Tuesday 10 May 2011

He tits me off so much.

So, my lovelies [MissInvisible] and [ClearlyUnfocused] decided with me today that we should all make this the title of our next blog post. I don't know if I actually got the right title, or if they'll go through with making it their's, but that's not the point. The title of this post is what it is, full stop. Maybe it's nine people's favourite thing? Gah, [tos] songs stuck in my head. I'd say that I wanted them gone, but I don't, so I won't say that.
This week has been quite strange so far. Monday morning, I turn up to form, only to be told that our school has won some United Nations competition, and that representatives from the UN, as well as the media, are coming to our school on Wednesday. Apparently Grade 11 and 12 are getting to trial some driving simulator. Now, if there is anyone who is going to fail at operating a simulator, it would be me. I am to most unco-spastic-flailing-crazy in the world. So, guess who the teachers chose to a) operate the simulator in front over everyone and b) talk to the media (which, apparently, could include national news crews and reporters) about the school and the day. Yeah, for some insane reason, they chose me. I'll never understand why. Apparently it's because I'm a "confident and articulate young woman" and my Principal thought the idea of representative was "fantastic". Look, I promised myself that I would start taking life as it comes, and embracing all the opportunities that may come my way. So, hesitant about how well I will actually represent the school or not, I accepted. Not that, you know, you can really say no when your Principal asks you to do something of the sorts. Too be honest, I'm feeling very aprehensive about the whole thing, because, although I completely pwn at public speaking, I am not actaully confidant in myself at all. Usually, I'm able to put this asside, and ramble on in my loud voice about something that sounds slightly intelligent, but... media? I'm honestly hoping that a local reporter just turns up, because, I don't really believe our school has done much in terms of safe driver awareness, and I'm always forgetting the road rules myself, so if they ask me anything, I'm going to be hard pressed to actually find come up with a decent response. Plus, knowing me, I'll probably find some way to break their fancy simulator. Ask anyone I know, if there was anyone who would accidentally break important eqipment, it would be me. I mean, I accidentally dropped a school laptop twice today. Biggest. Klutz. Ever.

On a totally different note, I handed in my Music Composing and Analysing Repertoire assignments today. Words cannot describe how good it felt to finally be rid of them! For once, I was proud of my composition. It actually sounded somewhat professional, as opposed to a crotchet rhythm that a four year old could have written. Actually, I know that I composed some better stuff at the age of four than I did at the age of fourteen. That's kinda awkward. I still need to finish and hand in my Maths and Music Extension assignments next week, all of which I lack the motivation to do, but, oh well. I shall find it in myself to complete them, and complete them at least adequately well. Despite my moaning, I always do.

My attitude to school is getting better, suprisingly. I mean, it still sucks Dick from Hotel Sorrento, but I'm finally finding it in me to just bite the bullet and get on with things. It's about dang time! I had quite a few fun moments today. Most notably when my MusExt teacher had to rush home because her son was sick, and asked [ClearlyUnfocused] and I to find assorted members of the college and either send them to her, or inform them that senior choir was to be cancelled on account of her absence. [MissInvisible] is a member of the choir, because she is an amazing singer, so we went to find her first. We knew that she was in Chemistry and must therefore be in one of the science labs. Alas, we looked in the wrong lab first and ended up opening the door on a young science class. Awkward! Well, not as bad as yesterday, when I knocked on the door of senior Buisness class, to get the laptop trolley for my Music teacher, and ended up being abused by the Buiness teacher for daring to open the door. She hates me, even though I've never been rude to her, or had her for anything. I digress. We found the invisible one in the next science lab, and she was only too happy to come walkabouts with us, looking for more choir members. After all, the unfocused kid and I had no clue as to who else was actually in choir. On our journies, we went into many a classroom, proclaiming the good news, or bad, depending on wheather any of them were choir musos or not. At one classroom, [ClearlyUnfocused] spotted a serial Facebook-attention-whore and exclaimed "He really ticks me off!" Normal sentence, am I right? Of course, I heard it as "He really tits me off!" because that completely makes sense. We three then went on to try to claim it as a blog post title, so, there's the story of the title. N'aww.

There was also a fire drill today. The alarm went off, but it was so soft, that no-one in our Maths A class could actually hear it, and another teacher had to come and tell us to get out of the building. None of us really took it seriously, and as [GoJo] and I pointed out, the alarm wasn't very alarming. Turns out that some people had been welding, and there actually was a small fire. It's comforting to know that the one time that there actually is a fire, no-one suspects it.

[ClearlyUnfocused] just blew my mind by telling me that Nine People's Favourite Thing from [title of show] which, yes, actually has those bracket things, reference's RENT's Seasons of Love. I completely fail at intertextual referencing. Soooo, I'm kinda in love with [tos] at the moment. I'm sorry, but a musical about about two guys writing a musical about two guys writing a musical, filled with Broadway references, sexual jokes, and complete randomness, that breaks the fourth wall and manages to be as heartwarming as it is hilarious just equals win. I'm currently listening to [Untitled Opening Number]. The fact that they're pretty much just singing about what they're doing with the music makes me laugh so much. To say that I'm excited to see it again in June is the understatement of the century. I'm estatic to be seeing it again. My poor group of friends that are coming along this time. They must think that [ClearlyUnfocused] and I are on drugs, the way we sometimes talk about it. Scratch that, they probably think we're on drugs more when we're talking about a certian /cough/ voice actor of uhm, Spanish descent. And the show that he was in. No, we don't take anything.

Well, I shall leave y'all before I lack the self restraint to not bombard you with [tos] quotes.

[a.n : Yes, I originally got the title of this blog post wrong, but it has been edited. What now, bitches? Ooh, your song's dertivative. Anyways, I attribute this to the fact that, despite having an epic visual memory, I have the worst aural memory in the history of the world. My Mum told me that if I didn't put my lunchbox out by 5pm this afternoon, I'd have to do the washing up. Two minutes later, I'd already forgotten and ended up washing the dishes on my lonesome. Yay me.]


  1. You got the title wrong... Gosh.

  2. Gaaah. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't remember what you'd actually said. What can I say, my aural memory is completely abominable. I shall change it.

  3. You will be fine tomorrow bro. Trust me ;)
