Wednesday 13 April 2011

And All That Jazz...

I just realised that I have eaten five different types of chips today. Yes, that is most interesting fact you will ever hear in your lifetime. Ew. Why would I do that? Fruit and vege FTW. Now that I have you relatively bored, let's get down to the actual post.

Well, another school day is over. Thank the good Lord. Today can be summed up in one word: boring. It wasn't hard, and it wasn't even dreadful, it was just plain blech. Such an academic adjective, I know. Oh, riiiight, that reminds me. My ExtEng assignment is due tomorrow. Meh, I've already finished it, so, that doesn't bother me. I think my sudden change in attitude is really annoying teachers. In two days, I have gone from being a renowned teacher's pet, to someone who teachers just kinda sarcastically laugh at. So, dear teachers, my lack of doing everything isn't because I'm a slacker idiot, it's because I'm going through something. When I try and tell you that I'm struggling to get my head in the right space, hence my lack of full-on work, and that recent times have been really tough for me, please don't just laugh uncomfortably at me. You know, acting supportive would be really nice. Waaaait, I'd forgotten. You only like people who are topping the class and going overboard with their work. Does not being that person for a few days really give me a new reputation? Eh. I don't really mind if it does. I don't actually want to go back to caring about every single detail of my work. I should, but, for some reason, I feel like it's an achievement for me to have moved on from that. It's more like a backwards step. Heh. That's just too bad.

It has come to my attention that I have a follower on this Blog, who I don't know in my normal life. Greetings, person! :3

Okay, that was thoroughly random. I should go and start my second MusExt assignment... Or fix up my first. Actually, I have no idea how to do either of those things. I would work on them if I knew how, but I don't. I thought I did, but yeah, now I am just really confused. I don't want to do nothing, because I've already annoyed my music teacher at least four times in two days [record!] but, I literally cannot think of what to do. At all. Ohohoh, but I did do pretty well in Instrumental music today. Much better than I thought I would. As much as instrumental depresses me, and adds stress to my life, it's become such a huge part of me. School wouldn't be school if I didn't miss at least one class during the week to go chill at the instrumental room, or annoy the librarian by asking for lots of photocopies of sheet music, or jammin' with my muso crew [yeah bros!] There is still a place in my heart for it, which is saying something, because if my heart was a shop, it would have just had the biggest clearance sale ever. So, unlike everything else, I'm going to try a little harder than I have been with it. Whoot effort!

I'm still feeling uneasy though, like there's something that should be in my life/happening that just isn't. I hope I can deal with that feeling soon, because it really is dragging me down. Ah! The epic moment when you realise that you have a spare first thing tomorrow, and therefore you can work on your ExtMus assignment then instead of tonight. I am officially in a good mood.

I iz choosing SCHMILE! ... for the first time in a while. Be proud!

As such, my life continues as, well, I'd say normal, but it's not. Let's leave it as this: my life continues. My emotions may be fluxuating more than InuYasha's do when he's on his man period [and man, that is some crazy emotion] but, that's okay. I have faith that everything will be alright, even if it's feeling messed up now. Aw. I'm all empowered at the moment, so, I should end on that feeling. That's all, folks!

1 comment:

  1. Mmm, chips. My apologies =P
    Welcome to the not caring club. Whoop whoop~
