Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Red Oni, Blue Oni

I swear, TVtropes has ruined my life. I mean this in the most wonderful and appreciative way possible. I have been away from the blogging world for a few days because I have actually been taking some time to devote myself to my school work. I know, this is equally unbelievable and astounding. In reality, it's not, because I am a renowned nerdburger, who is constantly stressing about school and working hard to make sure that I do well on all my tests and ace my assignments. As much as I hate school, I'm probably one of the few people in my "oh-so-apathetic" grade that genuinely cares about getting an education, and is prepared to work hard, no matter what. I know I bitch and whinge about school in this blog a lot, and say that I'm neglacting my work, but I'm not really.

Anyway, back on track. I have an English oral that was due today, but I didn't get the chance to present. Darn schnitzel, I wish I'd been able to get it done! I shall be presenting to tomorrow though, so all is well! Then, I have a Maths exam on [next] Wednesday, and my Biology assignment due on Friday. Despite having a fair bit to do, I have mostly taken tonight off, for my own sanity. Hurrrm, I'm not sure if sanity is the correct word to use. Sane people don't generally spend two and a half hours on TVtropes, reading about anything and everything, buuuut... It is so addictive. Plus, I can't help but relate everything in my life to tropes these days.

I was re-re-re-re-re-watching (and seriously, for this particular episode, that's not even close to enough re's. Oh dears!) an episode of TDWT, and I noticed this:

Okay, so I'd never actually taken into account the colours of the train icon things before, because I can often fail at analysing mise en scene. However, last time I watched it, I was automatically like "ZOMGREDONIBLUEONI!" But then it occurred to me that Heather & Al were waay too similar to fit into that trope... aren't they? /creepy music/ Justification is just a hop, click and a paragraph of rambletastic goodness away, but for now, here's another picture.

Oooh, their representative colours have swapped... In the space of only one episode, too. How could this be? /dun dun dun!/ Okay, first let me explain what red oni and blue oni actually is:

Differing sets of personalities are attributed to red oni and blue oni, which have often come to be the personalities of many a protagonist/antagonist combination, or that of a pair of rivals. The two are almost always forced into close contact, either voluntarily or by some outside social or legal reason such as being members of the same family, school, dojo, soldiers together in The Squad, etc. Despite their wildly different personalities and philosophies the two often have either the same (or related) professions and/or skills. This of course gives them something to butt heads about, since they will also often have vastly different ways of going about whatever it is they're competing over and each will insist that his way is the best. [TVtropes]

For example, in real life, I am a blue oni and my sister is a red oni. She is the enthusiastic, zesty, more-emotion-than-intellect, better-people-connecting, positive one. I, however, am the more intellectual, proud, traditional, cultured, socially-strange, so-much-more-if-you-scratch-beneath-the-surface one. This picture pretty much says it all:

Poor Excalibur. I wouldn't want to be caught between the two of us either ;)

Aaaaaanyway, back to the anaylsis. Here is my hypothesis: In the sense that I'm alaylsing it, I think the visual symbolism used by the creators was purely unintentional. It does, however, highlight some of the key aspects of the two character's relations. On first glance, the two are quite similar, as they are both extremely manipulative and quite selfish. However, on deeper inspection, we can see that the two contrast eachother in many ways. Prior to the season finale [picture one], Alejandro was the blue oni of the pair. He was constantly thinking of tactics, and kept a level head and facade throughout kost of the competition. Heather, however, was very prone to letting her emotions and annoyances overpower her strategies. While it often payed off, her decisions and reactions were usually reckless and impulsive, whereas Alejandro's were extremely contrived and well thought out. Therefore, although both were antagonists that sought to win, their tactics and persoanlities, when analysed were very different. The role reversal occurs in the season finale [picture two], when Alejandro drops his calm facade, and decides that his relationship with Heather is what is most important to him. This married with his Beserk Button moment over being called Al, and his Freudian Excuse which came in the form of childhood bullying and abuse from his older brother, made him the more rash and emotional of the two. Heather, in contrast, used his newfound emotionality to her advantage, and strategically put on an act for the great majority of the episode, eventually winning the season. Yeah, this is what happens when you do too much English.

... Excalibur is asleep. I apologise if you also are. Well, at least I found my Red Oni, Blue Oni rant fascinating. Then again, I'll use any excuse to talk about shipping, or ranting in general. As a side note, the Fakiru pairing is completely ROBO, so much so that I don't even need to bother arguing it. Hnnn, I really do seem to like the whole opposites thing. Which reminds me! I totally started watching Shugo Chara today. I fangirled over a character, and shipped two characters before I even watched the show. I fangirled further over said character just because they turned up in the opening credits. I got even more crazy with my shipping, just because the two character had all of one scene together in the first episode. That pretty much sums up how I was with Tutu. You should all pray that it doesn't go down that path, otherwise you'll be reading a looot more about it. Random fact: the word 'oni' roughly translates to 'demon' or 'ogre' in Japanese. Ah, I should be getting to bed. Seeing as it is the last day of May, I did feel compelled to make one more post before the month ended. I made a sketch of Excalibur on my English notes, because I wasn't learning them properly, and Paint'd it just then. On this image, I shall end the post. Goodnight and sweet dreams, munchkinies!

//A.N: My Blogs have been being just a little serious of late. I promise you all I'll do something exceedingly random again soon. Holidays are in just two and a half weeks, and you can be sure that my mind will be flowing with crazy thoughts then. Beunos noches! x

Biology. It's a way of life.

LOLJK it's a class I'm forced to do. So, I'm sitting here next to tthe wonderful Gojo, and we're going through our blogging history and seeing where our blogs come up on Google. I'm on the first page for Clannad, demisemiquavers, travel bug and feminism. The latter is thoroughly random, but hey, I'm cool with drawing in views due to critical theory. Gojo's trying to get me into HetaOni. It sounds really random, but hey, we all know that randomness is superduperawesomeballsofcool, yeah? I'm told that it's like an RPG that you watch, and it's kinda like Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, but with Hetalia people. So, even if I end up taking ages to watch it, you fine people should anyways.

I've been thinking about uni again. The other day, my parents pretty much told me that I had to go to a specific uni, and not do the only course that I've ever been in. Oh, but they'll totally support me in whatever I do in life, because the world is my oyster. Yeaaah, thanks for being consistent, dear parentals. I don't really mind what they say. I'm thinking of doing ArtsxJournalism, so that I have a wide variety of English/culture/possibly language or travel career options. I was interested in doing the dual with International Hotel and Tourism management, buuuuut... I don't know. I love Events Management, but I'm not so big on business or anything that has to do with Maths, really. So, we'll see. I'm praying that God will give me guidance. I mean, I know that I have to take control of my life and my destiny, but I feel that if I have God to guide me, everything will turn out okay in the end. I read something the other day: When you have faith, there is no reason to be afraid. Fakir moment! "I will face my fate... without fear!" Mkay, so that was a combination of two lines that are said at totally different times, but you didn't know that. Oh noes, I blew my cover! /runs and hides in a bush/

Apologies for this being a rather boring post. I blame Biology. I'm hoping to have a more interesting post when I get home. It shall be about passionfruit and symbolism in TDWT songs, maybe. Yeah, that probably sounds lameballsereific, but I shall make it fun for you, my wonderful viewerkiddies! Speaking of viewers, I haz a new follower! Seeing as I don't exactly have a massive following, I like to acknowledge when a noob (I say that in an endearing way) joins the [demisemiquavergirl] crew. That said, salutations and greetings to my newest follower! ^^)

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Ninja invasion of the head and stomach. Now with TD kinda rant!

Oooooh, what's the buzz? Hopefully it's not my phone going off... or my stomach churning. Well, right now I'm chilling at the state library. I just finished my English assignment, and I am rather proud of my productivity. Especially considering how terribly unproductive I was yesterday. I took the day off school, because my stomach decided to start churning like crazy, leaving me wanting to, ah, do the opposite of eating, to put it nicely. I kept thinking to myself that I was going to work on lots of school things. But instead, I did nothing. Well, I didn't do nothing. I seemed to get well fairly early in the day, so, I went out and rode my bike and spent time with my dog. And then I spent hours on TVtropes. Then I spent an hour watching the PT finale, and the commentary for it. I'm such an idiot. I assumed that because I didn't cry my eyes out like a little baby the first time, and get rather depressed, I wouldn't this time. Not true. I must have looked like pathetic incarnate: sitting on the floor crying like a kid while watching anime, wiping makeup all over my face, and stuffing my mouth with chocolate. Really smooth.

So, this post is now being continued several hours later. I really should be in bed, but, I'm a night dwelling person. I got some night driving hours tonight, which was awesome. Unlike most people, I actually find it easier to drive at night than during the day. I tell you people, it's the larger pupils. And I'm just naturally semi-nocturnal. I have been meaning to watch episode three of AnoHana, but for some reason, my internet is loading the video at a snail pace. As in five minutes of video loaded in half an hour slow. So, I've been lurking around the Total Drama fandom while it loads. Despite being an on-and-off mega-fanatic over the series, I'd never really looked into the fandom until yesterday. By on-and-off I mean, when I don't have anything to do with it, it's cool. I don't act like an addict or anything. But, when I watch it, I suddenly feel like I have to watch more. And more. And more. Espically with World Tour. Oh dear. Anyway, back to the fandom lurking. Eh, it's not a very active one. I mean, it is, but only on the Wikia page and Fanfiction. The LJ and Fanpop pages are pretty inactive. The shippers, though not exactly in-your-face bothersome, are quite annoying. I don't mind fanon, but, there is just waaaay too much crack shipping going on. I would go so far as to say there are more fanon shippers then canon. Some of the ships are alright. Some of them are just weird, and way too sexualised. Especially when they revolve around Noah, Cody or Heather. Especially when it's all of them at once.

Why are Noah and Cody the most popular male characters? More the point, why do most girls these days seem to like men that are a) not masculine b) look incredibly young/ like women. I read an article by Francis Whiting that suggested this was the case becase effeminate looking men were not confronting or scary; they are approachable heroes/obsessions. Once again reaffirming how much I deviate from the norm, because I'm just like "GROW A P*NIS AND MAN UP!" But anyway, I was really shocked when I discovered that Sierra was a really accurate parody of a TD fangirl, with her Cody-obsession, because he actually was the most popular male character in the show. To be honest, I thought Duncan would have been the favourite. Apparently not. It always shocks me as to just how unpopular Alejandro is with the fans. According to a poll on Fanpop, Sierra was chosen as the better new character. I mean, she's hilarious and all, but, like, what? What is wrong with you all? His stereotype pretty much defines that he's meant to swooned over. But no, apparently girls these days want weenie boys. ** /grabs paper bag and hyperventilates/

Phew! Now that that's done, I can finish ranting. Yes, I'm aware that no one really has much of a clue what I'm on about, but hey, Kira, what you're doing is purple. /waits forty seconds, with cheesy elevator music playing/ Yaywhoot death! Becuase, making an even more abstract reference was toootally going to save this post. Mkay, I promise y'all that when I've finished my ranting, I'll have a super-hyper-crazeballs time to make up for the boredom you've endure. Because I'm just that lovely, word. Gah, I feel like having a high-high-high-ho randomific posting time now. No. must finish ranting. Don't want any unresolved ranting tension. I mean, it's worse than unresolved sexual tension. And that's really annoying.

Moving forward! Yes, I just made a Julia Gillard reference. How diabolically terrible of me. Moving even more forward! I'd been getting so into the Fakiru pairing, that I'd forgotten that AleHeather was my OTP beforehand. What's the deal with OTPs anyway? I got the impression that it meant one true pairing, but people seem to have more than one OTP. Or is there one per show? Anyway, I love many ships, and I'm quick to ship. Like, I did a [ClearlyUnfocused] and shipped Yukiatsu with Menma before they'd even met on AnoHana. Actually, I kinda like the idea of that being a one-sided-ship more, because that makes it tragic. I think this is the case anyway. I wouldn't know, because my dang internet is still loading at a snail pace. awkdgahsnddjia. And, I totally have character dibs on Yukiatsu. C'mon, like, messed up, good looking, not-protagonist, voiced by Takahiro freakin' Sakurai /drools/. Guys, the timbre of his voice is just so lush. I could talk about it all day. But, I won't, because I'm already getting way off topic.

 So yeppo, shipping is awesome and fun. And I just naturally do it. There are a few of us who even ship teachers at school, though it's usually crack and just for lolz. Despite this, there are very few ships that I really, really get into. I'm pretty sure AleHeather was my first proper ship. D'aww. It really doesn't have the following it deserves, but most fans of it seem to be quite intelligent. As opposed to NoahxHeather shippers who are sick little schoolboys that want to play out their nerd-gets-popular-bitch fantasies through their crack pairing. Anyways, it's still one of my favourite pairings ever, even if the creators did completely ruin it, just seconds after making it canon in the show. Huurr grr. Hopefully they'll patch things up in season five. I'm kind of scared for season five. Season four most likely going to be lameballs, because they're using all new contestants, as opposed to the old ones. But, I hope it's mildly successful, so the creators have enough funding for season five, which is rumoured to be the final season, and have all the characters which have ever been on the show. I've got my fingers crossed that they'll fix Aleheather, Duncney and Gwent, because those are easily my favourite pairings in the show. And all of them were completely ruined. Speaking of Duncney, I've been catching some of the Total Drama Action episodes of ABC3 lately. That ship is like, one of the few things season two was good for.

So, that was my very long way of telling everyone that I'm in a Total Drama-erific mood. Urgh. I just remembered that I still have to practice and learn my English oral. Superdooperlametimes. I had a careers discussion with my parents again this afternoon. They're not happy with my preferences for Uni. At all. And they're totally bummed that I don't have a specific career I want to do. The only thing that's ever really interested me it theatre management, and like hell that'll ever happen. Maybe I should try and work towards it anyway. I don't know. Maybe I should just do Journalism at uni. What do you all think? Am I decent enough at writing to do something like that?

It's nearly midnight, so I should be off to bed now. My AnoHana episode hasn't even loaded halfway yet. Fffff! My parents have another rugby game booked for tomorrow night. Apparently there's going to be a crowd over over fifty thousand, which breaks the record crowd in the stadium for that type of game. This is all coolbeans, but I really need the time for studiez. Ah well, it'll be good for me to get out of the house again.

SO LUCKAY! Yer, I haz that stuck in my head. Oh dear, LOLcat infestation of the brain. Actually, it's because I found a heap of Fakir crack macros that someone on LJ had made. They made me laugh so hard. I'd put one on here as a picture, but that would require asking the creator for sharing rights, and like, that requires social contact with peoples I've never talked to before. Just click on the link and chck them out, even if heaps of the humour is fandom specific. Anyways, continuing with the random. Here's some random life facts:

Last night I dreamt that I was a beepboxer.
Today a gay guy told me that he liked my boots.
Today my own mother hit on me in jest.
At an eisteddfod on Thursday, I almost fell backwards when I stood up on stage.
I often think everything smells like pancakes.
Today a Tomtom said I drove across the water. Ridin' Jesus style, brah.
I also confessed to loving my ninja today. Lucky he was too busy pimpin' this blog to notice :#3
Wraps are too expensive.
Life is a hard and painful game. In short, yo mama so fat.
I can haz zzzzs?
Don't read Dracula on the bus if you're travel sick. It will only end in nausea.
I now read most things from a postcolonial perspective.
Chuck Norris found me.
Seeing weird sparkles before your eyes is usually an indication that you should go to bed.
Therefore, I'm off to the land of slumber

Farewell, my little blog following wonderkids! Remember: Don't have sex, because you will get pregnant and die. I think I just stuffed up that ITR. Did I? Eh, who really cares. Take care, chickens. And, as [Gojo] so nicely told me in what I'm guessing is a reference: If your sex is on fire, it's probably chlamidya.

** Disclaimer: I apologise to those of you who are manboy inclined. Everyone is very entitled to their preferences. Different strokes for different folks? /luminescent blush/ ⁰#Erm, I mean, there's someone for everyone? It's a good thing that not all people are attracted to the same thing, or poligomy would become massive? Okay, now I'm just making a fool out of myself. Imma shut my piehole now.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Memoirs of an Antagonist

I can wholeheartedly say that I had fun in HPE today. Like, whoa. I know, you probably believed that the rapture was going to happen a few days ago more than you believe I had a good time in HPE. As much as I despise the subject, it can be pretty good, sometimes. Today, our class was meant to be doing Volleyball. I don't know why. For some reason, the teacher has an obsession with volleyball. Even though barely anyone seems to take proper interest in it. Hurrm. Anyway, for some reason, the teacher decided that four people could go off and play unsupervised tennis, while the remainder of the class played volleyball. Naturally, [Gojo], [ClearlyUnfocused], [AnonymousAlbino] and I all volunteered to play tennis stright away. I mean, the HPE teacher was lucky to have all of us turn up to his lesson. We're all... Less than fit. Or sporty. So, for the whole period, we played a rather disjointed and dysfunctional game of tennis. I think I've mentioned it before, but [AnonymousAlbino] and I have this story going, where he's the protagonist, and I'm the antagonist. Well, I dibs'd being the antagonist, and he got stuck being the protagonist, because, who wants to be the good character? ehehe. I remember when I was a kid, and everyone would want to be the good guy or princess or whatever. Nowadays, people fight over being the baddie. Well, I don't know if normal members of society make up strange stories and cast themselves as characters, but whatever. I decided that we also needed an antihero and an antivillain. [Gojo] dibs'd antihero, and [ClearlyUnfocused] reluctantly took antivillain. It was most amusing, seeing as half of our party didn't even fully know what those character types were at first.

Anyhoo, back to the tennis game! So, we paired off into doubles. [Gojo] and I were a team. We were the dark side, and we haz cookies! We found it a most fitting antag/antihero pairing, seeing as the antihero typically is cast with the antagonist, or pretends to be bad/is bad, then reforms. Obviously, [AnonymousAlbino] and [ClearlyUnfocused] were our opponents, fighting for the side of good. Though none of us were all too good at actually hitting the ball, or getting a rally going (though, I must say, the dark side was much better than the good >:3 mwahaha) it was an awesome tennis game.

Being evil and all, I decided that when actually winning by hitting the ball over the net failed, the best thing to do was to run at the protagonist, and face him in a duel, using the tennis rackets as swords. My swordsmanship was epic, but I could only stay on the side of good for so long, without having to return to the dark side to regain my villain powers. See, my Freudian excuse for being a villain was that I was such a failed tennis player, I tried to overcompensate by being evil. And I had a tragic back story. Bad childhood, yo. [ClearlyUnfocused]'s Freudian excuse just was the protagonist. They were always arguing, and he treated her very badly. Actually, their bickering, while hilarious, held up the game a lot. The antihero and I decided that the good side was much too slow.

Except, my antihero seemed to have BST with the protagonist. This was all "very stifling to the plot". Although, their interactions were very amusing, as it proved that she was not truly evil. While they were bickering, I tried to convince the antivillain to leave the side of good, and come over to the dark side, where everything was better. I used my manipulative skillz to get her to give me a ball, at one stage :3 It was a victory for the plot, and for evil.

I have the most random times at school. Like, this afternoon, [Gojo], [ClearlyUnfocused], [Dylman] and I made a barricade at the top of the stairs to stop our English teacher from getting through, and therefore avoid giving us our drafts back. Mkay, so I was kinda annoyed that after eight days, I hadn't gotten my draft back, but the whole situation was just amusing. The dude hadn't even marked the drafts yet, so he sat outside the staffroom, marking them, and using very colourful language to describe the task. Then our instrumental teacher walked past, and the two teachers had the weirdest mock-staring-competition-thing I've ever seen. I think bombarding teachers after school, and playing weird story-tennis-games are the sorts of things I'll remember about school. The work is going to be forgotten so quickly, but those things, yeah, I'll remember them. And I shall look back and trololol.

Top left: Gojo, Top Right: AnonymousAlbino, Bottom left: Meee, Bottom right: ClearlyUnfocused. The crazy tennis story game thang!

Now, for something completely random. At said draft conferencing thing, [ClearlyUnfocused] was saying that she would really need her chocolate this afternoon. And I was like "Whaaat? Oh, thaaaat chocolate," and our English teacher was all "Errrm. Chocolate isn't code for heroin or something, is it?" lolz. Luckily, it is not. Otherwise, our instrumental teacher would have bought my friends and I blocks of heroin yesterday. Awkward! Oh yeah, our band totes played at a shopping centre yesterday. And we were awesome. And [Gojo] introduced me to the best chips and gravy ever. And we got free donuts. And, as mentioned, the instrumental teacher bought us blocks of chocolate as a thank-you for busking at some school event. It was totalawesomeballs!

Well, I better go actually fix my draft, even though I don't really understand the feedback my teacher has written. Oh wells! Farewell, kiddiewinkles. Excaibur agrees with me: DON'T DO DRUGS. N'awww moral ending.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Random Post Thang: Unfinished Anime

Well, I was thinking of starting this blog post off with "POLTERGEIST MONKIES SINGING "SEX ON FIRE" AND EATING TRUFFLES DIPPED IN CHEESE FONDUE AND DANCING THE FANDANGO!" but that would be a little disrespectful to anime, seeing as it's what I'm actually blogging about. Eh, it looks like I've gone and done that anyway. Back on track. I started watching a new anime yesterday. It's called Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai, which roughly translates to "We still don't know the name of the flower we saw that day." It is a ridiculously long name to write, so I'm going to call it AnoHana from now on. AnoHana tells the tale of a group of childhood friends, who spend their days having innocent fun together. This all changes when Menma, the sweet, innocent girl of the group, suddenly dies. Years later, her spirit appears to Jintan, a boy who was one of her closest friends, and told her that she was ugly, just before her death, to avoid having to confess his feelings for her. Menma claims that he must grant her dying wish, and that this can only happen if her reuintes their old group of friends. Did I mention that Jintan is the only one who can see Menma's ghost? Oh, and everyone's like, really messed up. And one of the main dudes, known as Yukiatsu, is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, whose voice I'm in love with. The animation is really good, and I'm enjoying the show a lot so far. Plus, it's the first ongoing/current anime I've ever watched. Whoot.

Aaaaand, thanks to [Gojo], I've started re-watching Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (When the Evening Cicadas Cry). Yeah, it is a complete contrast to the other anime. I don't even know how to describe it. Mystery, multiple-universes, conspiracy, murder, cute little girls, maniacal laughter, shrine gods, small town with dark secrets and RENA WITH HER HATCHET, LAUGHING LIKE A MANIAC.

Yeeeah, don't be like me. Don't watch this show late at night. In the dark. With no-one around. When things in your room keep moving for no reason.

It's a really good show, though. You should watch it. It's violent, but hey, if I can deal with it, then I'm sure everyone else can. Anyway, I noticed yesterday that I really suck at finishing anime. I've started a fair few, but only finished... Erm, not that many. So, out of boredom any random-ness, I'm going to make a list of all the animes I've watched. I'm very forgetful, so, this probably isn't all of them. Let's just see how I go with the list, mkayyeah?

Anime I have completed:

-Death Note (Episode 37)
-Angel Beats! (Episode 13)
-Clannad (Episode 24)
-Clannad~ After Story (Episode 24)
-Princess Tutu (Episode 26)
-Pretear (Episode 13)

Anime I have started watching/am watching:

- Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (Episode 2)
- Arakawa Under the Bridge (Episode 5)
- Kanon 2006 (Episode 7)
- Fruits Basket (Episode 3 + random bits and episodes from [ClearlyUnfocused])
- Special A (Episode 2)
- Rurouni Kenshin (Episode 17)
- InuYasha (Episode 75)
- InuYasha: The Final Act (Episode 2)
- Full Metal Panic! (Episode 2)
- Baccano! (Episode 3)
- Honey and Clover (Episode 2)
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (Episode 7)
- Toradora! (Episode 1)
- Hetalia - Axis Powers (Episode 3)
- Rumbling Hearts (Episode 3)
- The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi (Episode 1)

Evidently, I am much, much, much better at starting anime than finishing them. I have many valid reasons for not finishing a lot of them. InuYasha and Rurouni Kenshin are both really long (168 and 94 episodes, respectively), things like Baccano! and FMP! don't have enough shipping for my current liking, and Rumbling Hearts had sex secenes, so yeah, I kinda gave up on it.

I must be like, an anime hoe. I can't commit to only one! It just proves, I reeeally have to love an anime to finish it. Or, it has to be short. I've never re-watched an entire anime series. I'm two episodes away from re-finishing Princess Tutu, which will make it my first re-watched anime series when I get there. It also has the record for my most watched episode (I have watched episode 1 five times through, even though I consider it nowhere near as good as the later episodes). And it holds the record for my most watched scene (FakirxAhiru blush-tastic moment in Episode 12. I have watched it way more times than I can count, and laughed/squee'd very hard each time). Although, if Total Drama World Tour were counted, it would have stolen both those titles. I have watched the whole season more times than I can count on my fingers, and rewatched individual episodes even more. Pssft. No obsession.

In conclusion, I need to finish me some animez! I don't know which ones on the list I will actually finish, because my moods and animes likings change quite a lot. After watching 3 episodes of Princess Tutu, I can honestly say that I thought I would never return to it, or finish it. But, we all know how that turned out. Thank goodness for reading TVtropes pages! Right now, I'm on track to finish the two series I'm watching at the moment. And I really want to watch Umineko no Naku Koro ni. I think that I will finish Baccano! one day, when I'm not so shipping-obsessed. If that day ever comes. Though it'll probably take me like, a lifetime, I think my chances of eventually finishing InuYasha are moderately high. And I know I'll watch some more Rurouni Kenshin and Arakawa Under the Bridge someday. The rest of them, we'll just have to wait and see. Goodnight bloggers!

... OH! If you were wondering where Excalibur was. He fell asleep after the first paragraph. Turns out, he isn't that interested in me making anime lists. Oh wells!

Saturday, 21 May 2011

100 Random Facts About Me

During Friday's thanks-for-giving-us-laptops-so-we-can-pretend-to-be-working-on-the-assignment Biology lesson, [Gojo], who was chillin' next to me, beseeched me to make a '100 Things I Can Do' list, like the one she had made. Mkay, so maybe it wasn't beseeching, but let's pretend that it was. Overdramatic-ness FTW. I did try to do one of those lists, but discovered to my dismay, that I could barely list five things that I could do, let alone a hundred. Lists are coolballs and all, though, so I thought I'd try my luck and see if I could get out 100 random facts about myself. If you are reading this list, you should be incredibly proud that I actually finished it. Comments of "ZOMG. [demisemiquavergirl] is like, the amazeballest blogger everrr,"wouldn't be out of place. Just sayin'. Anyway, on to the list, my munchkinie friends!

1. I fail at socialising, because whenever I go to say something about myself, I spontaneously forget everything I have ever known or expereinced. So, I cover this sudden forgetfulness up by laughing and pretending to be really, really interested in the other person's life, until I have regained some memory of my own, and therefore have something to say.
2. I also seem to forget everything about my life when I go to make lists like this one. Hm.
3. I'm meant to be doing a 3000 word Biology assignment right now. The draft is due tomorrow lolz.
4. I am really, really, really, really, really, really ticklish. You only have to touch me slightly, and I will literally start ROFLing like crazy.
5. I hate softdrink with a passion. I would rather drink a glass of aspirin than a glass softdrink. I know, weird.
6. I'm very proud that I made it past 5 on the list.
7. If you haven't noticed, I'm a sucker for animation. You know how, as a kid, everything seemed boring if it wasn't a cartoon? Yeah, I never got past that stage. Well, I did, but then I regressed.
8. I have a dalamatian. He is the only being on this earth that is crazier than I am.
9. I can't stand nail files. Or chewing my nails, for that matter. Actually, I don't particularly like clipping my nails. I know nails aren't meant to have any nerves or what not, but mine are kinda... sensitive.
10. Heck, my whole body is overly sensitive.
11. My pupils dialate much wider than the average human's, so I'm actually more sensitive to light, and can see easier in the dark.
12. My skin is very pale, so I am easily affected by the sun.
13. I don't know what's going on with my nerves. I only have to be slightly brushed, and I will feel the sensation through my whole body.
14. Oh, and I'm also uber sensitive to noise. The slightest sounds can put me on edge. In tests, if I can hear people breathing, or pencils bashing against paper, I get so agitated that I almost scream.
15. Speaking of overly sensitive, I can't stand violence. Literally, if I see too much gore or violence, my body will actually start shaking, and I will cry uncontrollably. This is set off most easily by the topic of execution. It's something that I can't actually talk about, or even cover up by joking about (though, I try), because it makes me feel so incredibly sick inside. Especially if we're talking beheading. For real, just typing that word sent a sick chill through my spine. I don't like admitting this, because it's a little strange, but, it's my worst fear.
16. Despite the point above, or maybe because of it, I frequently dream about executions, violence and death. Needless to say, I don't really enjoy dreaming.
17. Because of the points above, I sort of have a fear of learning about history. I actually thought I was going to throw up when I heard we were doing FrenchRev in year 10. Thank goodness I didn't, because it was actually really interesting... Save the death-ness.
18. I like learning about history! But yeah, the irrational fear of learning about it makes things hard.
19. I'm not a big fan of modern times. Living standards are awesome for one such as myself, but gah, the way we're raping the planet, and the lack of morals that everone has... It just bugs me so much.
20. I immediately lose interest in a story/film/novel/series if it is set in modern times. It's a simple fact: I find things that are set in different worlds/times/dimensions much more interesting.
21. I'm a culture snob. There's no point in denying it.
22. I'm a snob, full stop. Excalibur is too, because he says "GET TEH BOGANZ AWAYS FROM MEH!"
23. I'm so much of a snob, that when I was ten years old and walking through [Badna] (take a guess where that is. Clue: binary opposite prefix) I held my breath, because I didn't want to catch "Low-sose," because low socio-economic status is totally a disease.
24. I love tea. I've loved tea since I was six years old. I'm drinking tea right now.
25. I love to procrastinate. Why else would I be writing this list?
26. Despite how much I procrastinate, I'm pretty sure I'm still considered one of the best, if not the best student in the grade, workwise.
27. I redefine the term 'over-emotional'.
28. I also redefine the phrase 'sweet sixteen and never been kissed'. But, you can kiss my knuckle-sandwhich if you want mwaha XD
29. I was once quoted saying "Marco Grazzini redefines the word 'hot'." I stand by that statement. /insert fangirl squee here/
30. I just committed the fatal act: Looking up Princess Tutu, when I should be doing assignments. Two hours later, I know know what all the German in the show translates to (asdjasbdm. They actually had proper stories in books that were lying open, and like, foreshadowing and stuff. The attention to detail in that show is just incrediballstasticerific), possibly how the whole Drosselmeyer family tree is, how the dub and early sub differ in some areas of animation, just how similar Kinkan town is to Nordlingen, which is a town in Germany, and have looked at so many fanarts and screenshots, and read so many fan theories that my brain is ready to implode... with awesome. I can haz moar?
31. It annoys me that the number seven is considered so lucky, because, due to birth and whatnot, it's my number. And I can't stand normality.
32. I love Spanish names. No matter what, I'm giving my kiddiewinkles cool Spanish names.
33. Eh, I just love Spain and Spanish, full stop.
34. "Are you so severe on your own sex?" asks Mr Darcy. Yeah, I can be very judgemental of women, and even moreso of men.
35. Gen Y annoys me. I wish I wasn't included in it.
36. Gen X annoys me even more. I'm glad I'm not part of my parent's generation.
37. Baby Boomers annoy me most of all. They call my generation selfish, but they should take a look at temselves!
38. I'm crazily scared of dying, and nothingness, but not of eternity or eternal life. Time is weird.
39. I just tried to load so many pages of the Princess Tutu LJ community, it stopped working. I think it's a sign that I need to start working.
40. If you haven't noticed, when I obsess over something, I obsess over it. And, even if I move on, it always hold a special place in my heart.
41. I have many scars, they're just not in obvious places... Well, some are. Hello, chickenpox scar on  my face.
42. I'm bored by my own list, but I can't think of anything interesting to share.
43. OH! I have a weird bellybutton. For realz, I can pull it out. It's usually kinda inverted, but, I still have some umbilical cord. And I'm proud of this.
44. I love alfalfa.
45. I love big, long words.
46. I love classic novels, for their storylines, and because they often use big, long words.
47. I love reading about romance.
48. I don't like reading smut. It makes me really uncomfortable and awkward. If anything has smut, 99% of the time, I'll just skip over it.
49. All of my favourite characters are male, bar two.
50. Although I often have "HOLYCREPE, I CAN'T UNTHINK THAT!" moments, my mind naturally censors most things.
51. It's actually really hard, having lots of strong, Christian morals and values. Especially in this society, which is constantly tempting you to be corrupt. And I often feel really judged for having these morals. I'm sorry peeps, I don't go around thinking everyone should go to Hell, but, I do want to live my life a certain way.
52. I either have very strong views on things, or no views at all. There is no middle ground.
53. Funnily enough, I don't think that life is black and white. Everything is a grey area for me.
54. I love antagonists and antiheros and antivillains. I rarely like protagonists.
55. I claim to be very judgemental, but this is to cover the fact that I always assume the best in people.
56. Actually, I always assume the best in everything. It's ridiculous. I will see an adult content notice, and expect the content to be at a PG-13 level. This isn't good, because I often have to be all "GAH! MY EYES, MY EYES!" Note to self: warnings are there for a reason.
57. I don't like reading/watching anything with a higher rating than PG-13. Ever. I've only seen 2 MA15+ movies, and that wasn't by choice.
58. I love old architechture. So much.
59. I'm amazeballsofawesome at public speaking, but I have a social phobia.
60. I adore thai curries.
61. I adore spicy food.
62. I adore sweet things. I can eat so much sweet stuff, and not feel sick. However, I can eat anything that's very salty.
63. I never put salt on any of my food. Ever.
64. I have been told by numerous people that I'm the reincarnation of someone.
65. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life.
66. I refuse to travel to any countries that have the death penalty. That includes some states of America.
67. When I was a kid, I used to want to be an astronaut and a ballerina. Then a space shuttle came tumbling down to Earth, killing everyone inside, and my ballet teacher left. Devo.
68. I love the dark.
69. hehehehe. How can I not dedicate this one to 69? I didn't find out what that was until grade 8, when everyone would always write it on their calculators and giggle. My sister, who is in grade 9, is still completely clueless.
70. I actually have many things in common with vampires... And Snow White. NINJAVAMPIREPRINCESS!
71. I'm starting to feel sick with worry, because I haven't been working on my Biol assignment. Remind me why I'm not, again?
72. I really like the legends of King Arthur. I hate the TV show Merlin.
73. I have been in love with Prince Eric, from Barbie in The Nutcracker, since I was six years old. ZOMG. He totes has the same VA as Miroku from InuYasha. I always find this too awesome.
74. I hate my name. It is the most boring, bogan, common, bleh, ordinary, lame name ever. I'm going by my middle name once I leave school.
75. My main nickname is derived from my middle name.
76. I like my middle name. Quite a lot. It means 'moon goddness'. Yeah, bros.
77. The feature that I notice most about people is their mouth.
78. The second thing I notice is their hair.
79. I don't know why everyone thinks that eyes are the best feature. Eye shape and colour has never particularly bothered/attracted me.
80. My eyes used to be bright blue, but now they're green. This is awesome, because green eyes FTW.
81. I've been told that my eyes looked Asain. I've also been told that I have eyes like a cat. Both of these statements are really false. So, I have almond-shaped eyes, that are exotically slanted. What does it matter?
82. I'm awesome at keeping a polker face.
83. The above is only true if I don't find something to laugh at. Or, if I suddenly have fangirlish thoughts.
84. Some days, I spend more time daydreaming than interacting with my surroundings.
85. I used to be able to recite the full libretto for The Phantom of the Opera. I can still probably recite all of Wicked. I can do all of the highlights from Jesus Christ Superstar.
86. I can be really funny sometimes. I can also be really un-funny.
87. I yearn for acceptance way more than I'm comfotable with. I'm meant to be the lone wolf, not caring what anyone thinks. Oh, how I wish that were actually the case.
88. I'm awesome at baking.
89. I suck at cooking actual meals.
90. I hang out with so many short girls, that I often forget that I'm not actually tall; I'm just taller than them.
91. I can't believe that I'm actaully going to finish this list.
92. It wouldn't surprise me if I try to sneak into clubs and/or bars next year, or if I purchase a fake ID. I don't want to drink, I just want to get into the dang places.
93. I'm constantly changing my mind about everything.
94. I kareoke to Jesus Christ Superstar songs, more than anything else. Even though they're completely irrelivent to everything, and are usually about frustration, pain or worry. Oh, so maybe they're not completely irrelivent.
95. I love warmth and summer.
96. I detest cloudy days and winter.Why does everyone love it so much?
97. I've probably already changed my stance on some of the stuff in this list. That's how often I change views.
98. Unlike most people, I don't care about travelling the world and doing lots of stuff before I settle down. If it were up to me, I'd be happy to meet someone and settle down next year! My mother met my father in her first year out of school, and they've had like, the best marriage. So, I don't see what's wrong with it.
99. I over-romanticise and over-dramaticise everything.
100. I'm trying to come up with something really whack for this last point, and failing. Well, I can't come up with anything. I should have added this is earlier, but, I hate all sport, and feel like HPE is degrading. The only sport I like and follow os V8 Supercars. I would kill to go to Bathurst, especially while Whincup is doing so well. He's been my favourite driver, ever since he was Lowndes' secondary driver, and look at him now: top of the championship, having won so many races as the leading driver for Team Vodafone. I know how to pick talent ^^ Did I mention that he's the only attractive driver? This is nooot why I like him at all.

So, there you go. Maybe you learnt something new about me. Maybe you didn't. Either way, I'm off to smash this Biology assignment, and Excalibur is off to smash some delinquents. Later, kiddios.

I get 100 random things, poor Excalibur only gets one. He is a very shy ninja. Why else do you think he covers himself up in black clothing all the time? D'aww. I laughed way too much drawing this. My poor little blushing ninja.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Our World is being controlled by stories... And I'm on afterlife TV!

Okay, so I was going to name this post "The awkward moment when Judas isn't hot," but the actual title gives me a lot more scope for writing. Mkay, fudgeballkids, here's how it goes. I just wrote 'hot is goes', before fixing the typo. No, there is nothing on my mind at all. Anyways, this post was triggered by two things that I love very much: my family, and Jesus Christ Superstar. So, it is now under a month until said musical has a return season, and, I'm starting to get excited. Yes, I'm starting to become total and utter exciteballs. In my opinion, JCS is the second best musical ever, when done well. The trouble is, pretty much no-one ever does it well. It's usually performed with sets that are strangeballstastic and actors that are less than attractive, both vocally and appearance-wise. This wasn't the case when I (twice) saw the show. The set was a fabulous, collapsing cathedral, that had a very Phantom-y feel, and the cast were young and attractive. Okay, so a chunk of the reason I loved that production so much was because I was all lustballs for the actor playing Judas. Tall, very well toned, black hair, vocal growls, passionate and fiery acting. I, and most of the other females in the audience, were practically drooling. I'll quote my own mother in saying "His arms were half the reason for going." So, imagine my dismay when I discover that in the return season, he is being replaced by someone much less attractive, and a little older. My reaction was something along the lines of:


Becuase, you know, that's not shallow at all. Actually, I feel really bad now. I was just totally going to bag the heckballs out of some performer that I haven't even seen, just because I'm not attracted to him. The character isn't even particularly meant to be attractive, but... I don't know. No matter what, I will miss the incredibly hot riffs and growls (oh, so eargasmic) of the last guy, as well as his physical attributes. But, that doesn't mean that the new guy won't be talented, right? Okay, this is so random, but, I've completely changed my mind. So, the guy isn't attractive, but he isn't unattractive. And he's a baritone, which can be very hot. If there's one thing that Anthony Warlow has proven, it's that you can be middle-aged and bald, and still have the hottest bari voice out, that makes people swoon. Reading this new dude's resume, he seems to have done a lot of stuff, and vocally challenging roles. So, I now haz love and high hopes for him! Maybe I'll even be attracted to his talent? Yay for suddenly not being shallowballserific and full of hope and expectations for the new guy!

Now, moving on to the actual title of the post. My mother's reaction to aforementioned topic was even more hilarious than mine. If you didn't know what we were talking about, you would have thought that someone had actually died. In hindsight, it was absolutely hilarious, to the point where it almost felt scripted. Which brings me to my point: my life is often so over the top and ridiculous, it would not surprise me if I was merely a form of entertainment for someone, or thing. I'm being deadly serious, I really feel like my (and my family's) life is set up to be watched, sometimes. If it was, we'd be ridiculously entertaining, not to gloat. We're not half as messed up as most families these days, but we're wholesome (if you take away the sexual humour. Who shares naughty jokes with their Christian parents?) and incredibly crazy. If I were God, I'd watch us a lot. Not that he'd need to be specific, but omnipresently awesome and all, but, surely he must have favourites. Most parents say that they don't love one child more than the other. Well, I'm going to be a terrible parent, in that case. I'm sure that when I have children, I'll take favourites. That's not to say that I would love all my munchkin kiddiewinkles more than anything, I'm just sure that one kid is bound to be that bit more interesting than the others. I'm the more interesting kid in my family, but, my sister is prettier and less weird. Personally, I'd fave me over her, but, you know. Sibling rivalry much? I do love my sister very much, we're just binary opposites. She's pretty, and normal, and fairly popular, and naive, and not exactly, erm, that smart. And I'm crazy, nerdy, intellectual, pretty much socially inept and, not unattractive, but not as good looking as her. If she was Jane Bennett, I'd be Elizabeth, except we don't get on as well, and I'm older.

Back on topic, I often wonder if our lives are just a story, or something along the lines of The Sims. This sort of determinism bothers some people, but it really amuses me. It is total funnyponderingballstastica. Do you like my new way of describing things? I find it totally rad, dudes. Anyway, thinking of myself as being intelligently designed, or at least watched, is sort of comforting, in the way that, it means that my life is not insignificant. Ehehe. Just think about it, The [demisemiquavergirl] Show! Like The Truman Show, but heaps of balls and ninjas better. And yeah, I really would make an awesome protagonist. Wait, nooooo, I didn't just say that. According to the story [AnonymousAlbino] and I made up, I will be the Arch-Antagonist of the World, when he makes it a totalitarian society. He'll rule the world, and I'll go underground, scheming, plotting and fighting. And [ClearlyUnfocused] will be his top assassin, but when she goes to kill me, she'll fall in love with me, and then be torn between her duty and her heart. I'm guessing that everyone ends up dead, but it's a cool story, eh? I just had to make myself the antagonist. I often loves me some antagonists.

Have you ever felt like your life was a story, or something was too ironic to not have been scripted? Ponder it, bromigos. Oh! Do you like my shoddy, new, paint-made background? I was asking myself the other day "Just how can I make my blog more epic?" and I came up with two solutions. The first was whinging less, and the second was adding ninjas. It's like the trope Everything's Better with Princesses, except, ninja style! So, I'd like to introduce you to my ninja. His name is Excalibur, because everything's also better with swords. Oh, and he can only speak in LOLcat. And sometimes, we don't get along. I think I see a BST relationship blossoming, though, so it's all good. He's kinda self conscious, hence why he always wears his ninja gear. Oh, and if you mess with me, you "Can haz nun chuck in teh eye." You've been warned, peeps who with they were also ninjas with cool names.

//I'd just like to say, I'm not a big fan of animating with Paint or anything, but I have no idea how to draw, so, that's how Excalibur is going to make his cameo appearances. Word. :3

Yeah, I got nunchuck'd for my Judas rant. Sorry, Excalibur!

Monday, 16 May 2011

What is this I don't even...

MAGICAL FAIRY UNICORNS WITH LIGHTSABERS JAMMIN' TO 'I'M TOO SEXY' AND EATING BACON. Et hem, now that I've got your attention, I'm going to momentarily blog about something far less awesome. ugfsaKJdhf,gklaxmsdfghdurksemddnsbvgdhnjx. That jumble of characters is the only way to describe the feeling one gets from having to write a 3000 word draft, when they know that they are mentally incapable of it. Physically, I'm all goodballs, but my brain just isn't working. Yo, can some Maths el nerdo write me a formula whereby 176 = 3000. Wait, I'll do it.

176 = 3000

What do you think? Impressed? [demisemiquavergirl]'s law states that 176 words are equal to 3000, whereby henceforth, under the power of God, I decree that I have hit the word limit. Jackpot. Bingo. Bazzingballs. Time to give up and go watch anime, or read PT fanfics, or jam out to the Eurovision 2011 soundtrack, or sleep. Yes? No. I am aware that the chances of me actually writing the set amount of words tonight is less than the possibility of Jedward's hair not looking awesomeballs, but, I'm going to try. If you don't aim high, then you've got no chance of even accomplishing something that is close to your goal. Get hard, or go home. Wait, that's not it. Go hard, or go home? Yes, that's the correct phrase. Though, if the former works for you, that's cool too.

You must miseducated by all the guys that you dated. Jedward, word. I'm rather upset at myself for liking them so much, condisering the fact that some people align them with the likes of Justin(e) Bieber and Rebecca Black. I consider this total blasphemy, by the way. I mean, you're not going to see my dying my hair blonde, and jumping up and down on stage like I'm on drugs, anytime soon, because that's not my thang. But, it's surprisingly cool when they do it. Dum da dum da dum da dum.

So, as quickly as I appeared, I will now vanish in a cloud of smoke before your eyes; a mere memory of what once was. LOL jks I'm still here. I just described the English assignment as death and beastiality and fail and poo incarnate. Truer words have never been spoken, word. You took the words right out of my mouth, oooh, it must have been while you were sharing your contagious koodies with me, erm, kiss-ing me. Meatloaf people, don't mess with the meat. Or Frodo, that hobbit kid is badass. You know who isn't badass. Eragon, as in Eragon from Eragon. Just in case you though there was any other. Ohohohoh! Do you know who is badass from that series? Murtagh. It seems like all the dudes I know who've read the book don't like him, but, they're not attracted to deep, dark, not-really-bad-on-the-inside, interesting male characters. And that's probably a good thing. Oh, you know who else is badass? My grandmother, because she read that series even faster than I did, and I am a very fast reader. You know what, the only women I know of who have read those books are all related to me, and they only read it because of me.Yes, I like fantasy novels that are aimed at dudes, and I always have. You can suck on my cherrystick if you don't like it. And if cherry ain't yo thang, then you can suck on my peachbeach. I don't even know what either of those are. DON'T JUDGE SPIDERMONKIES, MMKAY?

Is thou brain bubbling with the random awesomeballs of epic that have made up the constituents of this post yet? I do hope so, bromigos. I'm off to finish writing the words of awesome, that will shape the society I live in, and are fuelled by my love for the one person I'm destined to be with. Even if it involves stabbing my hand and almsot losing my sanity, I shall write to save everyone! Hm, that sounds awefully familiar. If you see Junichi Sato or Ikuko Itoh, please tell them that I wasn't being all copyright infringe-y. Disclaimer: No, I am not Fakir, and no, I know that you don't even understand WTF I am rambing about. I don't own epic writing, or hand stabbing, or cool intertextual referencing. MY FEELING ARE MY OWN! Oh shizballs, I just killed the intertextual referencing part. Anyway, I do own my own writing though, maybe, possibly, kind of, not. Regardless, I am off to work on my assignment, and not to see the wonderful wizard of Oz. So, if he calls, tell him I'm busy, and I don't do old dudes. Farewell, ninjaturtleballs!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

The worst thing in the world.

"The worst thing in the World is different for everyone." You've got that right, O'brien. You know what the worst thing in the World is for me? Hairdressers. Yes, I said it, hairdressers. I hate them so much, it's not even funny. Today I had my hair cut for the first time in eight months, because, despite the fact that I like to maintain a good body image, I have not been able to bring myself to go to a hair salon for the past few months. Lets just say, it wasn't a gopod experience. Every hairdresser that I have been to for the past 10 years has told me that I shouldn't condition my hair, because it is naturally oily, but to shampoo it everyday. So, that's what I do. Every morning, I wake up and shampoo my hair with some special expensive goo, so that it's all sqeaky clean for the day.

The hairdresser I had today spent the whole time bitching to me about how terrible I was for not conditioning my hair and treating me like an idiot, because my shampooing style is apparently flawed. Bitch, please, every other hairdresser at your stupid salon has told me not to condition my hair, so don't tell me that they didn't. You're not even empolyed there six out of seven days of the week. Yes, I know what pH is, I'm not a moron. Yes, I take good care of my hair. My apologies for missing some spots when I shampooed this morning, I didn't know that that made me an unintelligent or disgusting person. Please don't abuse my hair, because I usually take a fair bit of pride in it. Please don't laugh and snarl at me for going to a Eurovision party last night, and spending today studying. I didn't know that either of those were bad things. When I tell you "just cut the ends off", that doesn't mean "layer my hair like crazy, and hack away at everything". When I say that I want a side fringe, it most certainly does not mean give me... whatever the heck you did to my fringe. It looks so incredibly weird, I don't even know how to classify it. Finally, don't attack who I am as a person, and talk to me like I'm five years old. Just because I'm a teenager and my parents aren't there, doesn't give you the right to be rude. Despite everything, I was never rude to you, even though I wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine.

I have always hated hairdressers. Every single one that I have ever had (bar this one gay guy. He was awesomeballs) has been an incompetent fool, and sometimes downright horrible. Bitch please, don't try and force your boagn standards on me, because I don't want to hear it. To be fair, I did used to abuse my hairdressers when I was a kid, but, they had it coming. I was a shy child, and I never said anything rude to adults, ever. Even so, hairdressers managed to infuriate me to the point where I couldn't not say something to them. Urgh. I just hate how they never listen to you. You tell them to do your hair one way, and then they'll go and do something completely different, just because they feel like it. I'm always very specific with hair instructions, to try and spell it out for the morons. But, they never listen. No, they don't even come close. And, ergh, they're so high and mighty. I got sneered at today by three hairdressers, because I said I didn't want a shampoo and blowdry. Why would I? It's only going to cost my Mum more money, and I shampooed my hair this morning. Don't look down on me for that.

I can still smell the product in my hair from that detestable woman, and it is making me want to be sick. I know it's crazy to hate hairdressers that much, but they're just so... abhorrent to me. I loathe them more than I loate South Sea Bubble. And, that's just hate so strong, I can't even express it properly. It's not the whole socioeconomic thing that makes me hate them, really. I just... I can't even explain it. If someone walked up to me and told me that they were a hairdresser, I wouldn't auotmatically hate them. It's the actually having them do my hair thing that I hate. That said, I haven't exactly come across many hairdressers that are particularly exceptional human beings.

I shall stop ranting, or I'll go crazy. You've seen my rant, so, what's the worst thing in the world for you?

Your Weapon is Your Voice.

Greetings, good bloggers. My goodness, I am in a good mood. In fact, I've been in a really good mood all day. It doesn't make much sense, considering I left a lot of the things I need for assignment work at school, and I have three assignments and a 3000 word draft to write tomorrow. My internet is so slow that it can barely be considered working, and I should be in bed asleep. I need to practice instrumental, because I have an assessment on Monday. Despite all of this, I'm feeling really happy. Most of the seniors went to a careers expo on Friday, which, let's be honest, the vast majority of people went to because it was free and time off school. Yeah, there were some really cool freebies (giant lollipops anyone?) and I spent a good deal of time either sitting down chatting, or pigging out on food. But, when I did actually go and look around at the stalls, and when I talked to the people at the specific university that I want to go to, it was really informative. I've decided that I'm not going to be lazy, and I'm going to do the double-degree, starting next year: Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Spanish and English Literature, and Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management, majoring in Events Management. It certainly is a mouthful! I think a lot of my hobros are going to be doing Arts next year, so I'll get to see them around. Thinking that I'll still have something to do with at least some of my friends is a big relief. I really don't want to lose everyone, because well, I'm pretty much socially inept, so making new friends is hard, and I really do love my current crew.

I mean, we can all have such random times. For example, tonight I went to [TenutoTuo]'s Eurovision Second Semifinal party. I made a deathly nachos, that actually turned out to taste pretty good, and spilt half the things I tried to eat all over myself. [ClearlyUnfocused] and I ranted and dissed the twins through their whole performance, and got depressed when Bulgaria didn't get through to the finals. [GoJo] and I found out that staring at curtains was highly entertaining, and us chicas all cracked up singing "ding dong, say no more". Everyone sung along to New Tomorrow, I mean, how could you not? And, like, Jedward. Do I even need to say anymore? Disappointingly, many of the entrants that I liked didn't qualify for the Final. Devo'd. I'll still be watching it tomorrow night, though, so no epic spoilers anywhere, mmkay? Turns out that my Dad ended up watching Eurovision at home, while I was out. He had the same favourite countries as me (Bulgaria, Denmark, Slovenia, Ukraine), so whoot. Except, I loved Belgium and Ireland as well. Heck, I loved most of them, I just can;t remember them all right now. Dad totally wasn't keen on Jedward, but that was hardly surprising. Apparently my Mum really didn't like Bulgaria. What a lamo.

Eurgh. Quarter past twelve, I should probably go to bed. Mmm. Yes, I am feeling very content. But, some shout outs before I go.
[ClearlyUnfocused] - Good luck with your baptism tomorrow! I'm so sorry that I can't be there, but my thoughts and prayers will be with you. I find it so wonderful and inspirational that you've decided to take that step in affirming your faith. Go, you good thing! God bless.
[TentuoTuo] - I hope you're alright. As you know, I didn't fully know what was going on tonight, but I just went to check Fb and, yeah. If you need to talk any time (or not) feel free. I can haz hugs for you on Monday?
[GoJo] - Erm, yeah, just sending some love out to you too, spesh kiddo. Your Denmark reppin' tonight was totes hawt, just sayin'. xP

Bulgaria's song! </3

Okay, so we all know it's past my bedtime, because I'm starting to write drivel. Yeah? Yeah. Alright then, goodnight everyone!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

It's the opening song. It doesn't have a title, no. And it's not very long.

Well, today was interesting, if that is indeed the correct adjective. I'm in an impatient-yet-blase mood, so, this post will probably be a very short recount. Word. Yes, that's right, I am the most ghetto student. You may bask in the awesome. Apparently, I'm not awesome enough for TV though, because they totally cut my interview. Yes, there atually was national media at my school today, and the whole UN thing was a big deal. To be honest, I didn't want my section to make it to TV at all, because I went into some psycho-suck-nerd-babble and my fringe kept blowing in my face, making me look like a dero. My parents were totes devo, and apparently annoyed and worried that I wasn't. They're spesh.

Aw, double rejection. My Facebook no longer says that I am married to [MissInvisible]. I think she'd ditched me to have an actual relationship again. Or maybe it's just a joke. I don't know. Even my own wife doesn't want me, waah! I kid, I'm not actually in a depressed-and-lonley mood, in fact, I'm just feeling like, nothing right now. I'm having trouble even being bothered to focus my eyes on the screen, so if this is filled with typos, then, you know why. Not that I don't always have typos. I would work on school stuff, but when I'm feeling in a nothing mood, my writing tends to have no heart. Could you tell?

What else? Band this morning was as band usually is: boring. At least it wasn't particularly depressing, and our conductor was in a decent mood, even if she couldn't conduct properly today. Ehehe. There is this part in one of the songs, where we have to put down our instruments and stomp and clap (tack-y). Apparently I always pull strange, intense faces during this part. Just thought you'd like to know this, yo. Oh shizballs, I need to practice clarinet. I will, I will, as soon as I finish up with this post. Biology was meh. Music was a bludge. HPE was another bludge.

So, the dude interviewing me today totally had a ranga mustache. I swear I was staring at it the whole time I was talking to him. It was so much more interesting than driver awareness. Yes, that makes me sound like such a good driver. Actually, I'm not too bad. I've only got about 30hrs, but considering I got my lisence near the end of December, I'm going okay. I doubt that I'll get my 100 hours by the time I graduate, but it shouldn't take me too long into next year to get my Ps. Gah, gotta hate being the 'youngen'. Not really, I kind of find it fun being the youngest in my group of friends, but I know that it will be infuriating once I'm out of school, having to wait for adult priviledges and all.

I'm pretty much writing for the sake of writing at the moment, sooo. Yeah, I think I'm going to go. Have  anice evening, y'all. I shall return to the bloggersphere when I have something interesting to tell or rant on.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

He tits me off so much.

So, my lovelies [MissInvisible] and [ClearlyUnfocused] decided with me today that we should all make this the title of our next blog post. I don't know if I actually got the right title, or if they'll go through with making it their's, but that's not the point. The title of this post is what it is, full stop. Maybe it's nine people's favourite thing? Gah, [tos] songs stuck in my head. I'd say that I wanted them gone, but I don't, so I won't say that.
This week has been quite strange so far. Monday morning, I turn up to form, only to be told that our school has won some United Nations competition, and that representatives from the UN, as well as the media, are coming to our school on Wednesday. Apparently Grade 11 and 12 are getting to trial some driving simulator. Now, if there is anyone who is going to fail at operating a simulator, it would be me. I am to most unco-spastic-flailing-crazy in the world. So, guess who the teachers chose to a) operate the simulator in front over everyone and b) talk to the media (which, apparently, could include national news crews and reporters) about the school and the day. Yeah, for some insane reason, they chose me. I'll never understand why. Apparently it's because I'm a "confident and articulate young woman" and my Principal thought the idea of representative was "fantastic". Look, I promised myself that I would start taking life as it comes, and embracing all the opportunities that may come my way. So, hesitant about how well I will actually represent the school or not, I accepted. Not that, you know, you can really say no when your Principal asks you to do something of the sorts. Too be honest, I'm feeling very aprehensive about the whole thing, because, although I completely pwn at public speaking, I am not actaully confidant in myself at all. Usually, I'm able to put this asside, and ramble on in my loud voice about something that sounds slightly intelligent, but... media? I'm honestly hoping that a local reporter just turns up, because, I don't really believe our school has done much in terms of safe driver awareness, and I'm always forgetting the road rules myself, so if they ask me anything, I'm going to be hard pressed to actually find come up with a decent response. Plus, knowing me, I'll probably find some way to break their fancy simulator. Ask anyone I know, if there was anyone who would accidentally break important eqipment, it would be me. I mean, I accidentally dropped a school laptop twice today. Biggest. Klutz. Ever.

On a totally different note, I handed in my Music Composing and Analysing Repertoire assignments today. Words cannot describe how good it felt to finally be rid of them! For once, I was proud of my composition. It actually sounded somewhat professional, as opposed to a crotchet rhythm that a four year old could have written. Actually, I know that I composed some better stuff at the age of four than I did at the age of fourteen. That's kinda awkward. I still need to finish and hand in my Maths and Music Extension assignments next week, all of which I lack the motivation to do, but, oh well. I shall find it in myself to complete them, and complete them at least adequately well. Despite my moaning, I always do.

My attitude to school is getting better, suprisingly. I mean, it still sucks Dick from Hotel Sorrento, but I'm finally finding it in me to just bite the bullet and get on with things. It's about dang time! I had quite a few fun moments today. Most notably when my MusExt teacher had to rush home because her son was sick, and asked [ClearlyUnfocused] and I to find assorted members of the college and either send them to her, or inform them that senior choir was to be cancelled on account of her absence. [MissInvisible] is a member of the choir, because she is an amazing singer, so we went to find her first. We knew that she was in Chemistry and must therefore be in one of the science labs. Alas, we looked in the wrong lab first and ended up opening the door on a young science class. Awkward! Well, not as bad as yesterday, when I knocked on the door of senior Buisness class, to get the laptop trolley for my Music teacher, and ended up being abused by the Buiness teacher for daring to open the door. She hates me, even though I've never been rude to her, or had her for anything. I digress. We found the invisible one in the next science lab, and she was only too happy to come walkabouts with us, looking for more choir members. After all, the unfocused kid and I had no clue as to who else was actually in choir. On our journies, we went into many a classroom, proclaiming the good news, or bad, depending on wheather any of them were choir musos or not. At one classroom, [ClearlyUnfocused] spotted a serial Facebook-attention-whore and exclaimed "He really ticks me off!" Normal sentence, am I right? Of course, I heard it as "He really tits me off!" because that completely makes sense. We three then went on to try to claim it as a blog post title, so, there's the story of the title. N'aww.

There was also a fire drill today. The alarm went off, but it was so soft, that no-one in our Maths A class could actually hear it, and another teacher had to come and tell us to get out of the building. None of us really took it seriously, and as [GoJo] and I pointed out, the alarm wasn't very alarming. Turns out that some people had been welding, and there actually was a small fire. It's comforting to know that the one time that there actually is a fire, no-one suspects it.

[ClearlyUnfocused] just blew my mind by telling me that Nine People's Favourite Thing from [title of show] which, yes, actually has those bracket things, reference's RENT's Seasons of Love. I completely fail at intertextual referencing. Soooo, I'm kinda in love with [tos] at the moment. I'm sorry, but a musical about about two guys writing a musical about two guys writing a musical, filled with Broadway references, sexual jokes, and complete randomness, that breaks the fourth wall and manages to be as heartwarming as it is hilarious just equals win. I'm currently listening to [Untitled Opening Number]. The fact that they're pretty much just singing about what they're doing with the music makes me laugh so much. To say that I'm excited to see it again in June is the understatement of the century. I'm estatic to be seeing it again. My poor group of friends that are coming along this time. They must think that [ClearlyUnfocused] and I are on drugs, the way we sometimes talk about it. Scratch that, they probably think we're on drugs more when we're talking about a certian /cough/ voice actor of uhm, Spanish descent. And the show that he was in. No, we don't take anything.

Well, I shall leave y'all before I lack the self restraint to not bombard you with [tos] quotes.

[a.n : Yes, I originally got the title of this blog post wrong, but it has been edited. What now, bitches? Ooh, your song's dertivative. Anyways, I attribute this to the fact that, despite having an epic visual memory, I have the worst aural memory in the history of the world. My Mum told me that if I didn't put my lunchbox out by 5pm this afternoon, I'd have to do the washing up. Two minutes later, I'd already forgotten and ended up washing the dishes on my lonesome. Yay me.]

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Gods of death love apples, and so do I.

During my English class on Friday, instead of listening to the lesson (lesson? What lesson? C'mon, we were watching a movie) I decided to give the Death Note characters on my English book a makeover. Consequently, L looked very... feminine, Ryuk had a luminescent blush (as he was reaching for an apple. CARGO SHIP!) and Mikami, well, he just looked like a cross-dressing ho. It didn't help that his lipstick kept moving all over his face. It was quite hilarious. Also, I was watching the PT Abridged series last night (seriously, the only funny abridged series I have seen since 1KidsEntertainment's DN:TAS), and Mytho was all "Fakir, do you know? Gods of death... love apples." ... and then he threw himself out a window. Yeah, it was just as weird in the actual show as it was in abridged series. Anyways, I was like "LOLZOMGDNREFERENCE!" It was all very exciting for no good reason. Ohohoh. Random conversation I just had.

Dad: *hugs me* Mmm. I'm just calming my beast.
Me: BEAST? >:|
Dad: It's okay, I call your mother a beast too. You're my beasts.
Me: Erm, if Mum's a beast, doesn't that mean that you've engaged in beastiality?
Dad: Ehehe. Yeah, nice. *hugs my sister* You're my little beast too. I have three children /referring to my mother as a child, seeing as she was sulking at the time/; three beasts.
Me: Er, yes. So, if she's your beast, and she's also your child, and she's also your wife, doesn't that make you an incesty pedo beastial dude?

Yes, only I could get away with having those sorts of conversations with my parents. And no, my father is not actually into any of that stuff, we were just joking around. Oh yes, it's Mother's Day, isn't it? My grandparents and uncle are coming over, so, joy. I don't know why my uncle is coming over, honestly. That's the weird thing about my mother's side of the family, they'll just invite themselves to events. Gotta love family. Oh double joy, my grandparents just arrived. I shall return soon...

Oh excellent, excellent. My grandparents are even more ranty than usual. They're here for five minutes, and I'm already being told about how each generation is getting weaker, and that the next generation of people won't even be able to do anything. I really do love my grandparents dearly, but, today may just send me crazy. Not that I'll be out with them too much, seeing as I need to finish my music analysing repertoire. Actually, I need to work on my ExtMus assignments as well, but, realistically speaking, they're not going to get worked on today. It doesn't exactly help that [CrazyTeacher] gave us a pile of homework as large as Mt Everest. Okay, so it's not even half as bad as the homework that he used to give, but it seems like mountains because I really haven't done much homework for quite a long time.

Guysguysguysguys! For those of you who actually care, my parents [finally] just told me that I can come to [title of show]. HECK YES, CLOSING NIGHT, HERE I COME! :D So, if y'all were planning on ditching me, this is kinda awkward. Thankyou for being patient, though. Just remember, if it weren't for my theatrical connections (which I totally don't have any more. Devo), none of you would even know [tos] was on, or awesome. Neither would I, but whatevs. I'm gonna go come up with stripper names, and jump around yelling "KEY CHANGE!" and "What could be swe-ah-ter?" to celebrate. And Imma kill some of my internal vampires. Whoot. June is going to be beastly theatrical for me, just sayin. [tos] one week, followed by JCS preview night, and first SatNight performance the next. And then, it's holidays. Wowza. Good times. Can they hurry up and be like, now?

Anyhoo, this has been a short and adequately random post, but I need to go out and acknowledge my family again, and finish of the AnalysingRep assignment. Even though, /shockhorror/ I have ANOTHER cold. Hello again, sore throat and congestion. Well, the congestion never left. Gross. "PHLEGM! MY ONE TRUE WEAKNESS!" Ohohoh, I totes was having trouble breathing again yesterday. I IZ SO BLOCKED UP FML. Gotta love being in Young Con, and just like, dying in the middle of a piece. And having to sit next to a kid who possibly overheard, and then re-overheard you saying should/would die. I'm sorry dude, I don't really think that, I was just being silly. I don't hate you... that much.

So, have a great Mother's Day, everyone! Don't forget to give yo mama a big hug and a kiss, and remind her that's she's so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits around the house. I kid, be nice, chickies. Shout out to my own mother. She's crazy, amazing, hilarious and very much of a rock to me. Hey, she totally promised to buy me a MD present, because I act like the mother a lot of the time. LOLOL. The awkward moment when you call your daughter your mother in front of your actual mother.

Mum: Mummmmy! I need a hug.
Grandma: Wait, what?
Mum: No, not you. My mother. *hugs me*
Grandma: Oooookaaaaay.

I canz love teh family. <3

I am so that kid. My poor parents. Love you Mummy, happy Mother's Day! And yes, I am almost out of school, and I still call my parents "Mummy" and "Daddy". Eat it.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

It's tooooo hard! ehehe. That's what she said.

erygsdkjad<dkghj. Zomg, that was a keyboard smash of awesome. You know, I'm feeling really quite good right now. Dear goodness, if only I could have emotional babble kind of rants to all my teachers, then I think I would be on the track to being alright. To put some context to this, today I told my instrumental teacher about all the problems and self issues I was having with the subject. I believe she thought I was slightly (no, very) insane, and over-reacting like crazy, but it was so good to actually get all my frustration and built up problems off my chest. For the first time this year, I was subsequently able to have a lesson where I felt happy, and laughed, and remembered just why the subject used to be a solid favourite of mine. Ah, it feels so amazing to actually resolve a problem, instead of gaining another one. I don't really have much else to report, so how about another round of random thoughts. They were very random last time, yeah? Well, let's see what's going through my mind today...

David Harris is looking at me. Jack Sparrow is looking at me. MASKS ARE LOOKING AT ME, AND THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE EYES 0_0 Why hello there, Phantom mask. Aw. It's dusty... like yo mama?

Save the drama for yo mama. Whaaaaaaat. It's on my wall. Hall. Fall. Tall. Mall. Paul. Saul. Maul. Darth Maul? STAR WARS!

Eh. I should be doing my music assignments. ehehe. Music performing assignment today. LOLfail, am I right, guys? At least not everyone thought it was bad. It would have helped if I could breathe properly.

Ehehehe. Reminds me of the time today, when I had to get a drink because my throat was so clogged that I couldn't breathe. After getting a drink, I was skipping down the path, thinking about the wonders of a working respiritory system... And my princial saw me. He's cool though. He didn't wink at me, for once D: It was most disappointing.

Wait, ASSIGNMENTING. Buuuut, I have no homework. I really need some de-stress time, and I actually feel like I can have it at the moment. As opposed to setting time to do nothing, and flipping out anyway. Mortified... wait, I mean, testified? Justified? Ehh. RELATIONS!

I wonder if they're funny looking. Zomg. Anyone else remember Plasmo? No? Sometimes I think my childhood was in a parallel universe. Just sayin'.

"Soooo far, weee are, soooo clooooose" erm, sorry, just karaoke-ing here. Don't mind me. What? It's a good song, am I right [ClearlyUnfocused]?

I have a canvas picture of a budgie in a top hat on my wall :3 Ohai there, Mr Budgie. He's classy. I'd name him Edward, but the twi-hards would relate it to that wannaba biatch Cullen.  YOU WISH YOU WERE AS PALE AS ME, HO! /clears throat/ I maintain my dignity.


My eye is itchy. Not in the my eye is itchy way. Not that that makes any sense. But I like my eyes! *_* As do I? Especially when they're shooting daggers? Yes, like that? *fans self* Must. Restrain.

Cool, sweet! Mm. I do like Filipino toothpaste. Yepyep.

I'd just like to announce, for all of you that don't know, [MissInvisible] and I are celebrating our one year wedding anniversary on September 16th. I'm telling you all this in advance, because we are anticipating amazing presents from you all. No, that was not a question. You will get us all good gifts, even if [Gojo] and [ClearlyUnfocused] have been married for... lifetimes longer. You see that, [TentuoTuo], I'm going to get to 1 year with my lovely wife. Our marriage was too plagued by communism, death, and lack of knowledge regarding when we were and weren't actually married. /pokes tongue/ I kid, I kid. You were a good... wife. ;P

I have some song some strings students played in music today stuck in my head. Damn their virtuosity.

"That's the difference between [my sister] and I. She fails at Naplan, I fail at life." Quote of the day. Arpeggijo? ArpeggiO? O Arpeggio? Music tour? <3 That one night on band camp.

So, IBS! :D There are four types, right? ...and of course, stuffed toy boobs.

I shoooould be working on something. Or, you know, not. Mwahahaha. I'M GOING TO EAT YOUR SOUL! Oh no, my status as a demon has been revealed. Runnnnnnnn!

I'm a full-fledged demon? EAT THAT, INUYASHA! >:D Ooh, InuYasha. Now that all my "oh-so-amazing" quality episodes of InuYasha:The Final Act have finished downloading, I should watch them. I did vow that I would watch InuYasha first, but I still have over 80 episodes left (I've watched 75/160 something. Yeah, bros) and I am impatient. I really wish the had a dub though, because, Richard Cox FTW! That is his name, right?

Because everything's prettier with pictures. InuYasha and Kagome chillin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. The shippers wish. It only takes them close to 200 episodes to kiss (excluding the [second?] movie), even though you can see that they're going to be a thing from, you know, the first episode.

It is a prettyful picture :) Gotta love InuYasha's ears. "Oh wow, like, dog ears. I think I wanna... Touch em!" Yes Kagome, whenever I see a presumably dead male half-demon, pinned to a tree by a magical arrow, after I've been sent back in time, because I fell into a magical well, the first thing I think about is grabbin' me some ears.

So, I wanna haz watch that show now, so I shall. Farewell, blog readers! May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white. ACKNOWLEDGED.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Verisimilitude? Nah, screw it.

"Everyone here's so depressed. Except for you. You're always so optimistic," says [vs49688] in his usual blunt fashion, cutting the silence that surrounded our table. I couldn't help but laugh at this comment, seeing as I have often been described as one of the most pessimistic people ever. It was true, though, my mood was considerably lighter than that of my companions. That is not to say, I was not carrying some inward problem, or feeling displeased by the events of the day, but I was certainly dealing with it the best. Not that I had half as much to deal with as my fellow table dwellers. I wish now that I had had more to say to them, and better advice to give, but, I am not one who is well informed in those areas. Then again, I don't really think anyone is. I think that's one of the hardest things at the moment, the fact that everyone is going through such different things, and holding problems inside your heart, or sharing them with the people around you, it just doesn't seem to make a difference, whichever one you choose. It doesn't resolve anything, and even if the people around you try their hardest to be helpful and sympathetic, it's never enough.

Damn verisimilitude. I really do wish that I had never come across the word. Simply, it means "having the appearance of the truth". Not that this is unknown to all the seniors. The problem with this word is, it has actually made me question the truth about, well, everything. It's made me question who people are, truthfully, and who I am. Am I what I appear to be? I'll admit, I'm trying to be much more open about who I am. I mean, I told a teacher that I hated school, despite knowing that my comment will probably be shared with other teachers, and my "oh-so-good-student" reputation will be completely flushed. Not that it wasn't already headed down the drain, anyway. The thing is, I do hate school, and this is a well known fact. But, today I realised that it is something that I hide behind a lot. School is the one thing that everyone has in common, so it's easy to say that you're having problems with it, because people will be able to empathise with you in some way. If someone says "You look down, what's wrong?" it's hard to tell them that you are having a spiritual crisis that can't even be explained with words, you're too afraid to even talk half the time, because you don't want to say the wrong thing, you're sad, because you're little heart is full of love, but the only thing you can bring to bestow this upon is stories and animes, which don't even exist and will therefore never be able to tell you how they feel, you're scared of losing the people around you, even though you genuinely despise people in general, you feel inadequate and that you will never be good enough at anything/ for anyone. Did I mention that that's the tip of the iceberg? I can imagine that people could read this and think to themselves "You know what, shut up. Those aren't even issues." and I understand that, because everyone goes through a completely different set of events in life, and therefore has things affect them differently. The one thing we share is overlapping destinies. I can't even work out if I believe in destiny or not, because sometimes I very strongly do, and sometimes I very strongly don't. I do believe, however, that we all have different paths in life. Do these paths overlap, simply be seeing someone, by talking to them, by being close with them? Or, can these things sometimes merely take us off the course which me are meant to be heading on, veering us off-track, and taking away from who we are meant to be.

... hold up, I lost myself. I do apologise for that last part, because I really don't know what I was trying to say. Well, I know what I'm thinking, but as always, my articulation isn't that crash hot. Oh fffffff- yeah. I need to go practice instrumental. I didn't get to practice at all on the long weekend, seeing as I was off being sick and all. Somehow, I know my instrumental teacher isn't going to take "I was so sick, I couldn't even move out of bed" as an excuse for not practicing. She is going to end me. And, rightly so, in a way. I can't play my pieces well at all, and my motivation is starting to severely lack. Still, I don't think I should be held accountable for poor health. I best be off to try and make my skills at least adequate for tomorrow. I shall leave you with a song that I have been listening to on repeat. I'm a big fan of creepy/epic classical (well, I would consider this romantic, but that's just being pedantic), and found myself completely drawn to this song. Noooo, it was not in a certain anime that I am obsessed with, but have vowed to have nothing to do with for a week to prove to myself that I am not completely addicted. Pfft! That's not the point, anyway. It's an epic song, and actually reflects my current mood somewhat. No, I am not feeling deathly, just, odd... Then again, that's nothing new. Buenos tardes, amigos! Wishing everyone a peaceful and calming evening, to end a monotonous and bland day.