I mean, as I've said before, I'm very old-fashioned.
As I speak, I'm in the school computer lab, blogging instead of studying for my other subjects. Technically, I don't have to be working on anything, because I'm on a spare, but you are meant to work on stuff.
At least today has been a total bludge, what with cross country taking up most of the day. GoJo, Tenuto Tuo and Clearly Unfocused have filled my day with happiness.
For the first time in six years, my sporting team actually won the cross country. Though we're known as being the un-sporty group, that doesn't really care about winning, I felt so happy so see us win, seeing as it was my last CC and all.
But, I've veered off track. All I can say is: I hope the remainder of my school life passes as fast as demisemiquavers do.

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