Monday 16 May 2011

What is this I don't even...

MAGICAL FAIRY UNICORNS WITH LIGHTSABERS JAMMIN' TO 'I'M TOO SEXY' AND EATING BACON. Et hem, now that I've got your attention, I'm going to momentarily blog about something far less awesome. ugfsaKJdhf,gklaxmsdfghdurksemddnsbvgdhnjx. That jumble of characters is the only way to describe the feeling one gets from having to write a 3000 word draft, when they know that they are mentally incapable of it. Physically, I'm all goodballs, but my brain just isn't working. Yo, can some Maths el nerdo write me a formula whereby 176 = 3000. Wait, I'll do it.

176 = 3000

What do you think? Impressed? [demisemiquavergirl]'s law states that 176 words are equal to 3000, whereby henceforth, under the power of God, I decree that I have hit the word limit. Jackpot. Bingo. Bazzingballs. Time to give up and go watch anime, or read PT fanfics, or jam out to the Eurovision 2011 soundtrack, or sleep. Yes? No. I am aware that the chances of me actually writing the set amount of words tonight is less than the possibility of Jedward's hair not looking awesomeballs, but, I'm going to try. If you don't aim high, then you've got no chance of even accomplishing something that is close to your goal. Get hard, or go home. Wait, that's not it. Go hard, or go home? Yes, that's the correct phrase. Though, if the former works for you, that's cool too.

You must miseducated by all the guys that you dated. Jedward, word. I'm rather upset at myself for liking them so much, condisering the fact that some people align them with the likes of Justin(e) Bieber and Rebecca Black. I consider this total blasphemy, by the way. I mean, you're not going to see my dying my hair blonde, and jumping up and down on stage like I'm on drugs, anytime soon, because that's not my thang. But, it's surprisingly cool when they do it. Dum da dum da dum da dum.

So, as quickly as I appeared, I will now vanish in a cloud of smoke before your eyes; a mere memory of what once was. LOL jks I'm still here. I just described the English assignment as death and beastiality and fail and poo incarnate. Truer words have never been spoken, word. You took the words right out of my mouth, oooh, it must have been while you were sharing your contagious koodies with me, erm, kiss-ing me. Meatloaf people, don't mess with the meat. Or Frodo, that hobbit kid is badass. You know who isn't badass. Eragon, as in Eragon from Eragon. Just in case you though there was any other. Ohohohoh! Do you know who is badass from that series? Murtagh. It seems like all the dudes I know who've read the book don't like him, but, they're not attracted to deep, dark, not-really-bad-on-the-inside, interesting male characters. And that's probably a good thing. Oh, you know who else is badass? My grandmother, because she read that series even faster than I did, and I am a very fast reader. You know what, the only women I know of who have read those books are all related to me, and they only read it because of me.Yes, I like fantasy novels that are aimed at dudes, and I always have. You can suck on my cherrystick if you don't like it. And if cherry ain't yo thang, then you can suck on my peachbeach. I don't even know what either of those are. DON'T JUDGE SPIDERMONKIES, MMKAY?

Is thou brain bubbling with the random awesomeballs of epic that have made up the constituents of this post yet? I do hope so, bromigos. I'm off to finish writing the words of awesome, that will shape the society I live in, and are fuelled by my love for the one person I'm destined to be with. Even if it involves stabbing my hand and almsot losing my sanity, I shall write to save everyone! Hm, that sounds awefully familiar. If you see Junichi Sato or Ikuko Itoh, please tell them that I wasn't being all copyright infringe-y. Disclaimer: No, I am not Fakir, and no, I know that you don't even understand WTF I am rambing about. I don't own epic writing, or hand stabbing, or cool intertextual referencing. MY FEELING ARE MY OWN! Oh shizballs, I just killed the intertextual referencing part. Anyway, I do own my own writing though, maybe, possibly, kind of, not. Regardless, I am off to work on my assignment, and not to see the wonderful wizard of Oz. So, if he calls, tell him I'm busy, and I don't do old dudes. Farewell, ninjaturtleballs!


  1. LOL. This post = win.
    Oh, I'm not doing the English draft at all.
    0 = 3000 in my case ;)
    He'll deal with it. Mhm.
