Sunday, 27 November 2011

Sprinting after the pizza guy is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off

I run down the street as fast as I can. With my target still in sight, I pay no attention to the wind, which is pushing my raven hair back, and clearing my vision. The target grows further away, but I do not relent. I take one step after another, pushing my legs to go as fast as they can. The world is turning dark, but I will not give up. Suddenly the boy running beside me comes to a halt. I let out a frustrated sigh as our target turns a corner and vanishes from our vision. Panting, the boy yells "Mitch, you stupid bitch." We'd been chasing the pizza delivery guy.

So, last week was schoolies week. I don't know what it's called in other parts of the world, of if anywhere else even does it, but in Australia it's the week after year twelves finish school, and everyone goes on a massive holiday with their graduating friends and does whatever the hell they want to (well hello there, post I made on the topic a few months ago.) For the majority of people in Queensland, it means going to the Gold Coast and getting drunk, laid and in all kinds of trouble. Cool story bro, we all know that I'm physically incapable of doing the normal thing. So my nerd-muso-hacker-band-of-awesomeness posse and I hired out a holiday house in a street that had three retirement villages in it. I kid you not, we were the only people under the age of 60 in the entire street. Doesn't that sound like the best way to par-tay?

Actually, it was. It turned out to be one of the best and most random weeks of my life. Here's why:

1. It all started with prank calls and fake alcohol

Night one, and we're all already drunk on non-alcoholic mixers. How is that even possible? We tried to prank call a friend. It failed. So one of the guys prank called the Reading and Writing Hotline. You know, most people actually make up random shiz when they prank call people. What did he do? He breathed at them. It was one of the creepiest things I have ever beheld. I ran into the bathroom laughing so hard that I fell to the floor, as you do. Still, he is a bad person. Poor Reading and Writing Hotline Dude who answered the phone.

2. The One Where A Hacker Tries To Hit On One Of Your Friend And Fails Miserably

So, we were chilling at the beach on the second day, when a friend of one of the guys (who no one else knew) turned up and started chatting to him. Ah yeah, that's cool. Let him talk to the random guy about computers and all that jazz. Then he tried to get us to come to his house. Then he wanted to come to our house. But he left in the end and we all got home and ate lots of food. Happy endings yay. Except, he came and met us at the beach the day after that and still wanted to come over. He seemed like a nice enough dude, so we agreed. Fast forward a few hours, and we're sitting around playing Halo like bosses. Well, I'm not. In fact, I think I got all of one point on that round. I'm not usually that bad. So I ragequit and hacker-dude-who-had-just-turned-up-at-our-house took my place. When walking off from ragequitting I noticed something odd. All of my friends (bar two) had disappeared. I went upstairs and found them all hiding from the carbon-based life form that had turned up in our living room. Loving the social skills, guys. I can't really remember what happened next, one moment I was reading a book, the next minute everything was shipping and nothing hurt. One of my male friends came upstairs and proclaimed that Miss Invisible and the hacker had a thing going on, so naturally I went downstairs to spy on them, erm, get something to drink. They were just playing Halo together, but Miss Invisible walked away to do something. Male Friend #1 says "Make sure you take advantage of her!" in the most sus-dude-I'm-not-talking-about-Halo-but-you're-dumb-and-will-think-I-am way possible, and the hacker was all "Yeah, I will!"

At this point, I choked on my drink laughing. Hacker and MI went back to Halo, and Male Friend #1 not so subtly said "I'll leave you two to get it on!" which caused me to actually fall down laughing. Hacker dude, still seemed to miss the implications, but MI sure didn't and shot the both of us a dirty glare. We ran back upstairs in hysterics. The next hour was spent running back and forth between the bedroom and kitchen 'getting stuff to eat.' Lolno, I was not spying on them, what are you talking about. Apart from the fact that, you know, she has a boyfriend, the shipping was going peachy. It was obvious that he was more than interested. Then he did the unthinkable. He hacked her computer. Yes, when I want to attract someone I completely betray their trust and damage their valuables. Oh my gosh, if I'd actually known him, I would have screamed at him. I think he was trying to impress her, because Male Friend #2, the one who knew him, is a complete computer genius, to the point of possibly even being a threat to national security. Even he knows that the way to hit on girls isn't through computers and was completely facepalming. So Mr Hacker Guy left the house, without getting some, and with a bunch of us laughing at him. Did I mention that he left his hard drive at our house, so Male Friend #2 bugged it? Sorry bro, life obviously hates you.

3. Weet Bix Jenga

The fricking most awesome game you will ever play in your life. Shockingly, it's like Jenga, but with Weetbix. Instead of putting them back, you eat them. Yeah, you eat them good. There's no rules, except that whatever goes on the tower has to be eaten. That was a lot of Weet Bix, I can tell you.

4. Truth or Dare without the dare or sexual questions

How is it possible? When you sign up fro Truth or Dare, you expect weird dares and explicit questions, right? You don't expect to leave crying and hugging everyone, right? You don't expect people to expose their soul and talk about some of their biggest issues and secrets, right? Well, that's how this session, now known as Truth, turned out. There was depressing music playing, and everyone just started crying and sharing things in an intimate session of trust. It was truly beautiful.

5. The Noodle Incident that followed...

So, after everyone was done pouring their souls out, it was time to have some fun. And what's more fun than making the biggest batch of 2 minute noodles ever? It was two in the morning, which always signals the 'lolz I'm not tired any more, let's party forever' stage. To be honest, they were the worst tasting noodles ever. But those who hadn't yet fallen asleep ate multiple serves anyway. We weren't even hungry. We just wanted to eat noodles. But there were still too many. Way too many. We had to find a way to dispose of them, but it was completely dark outside. Despite this, I ventured out to get rid of the noodles. It was almost like disposing of a body. There seemed to be nowhere obvious to put them, and we didn't want to wake up all the old folk in the street. In the end, I stumbled around to the back yard, flung the noodles into a bush and ran for my life. I found them in the shrubbery the next day. Pfft, I didn't put them there. Don't you know noodles grow on trees?

6. Failed pizza delivery and the Society of Mitch Haters

Bros and hoes, when I order my pizza, I want it speedily delivered to my door, piping hot. I do not want to have to wait two hours, and have to chase the pizza guy down two streets to get it, only to find that eight pieces of garlic bread are missing. But, if this were to occur, I wouldn't have a cool story to tell. Let me begin. It was a dreary dull day, almost as if the sun were to bored to shine on us. The general atmosphere of the house was similar. No one wanted to do much. No one wanted to cook much. So Male Friend #1 decided to shout us all pizza. Free food is totally my scene, so I went out and made him order me three courses. I can be a bitch sometimes. Anyway, he agreed to pay for everyone's food under the condition that he didn't have to order it, because everyone I know, myself included, seems to have this crazy fear of talking on the phone. So Tenuto Tuo pretended to be him and ordered for us all.

Fastforward two hours, and we are still without pizza. Suddenly Male Friend #1 receives a call from the pizza place saying the delivery guy is lost and that he'd find us soon. We got a discount for having to wait, so yay. Clearly Unfocused, Tenuto Tuo, Male Friend #1 and I decided it would be best to go stand out the front so we could hail in the obviously incompetent delivery guy. We waited about 10 mins, then the delivery (whose name was apparently Mitch) called and said he was still lost. Male Friend #1 tried to give him directions, while I dramatically yelled out in the background "Oh Mitch, where art thou!?" I'm all class. Anyway, we spent the next ten minutes skipping up and down the road, because we were just that bored. Then, suddenly, we see the pizza car. It's coming straight for our place. Rejoice! Aaaand, then it turns down another street. Cursing, Male Friend #1 and I race after it. Though we lost the car, Mitch called again to ask where our house was. We said we'd meet him on the side of the road and give him directions.

When Mitch did turn up in his car, I showed him the way.
"Just go forward, then right. There will be a bunch of people standing out the front of the house, you can't miss it. Forward and right."
"Okay," he said in a dorky voice, and the drove off. He went forward, and stopped as if possessed by some spell of idiocy. So Male Friend #1 and I ran down the street after him, screaming to turn right. He finally got the message, but didn't seem to see the people outside the house who were waving frantically at him. Let's just say he got to the house eventually. Apparently it was a 'tough night for him' and having to give a few dollars change to a $100 note was 'really hard for him,' yes, 'they make it really hard on me.' Queue a half hour non-stop bitching session of how incompetent he was over pizza, and forming a hate-society.

And as for the missing garlic bread, Miss Invisible called up to complain about it. But the manager answered and said his wife had taken thee order and he thought we were trying to have a go at his wife. He ended up bringing us garlic bread anyway, but not before abusing us for insulting his wife. I don't even know. I can tell you, getting pizza has never been such an effort.

7. Long, repetitive character analysis and deconstruction

You know you did English Extension for too long when you spend copious amounts of time on schoolies analysing and deconstructing characters from The Inheritance Cycle. You also know that you are a total nerd. I'm much more okay with the latter. Seeing as most of this was done as an 'Is Murtagh good, bad or both?' debate with Male Friend #1, which involved a lot of screaming, I'm guessing most of the house ended up wishing that neither of us were nerds who spent a year studying a pointless subject.

8. Food. There was lots of food. So much food.

I don't think I went an hour without eating on schoolies. Even when I was sleeping I probably found some way to eat. And somehow, I managed to lose two kilos. How is that even possible? Not that I'm complaining. I miss the food already. It was so beautiful.

9. Really bad karaoke

I know, let's get people who can't sing to belt out songs like Take On Me, Memory and Total Eclipse of the Heart. I sounded so off-tune, the neighbours probably thought that I was actually drunk. But oh, it was beautiful. In a this-sounds-so-bad-I-could-die way.

And lots, lots more. I'd say I'll blog more now that I have time off, but it took me two days just to write this post, because I am feeling so lazy at the moment. So, we'll see about it. Hopefully I'll get to write some more before I go to Europe. But right now I'm going to reflect on what schoolies has taught me: don't get drunk, just act like it! Then you'll remember everything, and still get to act like a moron. Peace out, my ninja children!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Burns, Turns and Fatemobiles

Everybody bring your spandex and break out in funky disco moves, because I've rediscovered the existence of this blog. Ah, I've missed this fluorescent ninja party in hyperspace, I can tell you! That's not what you want to hear though. Where have I been? How have I been? Was I abducted by aliens, impregnated and forced to give birth through my mouth? Sadly, my dear children, I do not live in Strangetown, so this is not possible. I have actually been doing things with my life, though. For once, not of the pranking-people-while-sleeping-and-skipping-like-a-boss kind, but cool stuff all the same.

Sadly, I now have a job and am actually contributing to society. I know, I know, raping the Earth and taking up valuable oxygen was so much better. That was sarcasm, by the way. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm a bit of a greenie. Yes, Al Gore forever and whatnot. Oh, speaking of which, I'm totally a vegetarian now. I mean, I try to be a vegetarian, but can't always be for fear of getting an iron deficiency. I hear that it's not rather fun. But anyways, yay veggies. Back on topic, this carbon based life-form finally got employed. I work in a restaurant doing basically everything but cooking, and it is very intense! Apparently I'm great serving customers, and I have a good work ethic, but my mopping is 'adorably bad' and I can't put anything in the back room in the right place. In my defense, no-one ever showed me where to put anything in the back room, or how to mop. I swear I'm trying my hardest! 

Actually, I'm having quite a bit of fun working hard. It's nice to know that you're actually doing something for someone other than yourself, even if it is just a family of hyperactive Indians and customers wanting to fill their gut. It's nice for something to have a purpose, for once. Especially when I'm  about to go out into the Big Bad World. I can't believe that I only have one day left of exams. After that, I've got the week off, followed by my final week at school ever, which is just fun activities anyway. It's totally nutballs! I feel like I'm really ready to move on and grow up, though. Sayonara, childhood!

Ohohoh! Total random stuff, but I just have to post on hear that I have an epic burn on my arm from work. It's all blistery and pink and is going to scar! I don't really know why I'm so excited about this, because burning your arm on a boiling pan is incredibly painful. But yeah, you all just had to know that. It's a pretty cool looking burn, mind you.

Anyway, back on track. Ahh, I forgot what I was going to say. So, I'll tell you all how I'm going to waste my time this week on my days off instead. Firstly, the final Inheritance Cycle book is coming out tomorrow and it's like over 800 pages and they're bring back Brom and it's going to be terrible and wonderful and omgomgomg. So, naturally I'm going to be reading it as quickly as possible. I also really want to marathon Princess Tutu because I haven't watched it for ages and it's still my favourite anime and blah. I was totally reading my DVD booklet the other day, and my parents walked past my room and I had to hide it under my pillowcase. You know, most teenagers hide porn out of embarrassment. I hide shoujo magical girl anime. Yeah, it's special. Anyway, I really want to read the translations of the Mawaru Penguindrum visual novels, because it is like, the anime of the year. And it like deals with fate and stuff and why does everything I like have to be about fate? Do I have some deep psychological complex about defying/accepting fate or something? Anyways, I need to catch up on Fate/Zero, Kimi to Boku, Chihayafuru and Guilty Crown before they update again. Currently, I'm only up to date on two ongoing animes, and they are Mawaru Penguindrum  and UN-GO. You can tell what I'm motivated to watch. And and and on Friday, I'm going to with my girls on "Mmmsauce Day" (gosh, I wonder who made up the word 'mmmsauce' pffft, that doesn't sound like me at all). And we're going to eat wonderful food at chic cafes and go shopping and and and it sounds cool, but it's really just a get-together for desperate singles. Together alone!

Time to initiate survival strategy, but no-one gets that reference get my grasp on the English language back. I should probably go finish my final English assignment, study for my final Maths exam and write a letter to my instrumental music teacher, because all those things need to be done by tomorrow. Seeing as I actually have some spare time now, and I'm feeling kinda inspired, I'll probably blog again later this week. Hopefully it won't turn in sappy drivel about my schooling career ending and starting a new life etc. I mean, it probably will, but whatever la la la, doesn't matter. These new dynamic views on Blogger seem cool and stuff, so I may give the ol' blog a revamp sometime. Or maybe not. I do quite like it like this. Bah, I should be going. Eat lots of cake and brush your teeth before bed!

Friday, 9 September 2011

Everyday I'm Skippin'

This morning, I was skipping on my front lawn. It was a glorious day, with the rays of sun shining down on my pale face. As I rambled up and down the lush lawn, I felt as if the warm graces of heaven were raining down on me. Or maybe that was just skin cancer starting to form, damn Australian sun. Mood killer! Anyhow, back to skipping around, with the tail of my maxi dress fluttering in the wind like the wings of a butterfly. It was all very wonderful, until I realised that my fat neighbours from across the road- nicknamed The Devil, Mrs Satan and The Hound from Hell (their dog)- were staring at me. I obviously scared them quite a bit with my skipping, because they proceeded to literally jump into their car and speed off as fast as possible, while I ran for my life and hid behind a well-placed tree. I have wonderful neighbours.

Actually, they were probably just thinking "Wait, a girl lives there? Since when? Hurhurhur hail Satan!" That's a little mean of me, I'm sure they don't actually worship the devil. It was just a theory that my family came up with because their number plate said "evil" in a combination of letters and numbers. And their dog really does look possessed. And they rarely see the daylight. Then again, neither do I, but that's not the point. I like sunny days. For all I know, they really ran away because they were vampires and they were burning in the sun. Yet again, I look more like a vampire than I do, with my deathly-white skin and raven hair. Maybe they were really thinking "Why isn't she sparkling/ burning? Hurhurhur."

Today has been nice. Exam block days off are always awesome. I haven't really accomplished anything or worked on much, but it's only 3 in the afternoon. This means I've still got about 8 good hours to work on things, if I feel inclined. I mean, I need to be inclined because one of my assignments is due in 2 days and I've only finished the first half. And it's dodgy. Oh well, I absolutely bombed out on both of my exams this week, so it can't get much worse. I'll just keep dancing in the sunlight to distract from all the work I need to do inside.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Random post is random.

Just another one of those ‘random dot points of insanity’ posts.

·         Sing with me! It’s time for tamago-tamago-tamagotchiiiiii! -_- My sister’s annoying little thing just beeped. Seriously, I haven’t used tamagotchis fo’ years. If that things beeps one more time, I will smash it. Deadly. Serious.

·         The moment of facepalming when downloading Arakawa Under the Bridge becomes more important than doing your eight very important assignments


·         Maybe it’s a sign. Devine intervention. And God didst say “Thou shalt not download weird anime. Thou shalt do thy assignments so that thou doest not fail school.” Because, you know, when the original commandments were made, people were communicated to in old-English. It was meant to be in Ancient Hebrew, guys.

·         Ahhhh! I’m going to fail the Maths and English assessments if I don’t start doing something. Y I STILL DO NOTHING BUT STEAL INUYASHA GIFS OFF TUMBLR?

·         Oooh. My hair smells like flowers ^^ This is amazing.

·         Iced tea cures everything, I swear that I am ready to work after drinking that sweet-but-not-too-sweet juice of life. Srsly, combining tea and fruit. Best. Idea. Ever.


·         In almost three hours, I have written ten words. My parents will get home soon, and ask me what I have done. Sweet f-a.

·         I found my sister’s Tamagotchi and made it happy. Soh rewarding.

·         RELATIONS.

·         Ah, I’m remembering all my year eight mini-songs. Such as “Everything about you is so festy,” “Mrs Patin is a waste of space and time (even though it doesn’t rhyme),” “I like apricot mush and bananas,” and “The Mr Shou comes to you song.” Good times. I still like the “Exteng, what the hell” song the best.

·         GUYSGUYSGUYS. There is a live-action series of Arakawa Under the Bridge. Life. Complete. Must. See.

·         Speaking of Arakawa, I must bring it on schoolies, so that I can eff everyone’s minds. That show makes Princess Tutu seem like it has a normal premise, which is... whoa.

·         My family are home. Apparently, after all I did, my sister’s Tamagotchi was still unhappy.

·         Ah, the reminds me of when I had a Pixel Chick. That bitch was so needy, I ended up blu-tacking up the speaker holes and shoving her in a draw until she ‘got fed up with me and left home’. Who knew you could have catfights with a dumb virtual chick?

·         I was scrolling up this page, and I thought I saw “DAMN IN LUST.” That doesn’t even make sense. What the fudgetasticaketins.

·         The “Y U NO Guy.” His face... reminds me of my Maths A teacher from last year. The one who wrote ‘I quit’ on a post-it and walked out. Ahh, Plonker. When I saw him, I thought he would laugh like “Huhuhuhu” and I used to impersonate that. Sadly, it was much more pedo

·         All the single musos, all the single musos. Single women’s business, single women’s business.

·         I just rubbed my eyes after squeezing an orange. WHY AM I THAT DUMB? #pain

·         Sooo, almost four hours and nothing new accomplished. And I have an English exam tomorrow. I shall die.

·         How now brown cow?

·         STEGASAURUS!

·         You know, Jimmy cracked corn. And I don’t care.


·          Okay, I really will go now. Maybe later I'll post my random 'letter to self' thing that I created a few days ago before everone else posted theirs. Actually, that was a little too light-hearted. I'll probably try to tell it like it is a little more, and re-do it. Once I finish my school stuff. If I ever finish my school stuff. Ah, goodbye ninja chumps!

Friday, 12 August 2011

Perhaps you can afford more, with the Vicomte de Changney as your patron

Hello, cherub children. The topic of today's post is the word 'more'. Say it with me, M-O-R-E. No, Excalibur, 'MOAR' is not a word. And before you ask, we are not talking about moors, as in people of mixed Arab and Berber descent, or moor as in the anchoring of a ship. Excalibur keeps exclaiming 'MOOOAAAAR!' at me, so I looked it up on Apparently, these are the related searches. | MOAR | Search

Related Searches
Raptor jesus <- What the fruit tingles?
Napiszar <- Is this even in English?
Lol <- My reaction to this list.
For lack of a better ... <- For lack of a better ninja?
Les <- LOLWUT.
Yeah, I totally see how Raptor Jesus and 4chan relate to today's topic. Apparently, thinks that my ninja is not an idiot though, because...

my ninja is an idiot

No results found for my ninja is an idiot:
Did you mean nonaccented?
Oh, how silly of me, of course I meant 'nonaccented'. It's okay Xcali, I don't really think you're an idiot. Even though you can't spell for your life. Blame Lolcats! Bwaha. Oh right, reality. Back to my prompt of 'more'. I really was going to blog without purpose, but those style of posts always seem to be so much lamer, don't you think? Oh drat, I was just about to get to the point of this post, Excalibur wars and stuff. I think he's still annoyed that I put my red sock in his whites-wash. Maybe it's the idiot comment. Or maybe it's because I don't come around here often enough any more. It's a relationship breakdown, people!


Et hem. The girl talking to the blog ninja maintains her dignity. Ohoh, I think I may have already posted this, but methinks can post on blogs with an open ID now, so yayteimz being able to comment again! Now that I've gotten some of the randomness out of the way, let the Order of the Phoenix odered post begin!

More Stress

I thought I'd get the boring one out of the way first. I can now count the days until QCS on my fingers and toes, which is very scary. I think I'm more scared of the fact that everyone in my grade is all chilled and like "Biggest test of my schooling life coming up? Cool story bro..." We were practicing for it today, and most of the class just copied the answers from the book, instead of actually working, and using those to check their answers. These are the people who can bring my OP down by up to 3 places. I'd insert a hearty FML here, but I'm not exactly that much more motivated than they are. Not to be cocky, but I am generally more intelligent. Ah, the moment when you walking into a room and note to yourself that your intellectual capacity is higher than all of the 20 odd others combined. I kid, I kid, I'm not that much of a brainiac, and most people I know are quite intelligent. There are just a lot of lazies in my grade.

More Formal Highs and Woes

I'm a queen with a paper cutter. Last night, I cut all of the remaining 100-and-something invites for the formal. They still need to be glued together, and have bows pinned on them, but it was still a relieving thing to have done. I'd say around a third of all the invites have been completed now, and they're looking pretty snazzy, if I do say so myself. It's been a bit of a shizball having to give up my afternoon to make formal invites, but I don't regret it. This is lucky, because I'll probably have to spend countless more completing them. I finally got my dress after five months of waiting. I must say, it does look pretty stunning on me, even if it is the wrong colour, and not what I would have expected to wear to the formal. No doubt, I'll end up dropping food on it anyway. Speaking of, which, I was looking at the menu today with nath_alex01, and man, we didn't even know what have of the stuff on there was. Apparently even Google was confused as to what bocconcini was, and spell-check didn't even recognise it as a word, so we should be excused for that one. It's a cheese made from the milk of water buffalo, according to sauces sources. To me, it sounds so delightfully strange, I'd love to have it at the formal, if only for the novelty factor. I didn't really like much of what was on the menu, so I'll probably be sipping their complimentary expresso and claiming to be 'on a diet' all night. It's of no consequence, though, because it's going to be an amazing night no matter what. I've worked too hard for it to not!


If you've had your head in the sand and totally missed the whole Pottermore thing, then... where have you been? Actually, I keep on stumbling across the big events for it by accident. I waited to watch the release video for it because someone posted the link on Facebook 15mins before it was put to air. I came across the Early Access week thing because one of my groups on Facebook also just happened to be talking about it. And I happened to be there at just the right time when it was open to the first million people of the public. And I accidentally made two accounts on two different email addresses, because I didn't think one had worked. And they both got chosen for early access, so I'm pretty pumped. Now, just to wait a few darn months until they send me my Welcome email and let me use the site. Apparently they're staggering their early access. My guess is because people would go nuts and the site would crash if they didn't. It's not even open yet and it's already crashed multiple times from excessive demand. To be honest, I'm not even sure what it is. From their blog, I get the impression that it's a site where you play through the Harry Potter book series in a game-multiple-path-virtual-book-thing. They say it's not for social networking, but it's not strictly a game either. Whatever it is, I've been pretty lucky with it so far, so I'm going to keep checking for more progress!

More Out of Life

As of today, I have only 60 days left of school! I really am feeling excessively positive at the moment. Last weekend, I went to that large-and-scary-university open day, and I found that I really liked it there. I ended up filling in my QTAC preferences that day, and they're as follows.

1. Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management
2. Bachelor of International Studies
3. Bachelor of International Studies (the UNE one. Sigh.)
4. Bachelor of Event and Convention Management
5. Bachelor of Arts
6. Bachelor of Business (International Hotel and Tourism Management)

It was very relieving to know that I've actually made some choices as to where I'm aiming to go next year, as opposed to whinging and blindly searching. Even if I have the worst of the school year still to go, I can see the end is in sight, so I'm learning to be more positive and less complaintative about school. LOLjks, I haven't stopped complaining, but I am appreciating my time there more. I've been doing more lately, and although it has been harder in a lot of ways, it has also been much more rewarding.

More Sickness

Okay, so this just had to get a section of it's own. Last week was sickness crazy, and I ended up taking a whole three days off school. I don't think I've taken that many consecutive days off in years, if ever. And yesterday was just... yeah. I had me some bad cramps. So much so that I nearly threw up. I staggered up to my school bathrooms, only to find that they were closed. So I lent on the bubblers for a few minutes and let water splash on my face. I tried to make it down the hill to get to the sickbay at the office, but I nearly collapsed, so I had to rest against a tree. Seriously, I must have looked like I was either drunk or dying. By the time I did make it to sickbay, I was green in the face, and grey around the eyes. I lay down, pulled up a blanket and a pillow, made myself a heat pack (tsk. The office ladies forgot about me) and passed out from the pain. I woke up three hours later with the office lady telling me that she'd called my mother. Luckily, when I woke up the pain was gone. Apparently my friends were looking for me, because they thought I may have passed out somewhere else, or been kidnapped. Bless.

More InuYasha ^^

So, I'm kinda proud of myself for making it up to episode 92 of InuYasha. This means I have... 75 episodes to go! Plus The Final Act, of course. I still plan to finish this anime before I finish school. It's pretty unlikely, seeing as it has taken me a good 10 months just to watch the first 92 episodes, but I may as well try. I started reading the manga the other day too. Gotta love downloading 15 volumes of manga when you should be working on a Music Extension thesis. I ended up getting my thesis done anyway, so I can justify the downloading to myself. Honestly, it's going to take a long time to read, but I'm really enjoying it. I should get back into shorter animes again, but eh, I'm loving InuYasha too much at the moment. I'm totally proud of myself for having some rather interesting not-totally-cannon ships in this show too. My order of favourite ships has turned upside-down from what it originally was. It is currently (exclusing my many one-sided ships):

1. NarakuxKikyou (biggest guilty pleasure ship ever. Oh dear.)
2. SesshomaruxKagura
3. MirokuxSango
4. InuYashaxKagome

Because you all care so much about my shipping preferences. I was watching episode 2 of The Final Act, and I could not get over show shiptastic Kagura's death was. You really shouldn't be squeeing at someone's death, but seriously, she died happy because she got to see Sesshy one last time. Before that scene, I thought any shippy-ness between them was all in my head. It was awesome to have some real hintage.

That's all there is; there isn't any more

I've run out of things to ramble about, kiddiewinkles. This is your friendly neighbourhood demsemiquavergirl and her moody ninja, signing out. Until next time, amigos! @>`-,--

Trivia: The title of this post comes from Act 1, Scene 2 of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera. It was the first thing that came to mind when I was trying to think of a quote that involved the word 'more'. Yes, I shall be a Phantom Phan for life.

Also, Blogger keeps effing up my formatting. If this post seems really, really ill formatted, I apologise. I'm doing my best to fix it.
Update: Fixed!

Friday, 29 July 2011

Even the ground likes my face.

Have you ever had some really unusual or unnecessary goals in life that ended up eclipsing your real ones? For example, the other week I achieved my greatest goal in highschool. This is a goal that I had had for four years and never thought I would accomplish. Was it topping all of my classes? Was it blowing up decking out the science lab? Was it shaving my English Extension pedophile beard off? Sadly, it was none of these. I've already done the first one a few times (oh hell yes nerd pride), and I would do the last one with great pleasure, because let's face it, ExtEng is scary enough without having to look at the face of someone who could potentially molest you. I mean, potentially metaphorically molest you. Though co-ordination and demisemiquavergirl just don't seem to go together, I am sure that I could kick that pudgy guy's ass if need be. After all, I am more masculine than all of my male friends. The petite, untoned female is more masculine that a bunch of men, you did read that correctly. It must be my superhuman wit and strength.

I think I'm drifting away from the point. Anyway, my massive-oh-so-big-goal was actually to hide in my school's underground store room just once. I can just hear you all facepalming at the anticlimax I created there.

"How obsece! Why would anyone make it their goal to be stuck in a dingy room that smells ofdirt and tree roots? The most exciting thing in there is a bunch of badminton nets. It is preposterous that anyone would base their schooling life around such a thing. I am offended! This is an outrage! Call 911! Ah, but this is Australia, so that number doesn't work! What shall I do? Call the police! Call the thought police? Ah screw it, call my Mum! She'll whack some sense into this seemingly delinquent child!"

That is exactly what you were thinking, right? I know, I know, I'm a psychic. You can reign your blessings and awe-struck comments on me anytime you please. All complaints about how perplexing you find my achieved goal can be lodged to Yo Mama. That's 69 So Fat Dr, Whaleville. Immaturity aside, I myself wonder why I put such an abstract thing at the top of my to-do list. You would think that your friendly neighbourhood academic medalist would be looking to do something more... intelligent. Oh wait, you wouldn't. Because anyone who knows anything about me could tell you that I am incapable of making serious goals. Even my "I want to get an A in this assignment" oh-so-craptacular-and-boring goals sound more like "I want to get an A to stick it to x teacher, and while I'm at it, I'm going to include y reference, just to see if they're biased enough to mark me down or up for it." Oh heaven above, I'd hate to teach me. Isn't it lucky that I'll never have to?

I get this feeling that I'm beating around the bush here. Or beating around the keyboard, if you will. Oh Pheebes, that's so lame, even for you. Internal monologuing, whoop whoop! I'm sorry, I must focus. Focus! *slap* I'm doubly sorry, I just had to insert a Total Drama reference there. We all know that I never grew up. Why do I get the feeling that this paragraph hasn't achieved anything yet? Oh right, it hasn't. Therefore, with a snap of my fingers and a click of my heels, I shall get to the point: it is the little things in life that you remember. Sure, I base a lot of my life around academics (and constantly complaining about academics) but the things that I learnt in tests or on assignments won't be the things that I remember in detail years later.

Getting myself into the store room was something that I discussed with whiteribbon back in the yesteryear of 2008. Actually, until then, neither of us knew that the school even had an underground store room, even though there are all of four proper buildings on the campus. It was so strange and earthy; unlike anywhere else in the school. So we decided that before we graduated, we'd somehow find a way to get into there again... Without supervision. Sadly, whiteribbon wasn't there when I finally got to do this, and it wasn't really that big of an event at the time. That depends on how you classify 'big', though, because I was literally bouncing off and trying to climb sloping concrete walls. I be special, kiddiez!

With that pointless goal over, I'm not sure what to promote to the top of my list. Sure, I could make it something like "Get a kick-ass OP" but what would be the fun in that? I'm thinking of either making it a) make sure that my faux marriage love triangle continues b) think of the best Inheritance Cycle chocolate milk drinking game shots for schoolies c) draw a moustache on my English teacher's face or d) serenade a random child. Oh yes children, I have a faux marriage love triangle. My memory fails me (I may have mentioned this before) but I was 'married' to TentuoTuo twice, and am currently 'married' to MissInvisible. My first marriage ended in death, communism, bats and hauntings. My second marriage, which had a proper ceremony in the library and everything, ended because Facebook messed up relationship statuses. And I'll be celebrating my one year marriage anniversary with MissI in about a month. It has been a good faux marriage. But I still like to keep things a little triangular with TT. One could say that neither my marriage to a gay guy or a straight girl have been completely successful so far. Gee, I wonder why?

Ohohoh! On the topic of goals, I just remembered that I completed a serious one today; I told my HPE teacher off for not knowing my name. Seriously, he has been teaching me for four years, and still calls me "girls," "ladies," "you," "um," or "Vandersay." The former is ClearlyUnfocused's nickname, not mine. Even AnonymousAlbino, who openly wags sport, is known to him. Bah. Anyway, he was telling my friends and I that he'd remember us in years to come.
"I'll remember you, Gojo. I'll remember you, Vandersay. I'll remember you... umm... errr..." he stuttered.
"And I'll always remember you as the teacher who never knew my name!" I retorted, half jokingly, but with a hint of bitterness. Luckily, he laughed it off. A minute later, he yelled my name at my from across the sports field. I think he thought I'd be impressed that he actually remembered, but I was too busy feeling smug that I'd finally told him off (albeit not seriously) after four years of annoyance.

Sport is also where I got the title of this post from. In true me-style, I completely stacked it when playing a sport that we had to create. I called it "Decapitation Ball" and that wasn't far off the mark. I found myself whacked by the ball, dragged and squished by people pulling me with a skipping rope, and thrown to the ground on two occasions. The first was rather serious, and caused me to skin and bruise both my knees (it still hurts to walk), graze my elbow and have a lrage headache. Oh, and my vision went all weird and black and stuff, but I didn't want to make a fuss. I'm not the type to complain about injuries at the time. I would have at least asked for ice, but as I mentioned, the PE teacher didn't and doesn't know that I exist.

So anyway, I have decided that the ground must have been so attracted to me that it had to pull me towards it in a painful embrace. Nothing to do with being pushed over, no, no. You know what else is attractive? Strawberries. Nothing beats strawberries. Except for passionfriut; passionfruit is smexy. No that isn't code, yes I am talking about actual fruit. No I do not have a fruit fetish, yes I eat more fruit than I do any other type of fruit. How did we even get on to fruit? I don't even, man. You know what else is attractive? The fact that I'm blogging again, and I spruced this place up a bit. Do you like my dodgy-but-improved background? See them clouds (the real question is one of the grammar this sentence)? They have silver linings! I am just so subtle like that. I could have made a different or more intricate background picture, but I think the style suits. It's like this blog; dodgy, cheesy, just a tad weird, but something that doesn't take itself too seriously. N'aww, picture metaphor.

Ah, I must depart to the land of slumber. I have to get up early tomorrow to buy another formal dress, because the one I waited for five months to get was shipped from America in the wrong colour. If something like that was going to happen to anyone, it would be me. I was really annoyed about this, but now I'm just finding it amusing. Okay chickens, hope you're totally estatic about my return to blogging. Or at least moved emotionally in any way. As long as it's not aroused, because that would just be disturbing. Speaking of which, I apparently looked like I was seducing someone today. I was so confused, because for all my sus joking, I really am still far too innocent in the brain. No, really, I didn't get how it looked like that at all. But then again, that's probably the problem. Problems can be problematic, my fine folk!

That's all there is. There isn't any more.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

What the tertiary education?

I really don't seem to have much luck in life. It took me my entire highschool life up until now to decide what I wanted to do next year. During the past five years, I've changed what profession I wanted to go into so many times, I've lost count. Last week alone, I changed what I wanted to do and what university I wanted to go to five times, no joke. But yesterday, I suddenly found my ideal course and University. Isn't it wonderful? The only problem is... It's in the middle of New South freakin' Wales. Usually when you are choosing a tertiary study place thing, you go "These are the ones in my city. I'll go to one of them." But, because I'm a special kid, I can't seem to operate like that.

I went to this careers expo on the weekend, and didn't really come across anything spectacular, as always. But yesterday I was flipping through some of the course brochures I'd picked up, and was drawn to the vibrant cover of the University of New England one. Normally, for anonimity's sake, I don't mention names of places, but I'm nowhere near it, so that doesn't exactly give much away. Turns out UNE has the most amazing International Studies degree, and the whole place is just beautiful. I completely fell in love with it. Seeing as I have pretty much no money, and I am, let's say, rather young, there is no way that I could move there next year. So, in the time that I should have been sleeping, I concocted an amazing plan: study the first year of a Diploma in Languages (Spanish) in mah city, and spend the rest of my time working to get enough money to make the move. I know, I am just so incredibly intelligent. I pride myself on the fact that everyone else was like "Yeah, I'm going to one of the big three universities in our state" and I was all "Stuff y'all, I'm heading somewhere different." But, let's face it, I've never been one to follow what everyone else is doing. I like to do my own thang.

So yes, despite the strangeness of the situation, I'd just like to sit here and gloat for a bit anout my awesome planning for my future. Not that my planning has really been that great. I mean, I've changed what course I wanted to do so many times. I think that's what made finding 'the one' more satisfying. No one told me to go there. No one told me to do that. At the time, I didn't even know of anyone who would be interested in going to university there. It was all my choice. And that's what makes me so satisfied with it.

I'm hoping that university forces me to be social or something. I mean, I like talking to people, but in moderation. At least if I'm not studying full time next year, I won't have to be stuck in books so much, which will be awesome. But, I should stop thinking of that. The mother of all anti-ninja total lamities is coming up in 6 weeks. Sitting a test that pretty much determines what I can do for the next few years? The word I'm looking fr here is 'shizballsofhorrible'. 'Scary' for all you people that are DSG-speak impared. Ooh, I should totally have my own language. That would be awetasticness. I wonder if there are people in the world who are annoyed by the use of such joint-words. Please excuse me while I go and muse about this...

... okay, I'm done. I haven't blogged in a while, so I should probably insert something about the random shiz that has been going o in my life. My school is having an Academic Assembly, and I'm getting an academic award. I don't know how, but I've managed to pull it off once again. Well, I do know how; it was through hard work, persistence and a lot of whinging. As much as I am looking forward to getting out of it, I've realised that I'll miss school when I leave. I know, sentimentality.

I shall cut this off before I go all cheesy on you. Hopefully I'll be back to blogging regularly soon, and have some interesting and fun shizzywobble to share. Buenos noches!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Let's Get Shizzywobble.

Goodness, gracious, great balls of ninja! It feels like so long since I last blogged! Actually, I haven't really being much on the social media side lately. But, I now feel compelled and obliged to blog, because I know just how deprived you've all been. What's that I hear? People screaming that they concur. Oh wait, that's just silence and my imagination. Mah bad! Well now, this is thoroughly awkward. Wait, you want me to keep blogging anyway? Oh this is amazing, tears of gratitude are pouring down my face.

Yeah, I don't even know what that was just then. See now, this is what happens when I decide to blog the day before I have to return to school. My brain is more than a little mixed up and fuzzy. On the pupil free day, I usually decide to do all the school-related things I should have been doing on the holidays. Well, I decide to do them, but I don't actually do them, because I'm lazy and unmotivated like that. Today I spent an hour practicing clarinet, which is the longest practice session I've had in quite a while. What can I say? I've been very uninspired. I wanted to practice oboe, but you know, the repair people didn't fix it at all, so I can't. Thanks guys, I really appreciate you not fixing my instrument.

I guess that gives me an excuse to not play it then. It's a shame that the one time I do feel like playing it, I can't. Well, not unless I'm comfortable playing it with half the note coming out incredibly airy and ridiculously flat. Whatevs. I'm going to read Macbeth soon, so I can get ahead for English. Not that I need to read it or anything, I just want to do it to annoy the other English teacher. He can't stand it when our class is ahead. That's right, I am maniacally laughing mwahahaha.

Unlike most "Oh-crap-tomorrow-my-holidays-end-and-I'm-back-at-school" days, I'm not feeling depressed. Seeing as the upcoming term is the most important and stressful in my school life, I probably should be. And, you know, there's the dreaded QCS test, which decides whether I can get into the courses I want to at uni. Plus, the majority of my marks come from this term, and it's just about my last chance to ensure I get an academic award. Which I won't, for the first time ever. Anyway, all of that loveliness aside, I'm feeling pretty pumped! I actually want to go back to school and try my best, and help anyone who isn't feeling that way feel happy. Which is going to be hard, because I guarantee that most people will come to school thoroughly depressed tomorrow. I'm sure my face will cheer them up lol jks it'll make them want to die even more.

This term is going to be my term! When I feel down, and I'm doubting myself, I'm going to re-read this, and get my confidence back up. My main problem with school this year has been whether or not I should try hard. Because, it's common knowledge that I am prone to killing myself over assignments (metaphorically. You didn't really think I was dead, did you?) and whinging about them a whole lot. So, I was all "Well, maybe I should slack off. That might make me happy." But, no-one likes a lazy bum. This term, I'm going to try my best, no matter what happens!

They say that your teenage years are the best years of your life. Well, I sure as heck don't know who 'they' are, and why they have the authority to tell all people when the best part of their lives are, but I do not believe this one bit. In my experience, teenage hood has been by far, the toughest and most stressful time of my life. Not only do you have to worry about a large workload, and making friends, but you're stuck in the strange purgatory. You're not a child, but you're not an adult either. This usually means that people act immature like children, but do things that adults do. I have always been frustrated by this. Then again, I've always been a bit of a special k. I will admit, I'm quite happy with where I am in life at the moment, but things can always be improved. I'm actually looking forward to improving them. I don't know what's up with the happy-sparkles optimistic mood at the moment, but I'm enjoying it.

There is much that I could blog about, but I need to go prepare for tomorrow. Overall, my holidays have been much more eventful than I thought they would be. In many different ways, I have learnt a lot about myself (lolz, mostly through emotionally purging on my parents. Pity those poor people.) Ohohoh! Guess what guys! I'm thinking of majoring in Philosophy next year. Not that it is really a career-leading thing, but hey, critical thinking is always sought after. I'll probably go with the Arts/International Hotel and Tourism Management, and end up doing Events Management. But, that's cool, because I'm good at it, and I do love organising things. Hopefully learning Spanish will also give me international opportunities, because I don't want to stay in Australia my whole life. I mean, it's awesomeballs of amazing here, but I want to see the world. And seriously, with Gillard in power, who would want to stick around? Worst Prime Minister ever? I think so. Oooh, now I've gone all political on you all.

Well, that was meant to be my concluding paragraph, but I can't very well end on Gillard. That would be a disgrace to everyone. I would like to add that I think that in the upcoming two months, everyone is going to need to be there for each other oh-so-much. So those unfortunate kiddiewinkles that get to see my sunshiney self at school every day, let's all help each other out and try our best! On that note, I shall leave you fine readers. Ciao for now!

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.

Yesterday, I found my first gray hair. I don't know how this is possible, considering the fact that I fairly frequently dye my hair a particularly dark shade of brown. But somehow, I gray ninja managed to defy all scientific reasoning, and escape the colouring. I must admit, at sixteen years of age, the last thing I expected to see when brushing my dark bangs, was a shiny, gray hair. What's with that anyway? Why is grey hair so much thicker and shinier than the rest? Maybe it's just because it wants to be all "Hey bros, look at me! I'm in ur hairz, makin u look old."

I like this idea much better than the scientific explanation of "It's because you're getting old. Old as in, closer to dying. Dying as in dead. Nothing. No longer part of this world." Because, let's face it, when you're sixteen, the last thing you want to think about is growing old and dying. So, like everyone who wants to ignore the truth, I swiftly ripped the grey hair from my head. Most people would simply throw it away, and pretend that it was never there. I, being my melodramatic self, went running through the house, waving it in the air and dramatically yelling


This was followed by a ranting session to my Dad about how he shouldn't have had the right to procreate. You see, my Dad started going grey around the time he entered highschool. I was hoping that I would get my Mum's genes for greying, because she is in her forties, and has probably had as many grey hairs as I have now. Unluckily, I got her extremely thin hair, rather than my Dad's think, dark head of gorgeousness. That's right, I got the thin hair and they greying. It is my common complaint that I got all the stuffed genes in the family. My parents usually respond with "Well, you are smart like us!" Little do they know, I was only talking about appearances.

Now, dear readers, I don't want you to all go out and assume that I am a hideous beast. I'm not great at complimenting myself, but this isn't true. I just seem to have ridiculously bad luck sometimes. I seem to always choose duds, and I have the worst luck when it comes to being overheard in conversation. But that's okay, because these things make for excellent anecdotes, don't they?

Surprisingly, I'm glad that I found a gray hair on my head. Why? Because I have been getting much too complacent about life at the moment, and assuming that things can just go on without changes or consequences. The hair proved to be the perfect visual reminder that life is short, and no matter what age you are, you cannot take anything for granted. My biggest fear in life is putting myself out there; sharing an opinion with people, even just simply talking to people, or posting something where it can be seen. I've hidden behind this fear for at lest five years, but now I've resolved to change it. The worst thing you can live with in life is regret, and doing nothing is worse than stuffing up.

One of the main reasons I haven't been blogging a lot lately, is because I don't want this blog to have too serious a tone, and I've had a lot of stuff going through my head. That and the fact that my computer completely crashed at least five times and had to go through days of intensive repair. Thankfully, it should be all good now.

Have you ever had a wake-up call about your life? Do you have any weird theories about why grey hair is so different? Feel free to share. My newest one is that the one grey hair was actually Excalibur in the form of a hair, being there just to bug me.

And remember the saying that everyone writes in birthday cards: growing up is mandatory, but growing up is optional. Or something like that. Just trust me though, I may be growing older, but I won't be growing up any time soon.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Slowly gaining World domination... One blog at a time.

Hey cupcake kids! This is just a quick post to let you all know that I've started up a second blog, dedicated exclusively to anime. This is because I talk far too much on the subject here, when I should be sharing random anecdotes and superhappyfuntime laughs. If you wish to read or follow it, you can find it at

Now you can all breathe a sigh of relief, because you won't have to hear my anime rantings anymore. Or maybe you're sqeeing with excitement, because you'll get to read more about it on this new blog. Maybe you couldn't get a cookie about anime and bloggings. That's okay! I hope I'll see some of you over there, though! :)

Also, who remembers the joint venture to start up "A Blog Named Doug"? Those of you who were involved, we should really start that sometime. I'd still love to write Travel/Arts for it!

Okay, that is all for now. Hope you all have a wonderful night, my confectionary kids!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

My trusty steed, erm, ninja? Dog?

I am not a dog person. I have never been a dog person. I will never be a dog person. Up until the age of thirteen and a half, I owned a cat, who I loved very much. He wasn't very needy; he'd come and snuggle up with me in bed at night, and be a good companion when I needed one. One day, out of the blue, he had a seizure, was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and died that night. And there I was, left with a six-month-old puppy that my family had bought only a few months prior to that event, no longer able to call myself a crazy cat owner. This puppy could not have been more different from the cat; he would bite, cry, want constant attention and jump around with the energy of someone on drugs. Actually, in the three-and-a-half years I have owned my dog, he hasn't changed much from that description at all. He is still completely needy and psycho, but, luckily for him, he is also the most attractive dog in the world.

Sirius Black-ear, dalmatian extraordinaire. That's right guys, my dog's name is a Harry Potter reference. Whoot. Actually, he was named after the star Sirius, which is part of the Orion constellation, and is the 'dog star'. As his name says, he has an ear. It is black as black can be. His eyes also both have black spots on them, as does his nose. Unlike most dalmatians, the rest of his face is completely white, making him look kinda like a seal or a baby panda. I don't know, but it's cute, either way. Most people describe him as "A good looking idiot." That pretty much sums him up. He fits into our family perfectly; we're all spotty, yet good looking and incredibly silly.

I had the most amazing plan for today: to put on my hawt-dayum black cape, and get my dog to bite onto a hula-hoop, so I could run/ride around, pretending to be somewhat of a cross between Zorro and Dracula. But with a dog. I'd done something similar before, so I assumed that, loving to bite things, my dog would chomp on and take me riding. Apparently not. For some reason, he appears to have contracted hoop-a-phobia, and decided that he would run around, using only three of his four legs whenever I brought the hoop near him. I don't know why seeing a hoop would stop you for using one of your legs, but he's special like that. I should give him to new nickname of El Tripodo.

... not that he doesn't already have enough nicknames. My family is massive on nicknames. We don't really ever call each other by our real names. In fact, we don't use the correct name for most things. Pets have always attracted weird nicknames. Sirius, for example has been called everything from the predictable Siri to just plain weird things like Chimbo Chambo Chunky Chingles, Dangles Mercutio, Dangy-Yoo, Dan-gee, Pig-Snout, Siri a la Biri and Lotsa-Spots, amongst many others. No wonder the poor dog still doesn't know his name.

Anyways, he my little spotty ninja. He may be the biggest pain in the butt, but his crazy antics never fail to amuse me. He'll eat anything, just because he shouldn't. Like toads. And stuffed toys. And plastic. And whatever he can get out of bins. And his own vomit. And blue powder that he found today that may or may not be drugs from my neighbour's yard. Yum-ee. Weirdly, he is the least vicious dog I've ever come across. He got partially mauled by a dog a few year ago, and he just stood there and cried, rather than attacking. It was pretty heartbreaking. He'll even try to share his bone with you, which is gross, but very un-doglike. And he'll come up and lick potential intruders, and wag his tail at them. Excellent guard dog that he is.

So, hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to persuade my spotty ninja dog that running around with hoops is for cool kids. I mean, that's a crazy antic that I wanted to blog about, but he went and ruined/stole the show. Good on ya, Dangles. Yeah, despite the fact that I am allergic to dogs, and easily get annoyed by their need for companionship, I love my spotty ninja thing. Ohohoh, I totally played hide-and-seek with him the other day. And tag, because we're cool like that. Word. And with that, I will leave you with the [tos]sary definition of word, seeing as I use it far too much. Peace out, cupcakes!

Word - Street vernacular. Short for "word to your mother." As in, "Word."


//A.N: I still can't comment on anyone's blog. Okay, some maybe Internet Explorer and Google Chrome are both just dodgy. Or Blogger hates me. I don't know, but it's annoying as anything. I really want to comment, guys! So, I'm really not ignoring everyone's posts here. I know whiteribbon is having the same problem, so maybe Blogger just hates us both. Or we're just too cool to comment. Word. Aw crudballs, I really need to stop saying that... Writing. Word. Nuts.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Contrary to popular belief, that is water on my pants.

Oh no I di-int! Wait, yes I did. What are we talking about? Oh, you're there too, blog readers. Don't make me use my smoulder on you! To be honest, I don't even know what that first line and a half was about, so let's start this thang properly now. I can't tell you all how uninspired I've been blogging-wise lately. But, you would have gathered that, seeing as took my longest blogging absence ever, and the few posts I made before that were pretty lameballs. Never fear though, because I have returned to save you all from the fiery pits of woeful misconduct and paranoia... or something. You want to hear a funny, short anecdote? I few minutes ago, I was brushing my teeth, and I accidentally spilt water all over my general crotch vacinity, making it look like I had wet myself. [insert lots of laughter] What, you're not laughing? It's okay, that humour is way too immature for my liking too. Waaait... [flashback to two years ago]

It was a hot summer's day, and two girls departed the school bus, laughing merrily. They had just returned from a glorious (read, painful) school gym class, where they had spent more time ranting about the misdoings of socitey than working on their fitness, or lack thereof. As the short-haired brunette casually stepped off the bus, her pasty friend suddenly came up with a mischevious and diabolical plan. Grinning like a homeless man who had just been given money for booze, the pale girl took out her water bottle and dosed her companion with it. The short hair-brunette responded with a strange mix of emotions, but seemed relatively unphased that her wet clothes made her look as if she was without a properly functioning bladder. That was, until children started staring at her as if they believed she had genuinely wet herself, which left her pale friend in a fit of laughter.

Okay, so maybe I am that immature, and I kinda sort of might have laughed at myself in the mirror. I don't think it's as sad that I had an immature moment as it is that it inspired me to go back to blogging again. It's not like nothing has been happing in my life at the moment. In fact, a lot has been happening in my life at the moment. I've had three days of rehersals for my school's musical failure, sorry, 'musical spectacular', and the term is finally finished. I presented my Extension English assignment, and was awarded an A-, despite the fact that I had a coughing fit in the middle of my lecture. I am rather proud of this, because I worked way too hard on that darn assignment.

I also saw Jesus Christ Superstar two nights in a row, which was incredible beyond words, albeit emotionally draining. [Cue rant! If you have no interest, then skip this paragraph] I have seen so many theatre productions during the past four years, which range from musicals to operas to orchestral recitals to ballet to oratorios to contemporary dance. I have seen local, national and inernational productions which had everything from four people and four chairs to extravagant sets, and casts of over fifty people. However, I have never seen anything with as much heart, guts and genuine attention to detail as JCS. The cast get into the production so fantastically; at some stage all three leads were crying on stage (two to the point where they were properly sobbing), not because they were acting, but because they were genuinely overcome with emotion because the musical was just that intense. It is also a very physically demanding musical. The guy playing Judas broke his leg after just three and a half performances into the season. Funnily enough, that means I saw his first and last full performance in the role ever. Might I just add, he was fantastic. His take on Judas' Death was more moving and disturbing than anything else I have seen in my entire life. I'm not ashamed to say that it made me cry to the point where I was shaking and sobbing. I had a similar reaction to Jesus' Crucifixion, and Gethsemane. The guy playing Jesus was possibly the most talented musical theatre performer I have ever come across. How he is able to hit and hold (for a good 7 seconds, if not more!) a C6, after already holding the G below that, and not taking a breath, is beyond me. His acting was also flawless. He appeared as such a friendly person in the first act, and turned so tragic in the second. It was very refreshing, given the 'I-accept-everything-and-am-always-calm' view of Jesus that seems to be the norm in popular culture these days. Shout-out also to the actress playing Mary. Dang, could she sing! And props for dedication to the role, to the point of crying with makeup running all down her face, and throwing herself across the stage (multiple times!) only to be dragged across it by 'the crowd'. Yeah, it's possible the most intense musical ever, and the production I saw, I am deeming the best ever. I don't just mean the best prodction of Superstar, I mean the best production of anything.

Dang it, I told myself I wouldn't rant about JCS. Well, we all know that I have absolutely no self-restraint. I really do want to make this blog interesting, but bear with me, because I really need to have the obligatory anime paragraph. I finished Hakushaku to Yousei today, which is devestating. Twelve episodes is not enough! Especially when it's left very open-ended. I'm guessing they planned on making a second season, but this never eventuated. Honestly, I wish I knew how to read Japanese, just so I could read the light novels, and find out how Edgar and Lydia's relationship progressed. Anyways, to drown out my post-watching-a-really-good-anime-depression, I started watching a new one. Usually, I purposefully avoid watching animes that I know people I know have watched, because I have serious individuality issues, but, this time I have made an exception. Being in a particularly romance-needy mood, I watched three episodes straight of Kaichou wa Maid-Sama!. Having come to the realisation that every single story that I love has a really tragic ending, I thought it would be good for me to watch a nice, light-hearted rom-com. It seriously is a great show; I can see why it's so popular! I've made it my goal to watch three new anime before the holidays end, and I shall!

0_0 ... Wow, it really is true. I know I just established this, but for realz, I don't think it's possible for me to properly love a story, unless it has a tragic ending. Which is kind of strange, seeing as I haven't expereinced too much tragedy in my life, and when I have, it's been just that- tragic. I'm all "Ohai story. Your characters all get happy endingz, and/or don't have to go through Hell to get there? Me no respect you!" With the exception of some romances, because I am too much of a hopeless romantic. I wonder if that's some sort of complex... Not that I like all tragedies. If they're like "Look at me! Imma so tragic! Cry for meee!" my general reaction is "Bitch, STFU." I find myself crying at things that most people don't find that sad, and feeling rather emotionless towards things that are generally accepted as heartbreaking. Titanic, for example. I was so happy when Leonardo DiCaprio's character finally died, because it meant that I didn't have to see his annoying face any more. I hear this is meant to be a very moving scene. Oh well.

Ohohoh! You know what's really strange? I was on TVTropes, as I often am, and I had this weird epiphany: when I was a really young child, so many of my dreams involved having Stockholm's Syndrome. I'm not going to explain what that is but, yeah, after having this realisation, WTF-ery ensued. Okay, so I'm going to contradict myself and explain: SS is when someone is captured, and they fall in love with the person holding them hostage. I'm not into that kind of stuff, so it confused me as to why I was dreaming about that, as a child nonetheless. Luckily, I've learned that dreams don't actually indicate much about anything. If they did, I'd be a sadistic freakshow, who doesn't know how to do much other than die and be ressurected again, just so I could die some more.

Luckily, I've never died. Though, unless my brain gets creative quicksmart, I may die of boredom this week. I had a lovely time hanging with my wonderful hoes on Sunday, but I am stranded at my rural property for the remainder of the week, as both my parents work. This isn't a problem for most people, because most people live in an area where there is a public transport system. asdghasdbm. Really, government, acreage doesn't mean country-living, you could at least give us a bus service! Anywayz, when both my parents take the two cars and depart from work, if I have left in one of those cars, I'm pretty much stranded on my property, with nowhere to go. This is a rather depressing concept, but at least I'll have my sister with me this week so I can torture her for my own amusement. I shall use my super-powers-of-creativity to come up with fun and whacky things to do! And then, my dear readers, I shall come and blog about them here, for your amusement. Buenos noches!

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Oh, those vampires won't let you be.

My brain has been partially deceased lately, thus inhibiting me from blogging. Well, not really, because if it had been, I would be seriously worried and probably in hospital right now, as opposed to in front of a laptop. My brain is feeling quite dull right now, though, so I'm going to do the whole subcategories thing to keep myself writing. You know that I'm not thinking straight when I spontaneously decided to write like a middle aged man, rather than a teenage girl. Just to keep it young and fresh here, I'm going to add a 'word'. Word.

[title of show] kills my vampires.

Is epic. "I'm trying to write a musical about two guys writing a musical about two guys writing a musical." Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Four people. Four chairs. A semi-mute guy on piano. Hilarious dialogue. Wonderful score. Excellent cast. Touching moments. Smart lyrics. Yes, I just incorrectly used full-stops multiple times for effect, so eat me. The title of this post comes from the song Die, Vampire, Die, which is about not letting what others say and your own insecurities get in the way of your creative expression. The wonderful thing about this musical is, while is it really, really funny, it is also highly relatable and has a great message. I've been dealing with many vampires of my own lately. That said, on to the next sub-heading!

The Vampire of Despair...

I really do go in circles with my problems. Saturday night was such a high, but yesterday saw me completely crash and burn in a blubbering mess. My way of dealing with life is "hold everything in, until you explode". This cataclysmic event happens about once every two months, and dear goodness, you don't want to be around when it happens. Cue "I've already failed at life and I'm never going to get anywhere" rant. [tos] line time!

You know when you're sick and you're like "Please don't throw up... please don't throw up!" then you throw up and you're all "I feel better... why didn't I throw up sooner?" I'm just sorry I threw up on you guys.

I should say that to my parents, because they are usually left with the lovely task of cleaning up my word-vomit. Well, everything is chuck-free now, thank goodness. Don't y'all just love insecurities, though?

Dracula... Literally draining me of blood.

Why thank you English Extension teacher, for not giving me back my draft that I sent you on Thursday. What I mean by that is "You man-bitch! Gimme my draft back, so I can do your stupid-ass assignment for Thursday, crackers!"

Did you just call me 'crackers'? Is this character black?

I have no f'idea how to finish the assignment. Getting a draft back won't help this, but at least it will give me a reason to work on it.

And when they come, run like Hell, see those bats on your Belfry,then call on Vanhelsing.

Anime may as well be a vampire, because...

It's draining me of life juices! I've invested waay too much time watching Hakushaku to Yousei lately. It's so addictive! Sadly, the anime only shows the first part of the story, so I'm trying to read the light novels. Only two of the twenty-five have been translated from Japanese to English, though, which is devastating. If any Japanese translators are reading this, pretty, pretty please translate them. If I had money, I'd totally pay you. Unfortunately, I'm broke. Can I pay you in love?

So. Many. Bishies.

Pop-culture vampires are lame.

They really are. I don't know what Stephanie Meyer was on when she decided that vampires should sparkle in the sun. But, let's not get into a pop culture rant. I've changed my mind, let's do it. You know who really annoys me in popular culture? Enrique Iglesias. I loved him when he sang cheesy-pop about being people's hero. Even his virtually unheard of uber-old Spanish stuff was cool. His recent music just makes me want to cut my ears off, though. Tonight I'm F*ckin' You- have you no standards, man? I see young teenagers writing "zomg. enrique iz soooo hawt and romantic. could he be an sexxier?" with regards to this song. Girls, if a man ever walks up to you anywhere and says this, I don't care if he looks like Enrique, please punch him in the mouth. He is obviously only an egotistical jerk ass who only cares about sex, or isn't man enough to act like a gentleman. Content aside, the amount of auto tune used on his recent album is appalling. It completely ruins any talent that he had, and gets rid of all the remaining traces of Spanish-ness in his voice. In conclusion: I don't care if Enrique is seriously one of the most attractive people alive (sigh. He has such beautiful lips. What? I warned you all that I notice people's mouth more than anything), his recent album was so disappointing, I revoked my status as a fan of him. Sadly, I still live in the hope that he will stop trying to be so annoyingly mainstream, but I doubt this will ever happen. Rant over, word.

Yeah, well, I no happy with you either.

Only four days left of blood-sucking goodness.

Hallelujah! That garlic must be working, because the vampire that is school is going to hide in it's coffin for three weeks in just four days time. I swear, it vants to suck my blood. Grade 12 be no fun, my homies. Well, academically fun anyway.

Yeah, I can imagine my Biol class being the same. Mwahahaa.

And that's the wrap up. Enjoy your evening, children!