Saturday 28 May 2011

Ninja invasion of the head and stomach. Now with TD kinda rant!

Oooooh, what's the buzz? Hopefully it's not my phone going off... or my stomach churning. Well, right now I'm chilling at the state library. I just finished my English assignment, and I am rather proud of my productivity. Especially considering how terribly unproductive I was yesterday. I took the day off school, because my stomach decided to start churning like crazy, leaving me wanting to, ah, do the opposite of eating, to put it nicely. I kept thinking to myself that I was going to work on lots of school things. But instead, I did nothing. Well, I didn't do nothing. I seemed to get well fairly early in the day, so, I went out and rode my bike and spent time with my dog. And then I spent hours on TVtropes. Then I spent an hour watching the PT finale, and the commentary for it. I'm such an idiot. I assumed that because I didn't cry my eyes out like a little baby the first time, and get rather depressed, I wouldn't this time. Not true. I must have looked like pathetic incarnate: sitting on the floor crying like a kid while watching anime, wiping makeup all over my face, and stuffing my mouth with chocolate. Really smooth.

So, this post is now being continued several hours later. I really should be in bed, but, I'm a night dwelling person. I got some night driving hours tonight, which was awesome. Unlike most people, I actually find it easier to drive at night than during the day. I tell you people, it's the larger pupils. And I'm just naturally semi-nocturnal. I have been meaning to watch episode three of AnoHana, but for some reason, my internet is loading the video at a snail pace. As in five minutes of video loaded in half an hour slow. So, I've been lurking around the Total Drama fandom while it loads. Despite being an on-and-off mega-fanatic over the series, I'd never really looked into the fandom until yesterday. By on-and-off I mean, when I don't have anything to do with it, it's cool. I don't act like an addict or anything. But, when I watch it, I suddenly feel like I have to watch more. And more. And more. Espically with World Tour. Oh dear. Anyway, back to the fandom lurking. Eh, it's not a very active one. I mean, it is, but only on the Wikia page and Fanfiction. The LJ and Fanpop pages are pretty inactive. The shippers, though not exactly in-your-face bothersome, are quite annoying. I don't mind fanon, but, there is just waaaay too much crack shipping going on. I would go so far as to say there are more fanon shippers then canon. Some of the ships are alright. Some of them are just weird, and way too sexualised. Especially when they revolve around Noah, Cody or Heather. Especially when it's all of them at once.

Why are Noah and Cody the most popular male characters? More the point, why do most girls these days seem to like men that are a) not masculine b) look incredibly young/ like women. I read an article by Francis Whiting that suggested this was the case becase effeminate looking men were not confronting or scary; they are approachable heroes/obsessions. Once again reaffirming how much I deviate from the norm, because I'm just like "GROW A P*NIS AND MAN UP!" But anyway, I was really shocked when I discovered that Sierra was a really accurate parody of a TD fangirl, with her Cody-obsession, because he actually was the most popular male character in the show. To be honest, I thought Duncan would have been the favourite. Apparently not. It always shocks me as to just how unpopular Alejandro is with the fans. According to a poll on Fanpop, Sierra was chosen as the better new character. I mean, she's hilarious and all, but, like, what? What is wrong with you all? His stereotype pretty much defines that he's meant to swooned over. But no, apparently girls these days want weenie boys. ** /grabs paper bag and hyperventilates/

Phew! Now that that's done, I can finish ranting. Yes, I'm aware that no one really has much of a clue what I'm on about, but hey, Kira, what you're doing is purple. /waits forty seconds, with cheesy elevator music playing/ Yaywhoot death! Becuase, making an even more abstract reference was toootally going to save this post. Mkay, I promise y'all that when I've finished my ranting, I'll have a super-hyper-crazeballs time to make up for the boredom you've endure. Because I'm just that lovely, word. Gah, I feel like having a high-high-high-ho randomific posting time now. No. must finish ranting. Don't want any unresolved ranting tension. I mean, it's worse than unresolved sexual tension. And that's really annoying.

Moving forward! Yes, I just made a Julia Gillard reference. How diabolically terrible of me. Moving even more forward! I'd been getting so into the Fakiru pairing, that I'd forgotten that AleHeather was my OTP beforehand. What's the deal with OTPs anyway? I got the impression that it meant one true pairing, but people seem to have more than one OTP. Or is there one per show? Anyway, I love many ships, and I'm quick to ship. Like, I did a [ClearlyUnfocused] and shipped Yukiatsu with Menma before they'd even met on AnoHana. Actually, I kinda like the idea of that being a one-sided-ship more, because that makes it tragic. I think this is the case anyway. I wouldn't know, because my dang internet is still loading at a snail pace. awkdgahsnddjia. And, I totally have character dibs on Yukiatsu. C'mon, like, messed up, good looking, not-protagonist, voiced by Takahiro freakin' Sakurai /drools/. Guys, the timbre of his voice is just so lush. I could talk about it all day. But, I won't, because I'm already getting way off topic.

 So yeppo, shipping is awesome and fun. And I just naturally do it. There are a few of us who even ship teachers at school, though it's usually crack and just for lolz. Despite this, there are very few ships that I really, really get into. I'm pretty sure AleHeather was my first proper ship. D'aww. It really doesn't have the following it deserves, but most fans of it seem to be quite intelligent. As opposed to NoahxHeather shippers who are sick little schoolboys that want to play out their nerd-gets-popular-bitch fantasies through their crack pairing. Anyways, it's still one of my favourite pairings ever, even if the creators did completely ruin it, just seconds after making it canon in the show. Huurr grr. Hopefully they'll patch things up in season five. I'm kind of scared for season five. Season four most likely going to be lameballs, because they're using all new contestants, as opposed to the old ones. But, I hope it's mildly successful, so the creators have enough funding for season five, which is rumoured to be the final season, and have all the characters which have ever been on the show. I've got my fingers crossed that they'll fix Aleheather, Duncney and Gwent, because those are easily my favourite pairings in the show. And all of them were completely ruined. Speaking of Duncney, I've been catching some of the Total Drama Action episodes of ABC3 lately. That ship is like, one of the few things season two was good for.

So, that was my very long way of telling everyone that I'm in a Total Drama-erific mood. Urgh. I just remembered that I still have to practice and learn my English oral. Superdooperlametimes. I had a careers discussion with my parents again this afternoon. They're not happy with my preferences for Uni. At all. And they're totally bummed that I don't have a specific career I want to do. The only thing that's ever really interested me it theatre management, and like hell that'll ever happen. Maybe I should try and work towards it anyway. I don't know. Maybe I should just do Journalism at uni. What do you all think? Am I decent enough at writing to do something like that?

It's nearly midnight, so I should be off to bed now. My AnoHana episode hasn't even loaded halfway yet. Fffff! My parents have another rugby game booked for tomorrow night. Apparently there's going to be a crowd over over fifty thousand, which breaks the record crowd in the stadium for that type of game. This is all coolbeans, but I really need the time for studiez. Ah well, it'll be good for me to get out of the house again.

SO LUCKAY! Yer, I haz that stuck in my head. Oh dear, LOLcat infestation of the brain. Actually, it's because I found a heap of Fakir crack macros that someone on LJ had made. They made me laugh so hard. I'd put one on here as a picture, but that would require asking the creator for sharing rights, and like, that requires social contact with peoples I've never talked to before. Just click on the link and chck them out, even if heaps of the humour is fandom specific. Anyways, continuing with the random. Here's some random life facts:

Last night I dreamt that I was a beepboxer.
Today a gay guy told me that he liked my boots.
Today my own mother hit on me in jest.
At an eisteddfod on Thursday, I almost fell backwards when I stood up on stage.
I often think everything smells like pancakes.
Today a Tomtom said I drove across the water. Ridin' Jesus style, brah.
I also confessed to loving my ninja today. Lucky he was too busy pimpin' this blog to notice :#3
Wraps are too expensive.
Life is a hard and painful game. In short, yo mama so fat.
I can haz zzzzs?
Don't read Dracula on the bus if you're travel sick. It will only end in nausea.
I now read most things from a postcolonial perspective.
Chuck Norris found me.
Seeing weird sparkles before your eyes is usually an indication that you should go to bed.
Therefore, I'm off to the land of slumber

Farewell, my little blog following wonderkids! Remember: Don't have sex, because you will get pregnant and die. I think I just stuffed up that ITR. Did I? Eh, who really cares. Take care, chickens. And, as [Gojo] so nicely told me in what I'm guessing is a reference: If your sex is on fire, it's probably chlamidya.

** Disclaimer: I apologise to those of you who are manboy inclined. Everyone is very entitled to their preferences. Different strokes for different folks? /luminescent blush/ ⁰#Erm, I mean, there's someone for everyone? It's a good thing that not all people are attracted to the same thing, or poligomy would become massive? Okay, now I'm just making a fool out of myself. Imma shut my piehole now.


  1. Mmhm, journalism is a ton of fun... but you don't even need to take it as your degree. =)

    My Uni doesn't even have a journalism program, but I got involved as a volunteer writer and stuffz for the undergraduate newspaper and it is FREAKING AWESOME.

    Point two for not actually studying journalism: anything is more awesome when you don't *have* to do it. ;)

  2. Way to get me wanting to watch TD...

  3. I'd try to explain why many girls (including me, fml) like men that aren't masculine, but I'm not really sure. I think they're just less intimidating and all :3 Oi, Clearly Unfocused, you said you had an interest in psychology. Explain this strange phenomenon. ^^

    You can haz zzzzs.
