Thursday 17 March 2011

Thank God It's Friday!

Or, as a friend of mine would say "Thank the non-existent God". Douche.
So maybe I'm not in love on Friday, and I'm not partying, partying, partying (yeah) as two songs about this day would suggest, but I am really thankful that it has finally come around.
My weekend will not be full of wonderful things, no. It will be chock-a-block with studying for Maths and Biology Exams and fixing my 'oh-so-fail' English assignment. You know, I could be reducing my workload by studying right now, but I won't. I need this spare period to blog.
The wonderful thing about Friday is, even if your weekend is going to be filled with rubbish, you can live in the hope that it is going to be better than the days of the week that you spend at school. It's also a great time to procrastinate, because, you know, I don't do that enough.
To quote Fiyero from Wicked "I've been thinking..." And, you know, it's great to be able to use that quote, because I'm going to see Wicked  this weekend. It is my "shining light in the sea of despair" (I'm so sorry, [GoJo], at least I'm not a stalker?). Yes, [ClearlyUnfocused] and I are going to head on down to our city's Lyric theatre, and watch this amazing musical... Instead of studying. Okay, so I'm starting to come off as a really bad student, but I'm really not. I'm just extremely fed up with school at the moment.
Anyways, as I was saying, I'm going to Wicked on Sunday. Even though I've seen the show three times already (I once flew to another city just to see it! I was so awesome), I'm really excited. It just comes at a time when I need to get away from my life, and take a trip to the land of Oz for a few hours. I think that's why it's become such a popular musical; because it acts as such a good escape from reality.
Ah, I've kinda gone off track, talking about Wicked. I just love this musical. I don't care where you're from, if you ever get the chance, see it!
Okay, back to my point. I've been thinking... over thinking. Like, everything. Not as much as my dear friend [TenutoTuo], who's really going through a rough patch at the moment. He's sitting next to me, blogging as well. He doesn't look so good. I hope he's okay. Actually, I know he's not okay, but that doesn't stop me wanting him to be. I'd just like to say, I love you [TenutoTuo]! We all do, and everything is going to be alright in the end, no matter what happens.
Sorry, just had to do that little shoutout. I have been thinking way too much. And I've been worrying about anything and everything that I possibly could, which isn't healthy. So, I've decided to try and take the Fiyero approach to life, because: "Life's more painless for the brainless. Why think so hard, when it's so soothing?"
I think too much about too much. So, I'm going to try and live 'the unexamined life'. I know this will fail miserably, seeing as I have, you know, an exam block coming up in the next few days. Nevertheless, I'm going to attempt look at life in more of a lighthearted way. Because, if I don't, I know I am going to kill myself with worrying. And, if I died now, I wouldn't be able to travel to Spain, and have a successful job in the arts, and have a happy marriage, and have crazy little boy kiddies with cool names, and party hard (just because I never have before), and live the life I'm going to live (which will probably be nothing like what I just mentioned). But, that's okay! Because that's the joy in life; you never know what's going to happen.
So, while I predict that much of my weekend will be crappy, I don't know that for sure. And that is the beauty of weekends.

Now, to add the Biology jokes. Firstly, I would just like to let you all know that [MissInvisible] has invisible herpes. Yes, you read that right. I kinda yelled out that she had herpes in the middle of a Biology revision lesson... and she decided that it was invisible, seeing as she is. Which is unfortunate for me, seeing as I am married to her, soooo... I've probably caught it off her. /I am kidding, of course/
Also: Yo mama's butt is made out of cells! Oh deary, deary me. I love lessons that get off-track.
Finally, I would like to say that [OldMan] is a bully. Even though he is sick, he still manages to hit me and 'hi-5' my face. Girl basher.
Have a wonderful weekend, my little demisemiquavers! I hope that it slows down, and each day is more like a breve. It's unlikely, but one can always hope. Peace & demisemiquavers out!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA [OldMan] is the best name ever. And omg, butt cells.

    What is with our group being full of girl-bashers? Haha...

    Chilling out is always good man. Take my approach and don't do anything. ;)
    No, actually, that's not a good idea.
    But make sure you have moments of fun too. Here's something Koichi taught me while doing my Japanese studies. You need to follow the '30 minute' rule. Due to the mind not focusing well on one subject for too long, you should do half an hour - an hour (depending on the person. 30 minutes is always good) of hard work, and then 30 minutes of fun stuff. Rinse, wash and repeat.

    It helps. You have only 30 minutes to study, so you end up working hard so none of the time is wasted before your break. And then you get back to work obviously.
    I dunno if it'll work for you but, it helped a little for me. And it keeps things light hearted rather than stressful. ;)
