During Friday's thanks-for-giving-us-laptops-so-we-can-pretend-to-be-working-on-the-assignment Biology lesson, [Gojo], who was chillin' next to me, beseeched me to make a '100 Things I Can Do' list, like the one she had made. Mkay, so maybe it wasn't beseeching, but let's pretend that it was. Overdramatic-ness FTW. I did try to do one of those lists, but discovered to my dismay, that I could barely list five things that I could do, let alone a hundred. Lists are coolballs and all, though, so I thought I'd try my luck and see if I could get out 100 random facts about myself. If you are reading this list, you should be incredibly proud that I actually finished it. Comments of "ZOMG. [demisemiquavergirl] is like, the amazeballest blogger everrr,"wouldn't be out of place. Just sayin'. Anyway, on to the list, my munchkinie friends!
1. I fail at socialising, because whenever I go to say something about myself, I spontaneously forget everything I have ever known or expereinced. So, I cover this sudden forgetfulness up by laughing and pretending to be really, really interested in the other person's life, until I have regained some memory of my own, and therefore have something to say.
2. I also seem to forget everything about my life when I go to make lists like this one. Hm.
3. I'm meant to be doing a 3000 word Biology assignment right now. The draft is due tomorrow lolz.
4. I am really, really, really, really, really, really ticklish. You only have to touch me slightly, and I will literally start ROFLing like crazy.
5. I hate softdrink with a passion. I would rather drink a glass of aspirin than a glass softdrink. I know, weird.
6. I'm very proud that I made it past 5 on the list.
7. If you haven't noticed, I'm a sucker for animation. You know how, as a kid, everything seemed boring if it wasn't a cartoon? Yeah, I never got past that stage. Well, I did, but then I regressed.
8. I have a dalamatian. He is the only being on this earth that is crazier than I am.
9. I can't stand nail files. Or chewing my nails, for that matter. Actually, I don't particularly like clipping my nails. I know nails aren't meant to have any nerves or what not, but mine are kinda... sensitive.
10. Heck, my whole body is overly sensitive.
11. My pupils dialate much wider than the average human's, so I'm actually more sensitive to light, and can see easier in the dark.
12. My skin is very pale, so I am easily affected by the sun.
13. I don't know what's going on with my nerves. I only have to be slightly brushed, and I will feel the sensation through my whole body.
14. Oh, and I'm also uber sensitive to noise. The slightest sounds can put me on edge. In tests, if I can hear people breathing, or pencils bashing against paper, I get so agitated that I almost scream.
15. Speaking of overly sensitive, I can't stand violence. Literally, if I see too much gore or violence, my body will actually start shaking, and I will cry uncontrollably. This is set off most easily by the topic of execution. It's something that I can't actually talk about, or even cover up by joking about (though, I try), because it makes me feel so incredibly sick inside. Especially if we're talking beheading. For real, just typing that word sent a sick chill through my spine. I don't like admitting this, because it's a little strange, but, it's my worst fear.
16. Despite the point above, or maybe because of it, I frequently dream about executions, violence and death. Needless to say, I don't really enjoy dreaming.
17. Because of the points above, I sort of have a fear of learning about history. I actually thought I was going to throw up when I heard we were doing FrenchRev in year 10. Thank goodness I didn't, because it was actually really interesting... Save the death-ness.
18. I like learning about history! But yeah, the irrational fear of learning about it makes things hard.
19. I'm not a big fan of modern times. Living standards are awesome for one such as myself, but gah, the way we're raping the planet, and the lack of morals that everone has... It just bugs me so much.
20. I immediately lose interest in a story/film/novel/series if it is set in modern times. It's a simple fact: I find things that are set in different worlds/times/dimensions much more interesting.
21. I'm a culture snob. There's no point in denying it.
22. I'm a snob, full stop. Excalibur is too, because he says "GET TEH BOGANZ AWAYS FROM MEH!"
23. I'm so much of a snob, that when I was ten years old and walking through [Badna] (take a guess where that is. Clue: binary opposite prefix) I held my breath, because I didn't want to catch "Low-sose," because low socio-economic status is totally a disease.
24. I love tea. I've loved tea since I was six years old. I'm drinking tea right now.
25. I love to procrastinate. Why else would I be writing this list?
26. Despite how much I procrastinate, I'm pretty sure I'm still considered one of the best, if not the best student in the grade, workwise.
27. I redefine the term 'over-emotional'.
28. I also redefine the phrase 'sweet sixteen and never been kissed'. But, you can kiss my knuckle-sandwhich if you want mwaha XD
29. I was once quoted saying "Marco Grazzini redefines the word 'hot'." I stand by that statement. /insert fangirl squee here/
30. I just committed the fatal act: Looking up Princess Tutu, when I should be doing assignments. Two hours later, I know know what all the German in the show translates to (asdjasbdm. They actually had proper stories in books that were lying open, and like, foreshadowing and stuff. The attention to detail in that show is just incrediballstasticerific), possibly how the whole Drosselmeyer family tree is, how the dub and early sub differ in some areas of animation, just how similar Kinkan town is to Nordlingen, which is a town in Germany, and have looked at so many fanarts and screenshots, and read so many fan theories that my brain is ready to implode... with awesome. I can haz moar?
31. It annoys me that the number seven is considered so lucky, because, due to birth and whatnot, it's my number. And I can't stand normality.
32. I love Spanish names. No matter what, I'm giving my kiddiewinkles cool Spanish names.
33. Eh, I just love Spain and Spanish, full stop.
34. "Are you so severe on your own sex?" asks Mr Darcy. Yeah, I can be very judgemental of women, and even moreso of men.
35. Gen Y annoys me. I wish I wasn't included in it.
36. Gen X annoys me even more. I'm glad I'm not part of my parent's generation.
37. Baby Boomers annoy me most of all. They call my generation selfish, but they should take a look at temselves!
38. I'm crazily scared of dying, and nothingness, but not of eternity or eternal life. Time is weird.
39. I just tried to load so many pages of the Princess Tutu LJ community, it stopped working. I think it's a sign that I need to start working.
40. If you haven't noticed, when I obsess over something, I
obsess over it. And, even if I move on, it always hold a special place in my heart.
41. I have many scars, they're just not in obvious places... Well, some are. Hello, chickenpox scar on my face.
42. I'm bored by my own list, but I can't think of anything interesting to share.
43. OH! I have a weird bellybutton. For realz, I can pull it out. It's usually kinda inverted, but, I still have some umbilical cord. And I'm proud of this.
44. I love alfalfa.
45. I love big, long words.
46. I love classic novels, for their storylines, and because they often use big, long words.
47. I love reading about romance.
48. I don't like reading smut. It makes me
really uncomfortable and awkward. If anything has smut, 99% of the time, I'll just skip over it.
49. All of my favourite characters are male, bar two.
50. Although I often have "HOLYCREPE, I CAN'T UNTHINK THAT!" moments, my mind naturally censors most things.
51. It's actually really hard, having lots of strong, Christian morals and values. Especially in this society, which is constantly tempting you to be corrupt. And I often feel really judged for having these morals. I'm sorry peeps, I don't go around thinking everyone should go to Hell, but, I do want to live
my life a certain way.
52. I either have very strong views on things, or no views at all. There is no middle ground.
53. Funnily enough, I don't think that life is black and white. Everything is a grey area for me.
54. I love antagonists and antiheros and antivillains. I rarely like protagonists.
55. I claim to be very judgemental, but this is to cover the fact that I always assume the best in people.
56. Actually, I always assume the best in everything. It's ridiculous. I will see an adult content notice, and expect the content to be at a PG-13 level. This isn't good, because I often have to be all "GAH! MY EYES, MY EYES!" Note to self: warnings are there for a reason.
57. I don't like reading/watching anything with a higher rating than PG-13. Ever. I've only seen 2 MA15+ movies, and that wasn't by choice.
58. I love old architechture. So much.
59. I'm amazeballsofawesome at public speaking, but I have a social phobia.
60. I adore thai curries.
61. I adore spicy food.
62. I adore sweet things. I can eat so much sweet stuff, and not feel sick. However, I can eat anything that's very salty.
63. I never put salt on any of my food. Ever.
64. I have been told by numerous people that I'm the reincarnation of someone.
65. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life.
66. I refuse to travel to any countries that have the death penalty. That includes some states of America.
67. When I was a kid, I used to want to be an astronaut and a ballerina. Then a space shuttle came tumbling down to Earth, killing everyone inside, and my ballet teacher left. Devo.
68. I love the dark.
69. hehehehe. How can I
not dedicate this one to 69? I didn't find out what that was until grade 8, when everyone would always write it on their calculators and giggle. My sister, who is in grade 9, is still completely clueless.
70. I actually have many things in common with vampires... And Snow White. NINJAVAMPIREPRINCESS!
71. I'm starting to feel sick with worry, because I haven't been working on my Biol assignment. Remind me why I'm not, again?
72. I really like the legends of King Arthur. I hate the TV show Merlin.
73. I have been in love with Prince Eric, from Barbie in The Nutcracker, since I was six years old. ZOMG. He totes has the same VA as Miroku from InuYasha. I always find this too awesome.
74. I hate my name. It is the most boring, bogan, common, bleh, ordinary, lame name ever. I'm going by my middle name once I leave school.
75. My main nickname is derived from my middle name.
76. I like my middle name. Quite a lot. It means 'moon goddness'. Yeah, bros.
77. The feature that I notice most about people is their mouth.
78. The second thing I notice is their hair.
79. I don't know why everyone thinks that eyes are the best feature. Eye shape and colour has never particularly bothered/attracted me.
80. My eyes used to be bright blue, but now they're green. This is awesome, because green eyes FTW.
81. I've been told that my eyes looked Asain. I've also been told that I have eyes like a cat. Both of these statements are really false. So, I have almond-shaped eyes, that are exotically slanted. What does it matter?
82. I'm awesome at keeping a polker face.
83. The above is only true if I don't find something to laugh at. Or, if I suddenly have fangirlish thoughts.
84. Some days, I spend more time daydreaming than interacting with my surroundings.
85. I used to be able to recite the full libretto for The Phantom of the Opera. I can still probably recite all of Wicked. I can do all of the highlights from Jesus Christ Superstar.
86. I can be really funny sometimes. I can also be really un-funny.
87. I yearn for acceptance way more than I'm comfotable with. I'm meant to be the lone wolf, not caring what anyone thinks. Oh, how I wish that were actually the case.
88. I'm awesome at baking.
89. I suck at cooking actual meals.
90. I hang out with so many short girls, that I often forget that I'm not actually tall; I'm just tall
er than them.
91. I can't believe that I'm actaully going to finish this list.
92. It wouldn't surprise me if I try to sneak into clubs and/or bars next year, or if I purchase a fake ID. I don't want to drink, I just want to get into the dang places.
93. I'm constantly changing my mind about everything.
94. I kareoke to Jesus Christ Superstar songs, more than anything else. Even though they're completely irrelivent to everything, and are usually about frustration, pain or worry. Oh, so maybe they're not completely irrelivent.
95. I love warmth and summer.
96. I detest cloudy days and winter.Why does everyone love it so much?
97. I've probably already changed my stance on some of the stuff in this list. That's how often I change views.
98. Unlike most people, I don't care about travelling the world and doing lots of stuff before I settle down. If it were up to me, I'd be happy to meet someone and settle down next year! My mother met my father in her first year out of school, and they've had like, the best marriage. So, I don't see what's wrong with it.
99. I over-romanticise and over-dramaticise everything.
100. I'm trying to come up with something really whack for this last point, and failing. Well, I can't come up with anything. I should have added this is earlier, but, I hate all sport, and feel like HPE is degrading. The only sport I like and follow os V8 Supercars. I would kill to go to Bathurst, especially while Whincup is doing so well. He's been my favourite driver, ever since he was Lowndes' secondary driver, and look at him now: top of the championship, having won so many races as the leading driver for Team Vodafone. I know how to pick talent ^^ Did I mention that he's the
only attractive driver? This is nooot why I like him at all.
So, there you go. Maybe you learnt something new about me. Maybe you didn't. Either way, I'm off to smash this Biology assignment, and Excalibur is off to smash some delinquents. Later, kiddios.
I get 100 random things, poor Excalibur only gets one. He is a very shy ninja. Why else do you think he covers himself up in black clothing all the time? D'aww. I laughed way too much drawing this. My poor little blushing ninja.