Sunday 12 June 2011

Oh, those vampires won't let you be.

My brain has been partially deceased lately, thus inhibiting me from blogging. Well, not really, because if it had been, I would be seriously worried and probably in hospital right now, as opposed to in front of a laptop. My brain is feeling quite dull right now, though, so I'm going to do the whole subcategories thing to keep myself writing. You know that I'm not thinking straight when I spontaneously decided to write like a middle aged man, rather than a teenage girl. Just to keep it young and fresh here, I'm going to add a 'word'. Word.

[title of show] kills my vampires.

Is epic. "I'm trying to write a musical about two guys writing a musical about two guys writing a musical." Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Four people. Four chairs. A semi-mute guy on piano. Hilarious dialogue. Wonderful score. Excellent cast. Touching moments. Smart lyrics. Yes, I just incorrectly used full-stops multiple times for effect, so eat me. The title of this post comes from the song Die, Vampire, Die, which is about not letting what others say and your own insecurities get in the way of your creative expression. The wonderful thing about this musical is, while is it really, really funny, it is also highly relatable and has a great message. I've been dealing with many vampires of my own lately. That said, on to the next sub-heading!

The Vampire of Despair...

I really do go in circles with my problems. Saturday night was such a high, but yesterday saw me completely crash and burn in a blubbering mess. My way of dealing with life is "hold everything in, until you explode". This cataclysmic event happens about once every two months, and dear goodness, you don't want to be around when it happens. Cue "I've already failed at life and I'm never going to get anywhere" rant. [tos] line time!

You know when you're sick and you're like "Please don't throw up... please don't throw up!" then you throw up and you're all "I feel better... why didn't I throw up sooner?" I'm just sorry I threw up on you guys.

I should say that to my parents, because they are usually left with the lovely task of cleaning up my word-vomit. Well, everything is chuck-free now, thank goodness. Don't y'all just love insecurities, though?

Dracula... Literally draining me of blood.

Why thank you English Extension teacher, for not giving me back my draft that I sent you on Thursday. What I mean by that is "You man-bitch! Gimme my draft back, so I can do your stupid-ass assignment for Thursday, crackers!"

Did you just call me 'crackers'? Is this character black?

I have no f'idea how to finish the assignment. Getting a draft back won't help this, but at least it will give me a reason to work on it.

And when they come, run like Hell, see those bats on your Belfry,then call on Vanhelsing.

Anime may as well be a vampire, because...

It's draining me of life juices! I've invested waay too much time watching Hakushaku to Yousei lately. It's so addictive! Sadly, the anime only shows the first part of the story, so I'm trying to read the light novels. Only two of the twenty-five have been translated from Japanese to English, though, which is devastating. If any Japanese translators are reading this, pretty, pretty please translate them. If I had money, I'd totally pay you. Unfortunately, I'm broke. Can I pay you in love?

So. Many. Bishies.

Pop-culture vampires are lame.

They really are. I don't know what Stephanie Meyer was on when she decided that vampires should sparkle in the sun. But, let's not get into a pop culture rant. I've changed my mind, let's do it. You know who really annoys me in popular culture? Enrique Iglesias. I loved him when he sang cheesy-pop about being people's hero. Even his virtually unheard of uber-old Spanish stuff was cool. His recent music just makes me want to cut my ears off, though. Tonight I'm F*ckin' You- have you no standards, man? I see young teenagers writing "zomg. enrique iz soooo hawt and romantic. could he be an sexxier?" with regards to this song. Girls, if a man ever walks up to you anywhere and says this, I don't care if he looks like Enrique, please punch him in the mouth. He is obviously only an egotistical jerk ass who only cares about sex, or isn't man enough to act like a gentleman. Content aside, the amount of auto tune used on his recent album is appalling. It completely ruins any talent that he had, and gets rid of all the remaining traces of Spanish-ness in his voice. In conclusion: I don't care if Enrique is seriously one of the most attractive people alive (sigh. He has such beautiful lips. What? I warned you all that I notice people's mouth more than anything), his recent album was so disappointing, I revoked my status as a fan of him. Sadly, I still live in the hope that he will stop trying to be so annoyingly mainstream, but I doubt this will ever happen. Rant over, word.

Yeah, well, I no happy with you either.

Only four days left of blood-sucking goodness.

Hallelujah! That garlic must be working, because the vampire that is school is going to hide in it's coffin for three weeks in just four days time. I swear, it vants to suck my blood. Grade 12 be no fun, my homies. Well, academically fun anyway.

Yeah, I can imagine my Biol class being the same. Mwahahaa.

And that's the wrap up. Enjoy your evening, children!

1 comment:

  1. Give me 3 and a half years and I'll be through with Japanese at uni, meaning I can translate them for you. By then someone else probably would have, though... x3
