Wednesday 18 May 2011

Our World is being controlled by stories... And I'm on afterlife TV!

Okay, so I was going to name this post "The awkward moment when Judas isn't hot," but the actual title gives me a lot more scope for writing. Mkay, fudgeballkids, here's how it goes. I just wrote 'hot is goes', before fixing the typo. No, there is nothing on my mind at all. Anyways, this post was triggered by two things that I love very much: my family, and Jesus Christ Superstar. So, it is now under a month until said musical has a return season, and, I'm starting to get excited. Yes, I'm starting to become total and utter exciteballs. In my opinion, JCS is the second best musical ever, when done well. The trouble is, pretty much no-one ever does it well. It's usually performed with sets that are strangeballstastic and actors that are less than attractive, both vocally and appearance-wise. This wasn't the case when I (twice) saw the show. The set was a fabulous, collapsing cathedral, that had a very Phantom-y feel, and the cast were young and attractive. Okay, so a chunk of the reason I loved that production so much was because I was all lustballs for the actor playing Judas. Tall, very well toned, black hair, vocal growls, passionate and fiery acting. I, and most of the other females in the audience, were practically drooling. I'll quote my own mother in saying "His arms were half the reason for going." So, imagine my dismay when I discover that in the return season, he is being replaced by someone much less attractive, and a little older. My reaction was something along the lines of:


Becuase, you know, that's not shallow at all. Actually, I feel really bad now. I was just totally going to bag the heckballs out of some performer that I haven't even seen, just because I'm not attracted to him. The character isn't even particularly meant to be attractive, but... I don't know. No matter what, I will miss the incredibly hot riffs and growls (oh, so eargasmic) of the last guy, as well as his physical attributes. But, that doesn't mean that the new guy won't be talented, right? Okay, this is so random, but, I've completely changed my mind. So, the guy isn't attractive, but he isn't unattractive. And he's a baritone, which can be very hot. If there's one thing that Anthony Warlow has proven, it's that you can be middle-aged and bald, and still have the hottest bari voice out, that makes people swoon. Reading this new dude's resume, he seems to have done a lot of stuff, and vocally challenging roles. So, I now haz love and high hopes for him! Maybe I'll even be attracted to his talent? Yay for suddenly not being shallowballserific and full of hope and expectations for the new guy!

Now, moving on to the actual title of the post. My mother's reaction to aforementioned topic was even more hilarious than mine. If you didn't know what we were talking about, you would have thought that someone had actually died. In hindsight, it was absolutely hilarious, to the point where it almost felt scripted. Which brings me to my point: my life is often so over the top and ridiculous, it would not surprise me if I was merely a form of entertainment for someone, or thing. I'm being deadly serious, I really feel like my (and my family's) life is set up to be watched, sometimes. If it was, we'd be ridiculously entertaining, not to gloat. We're not half as messed up as most families these days, but we're wholesome (if you take away the sexual humour. Who shares naughty jokes with their Christian parents?) and incredibly crazy. If I were God, I'd watch us a lot. Not that he'd need to be specific, but omnipresently awesome and all, but, surely he must have favourites. Most parents say that they don't love one child more than the other. Well, I'm going to be a terrible parent, in that case. I'm sure that when I have children, I'll take favourites. That's not to say that I would love all my munchkin kiddiewinkles more than anything, I'm just sure that one kid is bound to be that bit more interesting than the others. I'm the more interesting kid in my family, but, my sister is prettier and less weird. Personally, I'd fave me over her, but, you know. Sibling rivalry much? I do love my sister very much, we're just binary opposites. She's pretty, and normal, and fairly popular, and naive, and not exactly, erm, that smart. And I'm crazy, nerdy, intellectual, pretty much socially inept and, not unattractive, but not as good looking as her. If she was Jane Bennett, I'd be Elizabeth, except we don't get on as well, and I'm older.

Back on topic, I often wonder if our lives are just a story, or something along the lines of The Sims. This sort of determinism bothers some people, but it really amuses me. It is total funnyponderingballstastica. Do you like my new way of describing things? I find it totally rad, dudes. Anyway, thinking of myself as being intelligently designed, or at least watched, is sort of comforting, in the way that, it means that my life is not insignificant. Ehehe. Just think about it, The [demisemiquavergirl] Show! Like The Truman Show, but heaps of balls and ninjas better. And yeah, I really would make an awesome protagonist. Wait, nooooo, I didn't just say that. According to the story [AnonymousAlbino] and I made up, I will be the Arch-Antagonist of the World, when he makes it a totalitarian society. He'll rule the world, and I'll go underground, scheming, plotting and fighting. And [ClearlyUnfocused] will be his top assassin, but when she goes to kill me, she'll fall in love with me, and then be torn between her duty and her heart. I'm guessing that everyone ends up dead, but it's a cool story, eh? I just had to make myself the antagonist. I often loves me some antagonists.

Have you ever felt like your life was a story, or something was too ironic to not have been scripted? Ponder it, bromigos. Oh! Do you like my shoddy, new, paint-made background? I was asking myself the other day "Just how can I make my blog more epic?" and I came up with two solutions. The first was whinging less, and the second was adding ninjas. It's like the trope Everything's Better with Princesses, except, ninja style! So, I'd like to introduce you to my ninja. His name is Excalibur, because everything's also better with swords. Oh, and he can only speak in LOLcat. And sometimes, we don't get along. I think I see a BST relationship blossoming, though, so it's all good. He's kinda self conscious, hence why he always wears his ninja gear. Oh, and if you mess with me, you "Can haz nun chuck in teh eye." You've been warned, peeps who with they were also ninjas with cool names.

//I'd just like to say, I'm not a big fan of animating with Paint or anything, but I have no idea how to draw, so, that's how Excalibur is going to make his cameo appearances. Word. :3

Yeah, I got nunchuck'd for my Judas rant. Sorry, Excalibur!


  1. OMG I love you!!!!! <3

    'Nuff said...

  2. Dude. Epic love flowing round you right now. I am lovin' Excalibur too. He can haz love flowin' round him too, word.
