Wednesday 27 April 2011

199 Bottles of Beer... And Other Random Thoughts

Yeah, that song just came into my head. Maybe it's because it's ten thirty, and I'm still procrastinating/working on assignments. Usually, I would have given up two hours ago, buuuuut, I promised myself that I'd get at least 1000 words for my second MusExt assignment tonight, and I don't intend on backing down on that promise... Even if I do still have three hundred words to go. My mind is really jumping from random thought to random thought at the moment, so, I figured, why not have a blog post that consists of all the random rubbish that goes through my head? I'll probably go back and forth between this and the assignment, so warning, this may be excessively random, but hopefully a little bit entertaining. Alrighty then, let the randominification of thoughts begin!

LOLpostbeer. Is that a sea shanty? "It's a sea shantyyyy, and it's darn catchyyyyy!"

Accordion! ... wait. Accordion = Stereo Love = Fail AMV = TDWT = Marco Grazzini = Dude, where's my toothpaste? = Excessive fangirl = moarrrrr laughter = ...wait, what?

Random fact: I write assignments 5x faster when listening to the Overture from Ruslan and Ludmilla. True story. Too bad that listening to it also makes me feel like I have to write very fast, therefore provoking me to get all angsty and ready to yell at anything. You don't want to walk in on me when I'm assignmenting and listening to that song, unless you want me to go all "ROARRR!" on you. I would have said 'rawr', but I always think of that as... Kinda sexual. Spesh kiddo.

For someone who claims to be nocturnal, I suck at staying up later than 11pm.

I HAZ A SNUGGIE! <3 :3 /mutters/ It's actually pretty epic.

... oh, I could do with a hug right now ... Actually, a romantic hug would be really nice. /hits self over heaf/ Idiota! Focus!

... oh dear, I said focus... Except, I just went to a delirious world of fangirl instead. /zomes out/ NOOO TEH ASSIGNMENT.

Awh crudballs. I just remembered that I have to get up early for band tomorrow, and I have to stay at school til 6pm. Fml? Nah. Just lameballs... "Loser is what the lion called you, when you couldn't find your baaaaaaalls... /awkward/ tranq balls, that is..." Must. Resist. Quoting.

I WANTS FRUIT! OMNOMNOMNOM. I wish strawberries were in season. Mmmm...

Oooh. I is reading everyone's blog posts ^^) .. wait, I mean, I'm doing my assignment...


/resists urge to quote Fakir/ ... must. not. But, ooh, Fakir. I should watch some Tutu. NO! Assignment. Oh crudballs, only 15mins left til I said I would go to bed. MUST. FOCUS...

My eyeballs hurt, wanna trade? Gotta catch em all... like, whaa?

The awkward moment when your internet explorer shows you that you read the FakirxAhiru roleplaying livejournal more than you use Google... and I use Google a lot. /awkward whistle/


... I'm gonna die, defying gravity. MUST DO ASSIGNMENT. Something tastes like chicken 0_0

I have Quad City Stomp stuck in my head. I never thought I'd write this, but, orz ... Yeah.

Edward Cullen insults my status as a vampire. C'mon, I have pale skin, dark hair, I don't react well to light [or garlic, for that matter] and I thrive at night. I'm more of a vampire than he'll ever be. Grrr sparkles.

... oooooh, sparkles. "Leeeeeet me be your wings, let me take you high above, let me take you far beyond the staaars" ... wait, nyahhh, focus! I wrote 30 words more for the assignment. Skillz.

Time limit up, and I don't have enough words. I fail at life AHAHAHA. Maniac much? Eh, I'll just have to get less sleep...

Ohai headache... Hands touch... eyes meeeeet. Erm. Hands are sore, so are eyes. I don't know how I'm Not That Girl morphed into a complaint. Ehh.

"Ehehehehehe. You are a whore!" Of all the Fez quotes to suddenly attack my brain... What the heck?

The world is a dystopia... Mmm. Well, not really. But, yeah, really. I don't know what I'm saying anymore.

Brain fuzzy. Going to get off blogger now and work, because I just remembered that I also haven't done the English homework. "Dude, you really suck." Yes Ryuk, yes I do... :)

1 comment:

  1. Be proud, that made me laugh heartily, bro.
    Loved all of your... fangirling :)
