Saturday 4 June 2011

What about my dreams?

I'm starting to think I accidentally inhaled some of the marijuana my neighbour was smoking on his front porch the other day. Seriously guys, I had the strangest dream the other night, after my stargazing times. I stayed out looks at the stars for a good hour, while my lovely neighbour was getting high, not too far away. I didn't even realise this until my dear Mama came out and asked "Pff! Is [WC] smoking the pot? Because it seriously smells like marijuana out here," to which I responded by telling her that our friendly neighbourhood smoker had been out smoking for at least half an hour before leaving. I suddenly became freaked out that my mother knew the smell of said drug so well, but I wasn't about to ask her about it. Unlike her, I hadn't noticed at all. However, when she went back inside, he came back out and started yelling at random objects that may or may not have even existed, so I gathered that my mother was right in assuming he was getting high. I thought he only smoked cigarettes. Lovely.

Anyway, I am dedicating this post to both types of dreams: the ones you have while you're asleep and the ones that pertain to aspirations. Let's start with the ones you have while your asleep. Friday night, I had one of the strangest dreams ever. It was strange in the sense that it actually made sense. I mean to say, it had a proper storyline and wasn't just completely randomwaffles thrown together. Well, it was, but it still had a logical sequence. It wasn't completely devoid of execution, so I was a little bummed, but it was still pretty interesting and not particularly scarring. Now, you must first understand that this dream was probably triggered by a number of factors, these being:

- I was listening to David Harris' CD before I went to sleep
- I had 'Let Me Be Your Wings' from Thumbelina stuck in my head before I went to sleep. This was a big trigger. It's lucky that I don't feel shame for still loving animated films that I loved as a child.
- I was/am so hyped that I'm seeing Jesus Christ Superstar in two weeks time.
- I was in my room. I know that sounds like a weird trigger, but it became a setting, sooo...
- I had been looking at the stars. Duh.
- The most beautiful sky I have ever seen was in Miles, an outback town in Southwest Queensland. I remember looking at the starry sky the night I stayed there, and being completely in awe of just how clearly you could see the stars. I live semi-rurally, so I always have a pretty uncontaminated view of the sky, but this was just something else.

That said, here's a transcript of what I wrote down after waking up from the dream. If it doesn't make sense, or is written badly, it's because I was still half asleep, and I cannot be bothered to alter what I wrote. Note: Thar be many tense changes, me hearties!

The dream started with me going for a walk around the outback with a small group of my family and friends. It was nighttime, and we slowly navigated our way around the trees and assorted sandstone rocks, walking through the bush. We came to a cliff, and I looked up at the sky, getting a good view of it for the first time. As I looked up at the beautiful stars, I realised that I must have been near Miles, otherwise the stars wouldn't have looked so pretty. I walked along the edge of the cliff, and came across an old man, sitting by a campfire. He told me that the area was surrounded by strange myths and legends, and that I should be careful of that fact.

Suddenly, I found myself shrunken to the size of a mere doll, and in a house. It looked like my house, but I was sure that it was not. It then dawned on me that I was Thumbelina. With this knowledge, I didn't want to stay in a boring house, I wanted to explore the World. As I thought about this, an old woman came up to me and beseeched me not to leave, telling me that she had always wanted a child and it would break her heart if I left. I lied and told her that I wouldn't leave. After she left the room (which seriously looked exactly like my room. I even remember sitting on my own windowsill) the fair prince appeared. He told me that he was also trapped in the house, and wanted to break free. My memory of this part is vague, but I remember attempting to escape with him many times, and eventually becoming friends. After our attempts failed, we became desperate and broke out one of the glass windows of the room. He flew out onto the street, and I jumped out of the window, running as fast as I could, and hoping that the old woman would not catch me. After running for a while, I suddenly decided that I really, really wanted to kiss the fairy prince (I facepalm'd writing that), but he insisted that we find some shelter. For some reason, it started becoming dark really quickly, and we raced around, trying to find shelter before it was too dark to see anything. However, the only place we knew of to stay was the house we had just escaped from, and neither of us wanted to go back. So, we resolved to simply lie down on the grass, and huddle for warmth. Heartbroken that we had left, the old lady came looking for us. She found as sleeping on the grass, but did not take us back to her house, for she knew that to be happy, we had to be free.

The next morning, the fairy prince and I began looking for the kingdom (what? Did you think princes just appeared out of thin air?) he was from. After much traumatic searching, and the words "I'm glad you weren't paired as heterosexual life partners with anyone, because that means you can be paired with me, because I love you" being said be him at some stage, we found the kingdom. All the people were gathered around the town square/grass area thing to watch the execution of a joker who was a paedophile. I was horrified by this, and the fairy prince, seeing how much this bothered me, decided to distract everyone by flying above the crowd and announcing his return. The people were so overjoyed to see the prince whom they had thought was lost, that they let the criminal go in celebration. The fairy prince then announced that he had finally found the love of his life, and had brought her back with him. I had a fangirl moment to myself in the dream, before becoming desperate to reach him, and running through the crazy crowd. However, they would not part, and I started to cry, calling his name and hoping that the people would realise that I was the one we was talking about, and let me through. Still, no-one would let me through, and I became more of a tearful mess. Suddenly the fairy prince flew down, scooped me up in his arms, took me flying into the sky above the crowd and kissed me (erm. This is the first (pooossibly second) time I have ever dreamt that I kissed someone :#3 Shuddup. I iz innocent). We then left the festive crowd and went back to a small house. I fell asleep. the next day, we went to the King and Queen's court. The prince told his parents that he wished to abolish the death penalty, because I didn't agree with it. It was agree upon, and all was well.

Suddenly, everyone turned against the prince. He was arrested and beaten my a mob of officials and I all could do was scream and cry in horror. All of the sudden, there were a group of weirdos singing the 'Because of One Man' theme from Jesus Christ Superstar and I found myself being forced to sing along, and walking a metaphorical tightrope. Quite quickly, it dawned on me the the story had changed: if this was now JCS, then my poor fairy prince that had fought for my beliefs would surely be crucified! I ran around the town, seeing if there was anything I could do to help, but it was useless. When I returned to the castle, I found the fairy prince beaten and battered, telling his parents that he regretted nothing he had done, because it was for God and for me. I think my mind blocked me from having to see this character/figment of the imagination suffer any further, because the setting suddenly changed.

The whole story I had just lived was revealed to merely have been a movie, being watched my my mother when she was five years old and in a school classroom. Her teacher told her that they were watching the film, because it had apparently been filmed at the beachside town they lived in (funnily enough, my mother actually did grow up in a beachside town). There is a visual metaphor of a bird trapped in a water tank, trying to escape. Suddenly, the dream flashed forward to current times and my mother was telling me about the movie/story, while we were shopping for clothes in a 'gothic lolita thrift shop'. I tell her that I was the girl in the story, but she ignores me, and tells me to try on clothes. I walk out of that shop and go to another one, where [TenutoTuo] is working. We share some lame fashion jokes, and I find myself working in the store. I think of the fairy prince and wonder which reality was real. At this point, I actually wake up. Everything was a fantasy; merely a dream.

Yes, I dreamt all of that. I kid you not. I have no idea how I remembered it all, but I'm glad that I wrote it down straight away, because it's all pretty fuzzy now. How crazy is that? I think I should write a story about this. Not really, because no-one would probably read it. Still, it was a pretty cool dream.

Now, on to aspirations. Today, I was looking at the website for the largest university in my city; the one that I plan to study at next year. I've been thinking of studying abroad at some stage, so I went to the relevant page on their website. Somehow, I got myself to the page of a University in Spain that does exchange with the one I want to go to, and has opportunites for Hispanic studies for international students. When I saw this, and then read up on it, I thought I was going to cry. I would love to study abroad for a semester, doing Hispanic studies, especially given the courses that they offer for it. And, seeing as I am going to majoring in Spanish, I'm guessing that if I work hard enough, it really is a possibility. I'll admit, it is ka-chinga! And I have to have done uni for at least two years before I can apply for it. However, if I work hard and manage to get a job and save, who knows? I finally have something to aim for, and aim for it, I shall! Because, as much as loves me my life, friends and fam, going to a different country and meeting new people and studying something that really interests me just sounds so wonderful. Is it bad that I'd kinda maybe love to just do something different from everyone else? It's really great that many of my friends are going to be doing Arts with me next year, and I'm glad that I'll still probably get to see them around. But, I want to be different from everyone else. I don't want to just do the same thing as everyone else is. I'm hoping that this program will allow me to break free a little, and give me a sense of "You know what? I did something big, and scary, and outside my comfort zone. Something that not many people get to do. I'm proud of this."

I could rant about how awesome this course looks for ages, but I shall restrain myself. I should probably stop blogging, and revise for my Maths test, which is on Tuesday. Random fact: The title of this post came from the song of the same title by Kati Wolf, who represented Hungary in Eurovision 2011. Word.

Oh, and [ClearlyUnfocused] this totes doesn't mean that I'm bailing on our Espana trip at the end of uni. You and me will haz awesome Spain timez fosho. There is no way that that isn't happening, because I have been looking forward to it way too much ;D

1 comment:

  1. I think TenutoTuo should definitely work in a fashion store bro.
    Isn't the Maths test on Wednesday?

    Dude best dream /ever/
