Sunday 10 July 2011

Let's Get Shizzywobble.

Goodness, gracious, great balls of ninja! It feels like so long since I last blogged! Actually, I haven't really being much on the social media side lately. But, I now feel compelled and obliged to blog, because I know just how deprived you've all been. What's that I hear? People screaming that they concur. Oh wait, that's just silence and my imagination. Mah bad! Well now, this is thoroughly awkward. Wait, you want me to keep blogging anyway? Oh this is amazing, tears of gratitude are pouring down my face.

Yeah, I don't even know what that was just then. See now, this is what happens when I decide to blog the day before I have to return to school. My brain is more than a little mixed up and fuzzy. On the pupil free day, I usually decide to do all the school-related things I should have been doing on the holidays. Well, I decide to do them, but I don't actually do them, because I'm lazy and unmotivated like that. Today I spent an hour practicing clarinet, which is the longest practice session I've had in quite a while. What can I say? I've been very uninspired. I wanted to practice oboe, but you know, the repair people didn't fix it at all, so I can't. Thanks guys, I really appreciate you not fixing my instrument.

I guess that gives me an excuse to not play it then. It's a shame that the one time I do feel like playing it, I can't. Well, not unless I'm comfortable playing it with half the note coming out incredibly airy and ridiculously flat. Whatevs. I'm going to read Macbeth soon, so I can get ahead for English. Not that I need to read it or anything, I just want to do it to annoy the other English teacher. He can't stand it when our class is ahead. That's right, I am maniacally laughing mwahahaha.

Unlike most "Oh-crap-tomorrow-my-holidays-end-and-I'm-back-at-school" days, I'm not feeling depressed. Seeing as the upcoming term is the most important and stressful in my school life, I probably should be. And, you know, there's the dreaded QCS test, which decides whether I can get into the courses I want to at uni. Plus, the majority of my marks come from this term, and it's just about my last chance to ensure I get an academic award. Which I won't, for the first time ever. Anyway, all of that loveliness aside, I'm feeling pretty pumped! I actually want to go back to school and try my best, and help anyone who isn't feeling that way feel happy. Which is going to be hard, because I guarantee that most people will come to school thoroughly depressed tomorrow. I'm sure my face will cheer them up lol jks it'll make them want to die even more.

This term is going to be my term! When I feel down, and I'm doubting myself, I'm going to re-read this, and get my confidence back up. My main problem with school this year has been whether or not I should try hard. Because, it's common knowledge that I am prone to killing myself over assignments (metaphorically. You didn't really think I was dead, did you?) and whinging about them a whole lot. So, I was all "Well, maybe I should slack off. That might make me happy." But, no-one likes a lazy bum. This term, I'm going to try my best, no matter what happens!

They say that your teenage years are the best years of your life. Well, I sure as heck don't know who 'they' are, and why they have the authority to tell all people when the best part of their lives are, but I do not believe this one bit. In my experience, teenage hood has been by far, the toughest and most stressful time of my life. Not only do you have to worry about a large workload, and making friends, but you're stuck in the strange purgatory. You're not a child, but you're not an adult either. This usually means that people act immature like children, but do things that adults do. I have always been frustrated by this. Then again, I've always been a bit of a special k. I will admit, I'm quite happy with where I am in life at the moment, but things can always be improved. I'm actually looking forward to improving them. I don't know what's up with the happy-sparkles optimistic mood at the moment, but I'm enjoying it.

There is much that I could blog about, but I need to go prepare for tomorrow. Overall, my holidays have been much more eventful than I thought they would be. In many different ways, I have learnt a lot about myself (lolz, mostly through emotionally purging on my parents. Pity those poor people.) Ohohoh! Guess what guys! I'm thinking of majoring in Philosophy next year. Not that it is really a career-leading thing, but hey, critical thinking is always sought after. I'll probably go with the Arts/International Hotel and Tourism Management, and end up doing Events Management. But, that's cool, because I'm good at it, and I do love organising things. Hopefully learning Spanish will also give me international opportunities, because I don't want to stay in Australia my whole life. I mean, it's awesomeballs of amazing here, but I want to see the world. And seriously, with Gillard in power, who would want to stick around? Worst Prime Minister ever? I think so. Oooh, now I've gone all political on you all.

Well, that was meant to be my concluding paragraph, but I can't very well end on Gillard. That would be a disgrace to everyone. I would like to add that I think that in the upcoming two months, everyone is going to need to be there for each other oh-so-much. So those unfortunate kiddiewinkles that get to see my sunshiney self at school every day, let's all help each other out and try our best! On that note, I shall leave you fine readers. Ciao for now!

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