Wednesday 8 June 2011

Life in Demisemiquavers: The Abridged Post

Gosh, I love that feeling I get when the clock strikes 11p.m, and for some reason, I suddenly feel compelled to blog. My mind has been a complete whirlpool these past few days, and I have much to rant about. However, as wonderful as the night is, I know that to function properly tomorrow, I need to sleep tonight. Therefore, I'm making an abridged post! I wish I could make this post even half as funny as an abridged series (then again, some of them seriously lack humour and taste), but my brain is frizzled in the shizzle... drizzle. That totally reminds me of this mobile phone advertisement I saw in Hawaii. There were different stereotypes posting their way of saying 'LOL' on this full-keypad phone. I was as such:

Nerd: That's insanium in the cranium!
Goth: I'm laughing on the dark and pitiful inside.
Muso: /singing/ Shake ya funny makeeerr... Shake it. Shake it hard.

Okay, so nothing I said even appear there, but I said that it reminded me of it. My mind like to go on weird paths and tangents. Maybe it's not a linear narrative. Non-linear narratives are going to either be the success or the death of me. Only the next week will tell! Away with this tarrying, let the abridged areas of my life begin!

The Good:
Most assessment is finished for the term! To top this off, exam block allows me to have tomorrow off school, and Monday is a public holiday. Somewhere under 100 days left of school, ever. Did I mention the I go on proper holidays in a week and a half, too? Yeah, this is damn fine. Holidays always means more time to do lots of crazy things. So, expect moarrrrr random from my bloggings once they begin!

The Bad:
Well, I do still have assessment. Everyone is sick, and I'm starting to join that club. And, Noodleton. Just... urgh. Anyone who knows what I'm talking about, knows what I'm talking about /eyeroll/ My multiple discussions with him today only fuelled my dislike of him both personally and professionally. Especially the one in the afternoon. He's so smart, but he really needs to learn how to do his job properly.

The School:
English Extension is the only subject I have yet to be assessed for this term. I have a draft due tomorrow, which I have not even started. The lecture is due and week and a day from today. Despite having talked to my teacher about the assignment, I'm still pretty baffled. My main steam English teacher was much more helpful, thankfully. Not that I'm supposed to have talked to him or anything... Gotta love the teacher wars at my school. That aside, I don't know how I'm going to do the assignment. I've seen the structure for the defense now, so that's how good. However, I still don't really know how I'm going to do a complex transformation of Dracula. I've decided to give Mina the power role, and therefore most likely write from her perspective. Seeing as my chosen theorist insists that linear narratives restrict the freedoms of women, I'm going to have to make my transformation completely random. Emails dated at different times are seriously looking like my main option right now. Not that I know what to put in those emails. Yeah, I'm as stuffed as a teddy bear.

The Anime:
I've started watching yet another anime! Seriously, I always seem to get into anime that either have really strange names or premises, or ones that just aren't that well known or popular. Well, not always, but that has been a trend recently (excluding Shugo Chara! because, dayum that's popular). My newest anime obsession is no exception to this. In fact, it doesn't even have it's own TVTropes page, despite having a loyal and not-tooo-small following. Hakushaku to Yousei, which translates to "Earl and Fairy" would be the anime I'm talkin' 'bout. When I saw the English translation of the title, I literally headdesk'd. I mean, I've had to tell people for a few months now that my favourite anime is Princess Tutu, which makes me sound like a brainless fairytale-loving child, when in reality, the show has an almost exclusively adult following, who respect it for it's metaphysical elements and the way in which it deconstructs reality, whilst parodying theatre and fairytale genre. On top of the awesome characters and shipping. But, I'm getting off track again. I was "totes devo" that my new anime obsession had a name that was almost equally as childish-sounding. Thankfully, it's most often called by the Japanese name, so let's stick with Hakushaku to Yousei.

It is set in 19th century London, and tells the story of 17-year-old Lydia Carlton, a 'fairy doctor' whose world is turned upside down when she accidentally gets involved with Lord Edgard Ashenbert (and by 'accidentally invovled', I mean kinda abducted, kinda forced to run for her life with. Whoot death plots). I'm pretty sure that Edgar's actually a criminal on the run, and his real name is John. But he's not really bad? And his name might actually be Edgar? Yeah, three episodes in, and I still don't understand him at all. He totally has a servant named Raven, who everyone seems to fangirl over. Not that Edgar doesn't also have his share of fangirls. This isn't at all surprising, seeing as he looks like Usui from Kaichou wa Maid Sama! (did I get the spelling right, ClearlyUnfocused? I didn't bother checking it). They are both fangirl-worthy. The ending credits are just blatantly fanservice-y. I was thinking to myself "What demographic is this made for? It's too intense to be for children. It's got too many romantic moments to be for men. Then who?" A few minutes later, I saw the ending creit animation, which consists on shots of the show's male characters nude, presumably sleeping on beds, and only covered on their lower torso by a sheet. I was all "Riiiiight. This is for young women! ZOMG! THAT MEANS I'M ACTUALLY PART OF THE INTENDED DEMOGRAPHIC FOR ONCE. SCORE!" I'm really loving it. Romance + mystery + different time period + a little bit of violence + anime mancandy + some fantasy = win for me! Aaaaanyways, as much as this anime hooked me in from pretty much the first second I watched it, I'm not too sure what's going on. Well, I think I know what's going on, but I don't know how to explain it. Which is probably good, because I have made this section way to fat already. WHY DOES EVERYTHING I HAVE GET OBESE? D:

The Theatre:
This weekend, I'm seeing the hilariously awesome return season of [title of show] with my galpals, which shall be wonderful! Then, next Friday and Saturday night, I'm seeing the return season of Jesus Christ Superstar, which I am incredibly excited about as well! And, I have just received word that I'm flying interstate to see Don Giovanni at the opera house with my uncle and grandparents in October.

The Religious:
Because I am in a religious mood, I saved the best until last. I don't believe in forcing one's religion on others, but this is my blog, and I would like to share a verse that I have always loved. Et hem.

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a great voice from the throne saying, "Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people and Gos himself will be with them; he will wipe every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away."
Rev. 21:1-4

This never fails to fill me with such wonderful hope. We must remember that, being from Revelation, there's going to be a lot of symbolism kicking off, and a lot of things that simply don't make sense in our culture and context. But, the underlying message of hope for the future still rings through. I personally think what it means is this: Everything is temporary, and will come to pass. Enjoy what you have, while you can, as it will not last. However, pain and suffering shall also pass, and one day, when all these worldly things and feelings are gone, you will be left in the peace of God, who loves you, and all shall be well.

God has been so good to me lately. Being the sinner that I am, I got frustrated with Him, and said that he wasn't in my life enough. The next day, a series of ridiculously ironic things happened, and I gained a lot more direction. Yeah, He was all "Bitch, please. I'm always here, you just haven't been looking for me." What can I say? My God is an awesome God.

Aw nuts, I've gone and spent way too long on this post anyway. SHITAKIMUSHROOMCAKES! It's almost midnight, and I've got a long day tomorrow, thanks to the existence ofExtEng. Goodnight, moon children!

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