Monday 7 November 2011

Burns, Turns and Fatemobiles

Everybody bring your spandex and break out in funky disco moves, because I've rediscovered the existence of this blog. Ah, I've missed this fluorescent ninja party in hyperspace, I can tell you! That's not what you want to hear though. Where have I been? How have I been? Was I abducted by aliens, impregnated and forced to give birth through my mouth? Sadly, my dear children, I do not live in Strangetown, so this is not possible. I have actually been doing things with my life, though. For once, not of the pranking-people-while-sleeping-and-skipping-like-a-boss kind, but cool stuff all the same.

Sadly, I now have a job and am actually contributing to society. I know, I know, raping the Earth and taking up valuable oxygen was so much better. That was sarcasm, by the way. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm a bit of a greenie. Yes, Al Gore forever and whatnot. Oh, speaking of which, I'm totally a vegetarian now. I mean, I try to be a vegetarian, but can't always be for fear of getting an iron deficiency. I hear that it's not rather fun. But anyways, yay veggies. Back on topic, this carbon based life-form finally got employed. I work in a restaurant doing basically everything but cooking, and it is very intense! Apparently I'm great serving customers, and I have a good work ethic, but my mopping is 'adorably bad' and I can't put anything in the back room in the right place. In my defense, no-one ever showed me where to put anything in the back room, or how to mop. I swear I'm trying my hardest! 

Actually, I'm having quite a bit of fun working hard. It's nice to know that you're actually doing something for someone other than yourself, even if it is just a family of hyperactive Indians and customers wanting to fill their gut. It's nice for something to have a purpose, for once. Especially when I'm  about to go out into the Big Bad World. I can't believe that I only have one day left of exams. After that, I've got the week off, followed by my final week at school ever, which is just fun activities anyway. It's totally nutballs! I feel like I'm really ready to move on and grow up, though. Sayonara, childhood!

Ohohoh! Total random stuff, but I just have to post on hear that I have an epic burn on my arm from work. It's all blistery and pink and is going to scar! I don't really know why I'm so excited about this, because burning your arm on a boiling pan is incredibly painful. But yeah, you all just had to know that. It's a pretty cool looking burn, mind you.

Anyway, back on track. Ahh, I forgot what I was going to say. So, I'll tell you all how I'm going to waste my time this week on my days off instead. Firstly, the final Inheritance Cycle book is coming out tomorrow and it's like over 800 pages and they're bring back Brom and it's going to be terrible and wonderful and omgomgomg. So, naturally I'm going to be reading it as quickly as possible. I also really want to marathon Princess Tutu because I haven't watched it for ages and it's still my favourite anime and blah. I was totally reading my DVD booklet the other day, and my parents walked past my room and I had to hide it under my pillowcase. You know, most teenagers hide porn out of embarrassment. I hide shoujo magical girl anime. Yeah, it's special. Anyway, I really want to read the translations of the Mawaru Penguindrum visual novels, because it is like, the anime of the year. And it like deals with fate and stuff and why does everything I like have to be about fate? Do I have some deep psychological complex about defying/accepting fate or something? Anyways, I need to catch up on Fate/Zero, Kimi to Boku, Chihayafuru and Guilty Crown before they update again. Currently, I'm only up to date on two ongoing animes, and they are Mawaru Penguindrum  and UN-GO. You can tell what I'm motivated to watch. And and and on Friday, I'm going to with my girls on "Mmmsauce Day" (gosh, I wonder who made up the word 'mmmsauce' pffft, that doesn't sound like me at all). And we're going to eat wonderful food at chic cafes and go shopping and and and it sounds cool, but it's really just a get-together for desperate singles. Together alone!

Time to initiate survival strategy, but no-one gets that reference get my grasp on the English language back. I should probably go finish my final English assignment, study for my final Maths exam and write a letter to my instrumental music teacher, because all those things need to be done by tomorrow. Seeing as I actually have some spare time now, and I'm feeling kinda inspired, I'll probably blog again later this week. Hopefully it won't turn in sappy drivel about my schooling career ending and starting a new life etc. I mean, it probably will, but whatever la la la, doesn't matter. These new dynamic views on Blogger seem cool and stuff, so I may give the ol' blog a revamp sometime. Or maybe not. I do quite like it like this. Bah, I should be going. Eat lots of cake and brush your teeth before bed!

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