Tuesday 21 June 2011

My trusty steed, erm, ninja? Dog?

I am not a dog person. I have never been a dog person. I will never be a dog person. Up until the age of thirteen and a half, I owned a cat, who I loved very much. He wasn't very needy; he'd come and snuggle up with me in bed at night, and be a good companion when I needed one. One day, out of the blue, he had a seizure, was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and died that night. And there I was, left with a six-month-old puppy that my family had bought only a few months prior to that event, no longer able to call myself a crazy cat owner. This puppy could not have been more different from the cat; he would bite, cry, want constant attention and jump around with the energy of someone on drugs. Actually, in the three-and-a-half years I have owned my dog, he hasn't changed much from that description at all. He is still completely needy and psycho, but, luckily for him, he is also the most attractive dog in the world.

Sirius Black-ear, dalmatian extraordinaire. That's right guys, my dog's name is a Harry Potter reference. Whoot. Actually, he was named after the star Sirius, which is part of the Orion constellation, and is the 'dog star'. As his name says, he has an ear. It is black as black can be. His eyes also both have black spots on them, as does his nose. Unlike most dalmatians, the rest of his face is completely white, making him look kinda like a seal or a baby panda. I don't know, but it's cute, either way. Most people describe him as "A good looking idiot." That pretty much sums him up. He fits into our family perfectly; we're all spotty, yet good looking and incredibly silly.

I had the most amazing plan for today: to put on my hawt-dayum black cape, and get my dog to bite onto a hula-hoop, so I could run/ride around, pretending to be somewhat of a cross between Zorro and Dracula. But with a dog. I'd done something similar before, so I assumed that, loving to bite things, my dog would chomp on and take me riding. Apparently not. For some reason, he appears to have contracted hoop-a-phobia, and decided that he would run around, using only three of his four legs whenever I brought the hoop near him. I don't know why seeing a hoop would stop you for using one of your legs, but he's special like that. I should give him to new nickname of El Tripodo.

... not that he doesn't already have enough nicknames. My family is massive on nicknames. We don't really ever call each other by our real names. In fact, we don't use the correct name for most things. Pets have always attracted weird nicknames. Sirius, for example has been called everything from the predictable Siri to just plain weird things like Chimbo Chambo Chunky Chingles, Dangles Mercutio, Dangy-Yoo, Dan-gee, Pig-Snout, Siri a la Biri and Lotsa-Spots, amongst many others. No wonder the poor dog still doesn't know his name.

Anyways, he my little spotty ninja. He may be the biggest pain in the butt, but his crazy antics never fail to amuse me. He'll eat anything, just because he shouldn't. Like toads. And stuffed toys. And plastic. And whatever he can get out of bins. And his own vomit. And blue powder that he found today that may or may not be drugs from my neighbour's yard. Yum-ee. Weirdly, he is the least vicious dog I've ever come across. He got partially mauled by a dog a few year ago, and he just stood there and cried, rather than attacking. It was pretty heartbreaking. He'll even try to share his bone with you, which is gross, but very un-doglike. And he'll come up and lick potential intruders, and wag his tail at them. Excellent guard dog that he is.

So, hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to persuade my spotty ninja dog that running around with hoops is for cool kids. I mean, that's a crazy antic that I wanted to blog about, but he went and ruined/stole the show. Good on ya, Dangles. Yeah, despite the fact that I am allergic to dogs, and easily get annoyed by their need for companionship, I love my spotty ninja thing. Ohohoh, I totally played hide-and-seek with him the other day. And tag, because we're cool like that. Word. And with that, I will leave you with the [tos]sary definition of word, seeing as I use it far too much. Peace out, cupcakes!

Word - Street vernacular. Short for "word to your mother." As in, "Word."


//A.N: I still can't comment on anyone's blog. Okay, some maybe Internet Explorer and Google Chrome are both just dodgy. Or Blogger hates me. I don't know, but it's annoying as anything. I really want to comment, guys! So, I'm really not ignoring everyone's posts here. I know whiteribbon is having the same problem, so maybe Blogger just hates us both. Or we're just too cool to comment. Word. Aw crudballs, I really need to stop saying that... Writing. Word. Nuts.