Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Ch-ch-changes (or how to semi-seduce your own blog without even trying)

Blogger, we have to talk. We've been a little distant these past few months, and I want you to know it's not you, it's me. Ha! Who am I kidding, it's you. But you're lucky, because I'm going to give you a second chance. What's this you say? You don't want my second chance because I've been neglecting your needs and leaving you lonely? You want me to promise to be a better blog-runner? Well then, this is awkward, because I didn't think we had a committal sort of relationship. How about we start our relationship from the very beginning again? After all, we've been apart for a very long time and I've changed a lot.

Where shall I start? Hi, my name is Pheebes. Actually, it's not, but for the past few years I've liked to imagine that it is. I've been getting called by the c-word (being my real name, not a term for a woman's vagina) so much recently that after 18 years on this planet, I'm almost starting to accept that it's actually my name. Oh the strangeness! Oh the humanity!

Ah right, I should say something other than my name. Maybe it would be easier to start with the things about me that are still the same.

- Green is still my favourite colour
- I still have strong, annoying opinions on everything
- Short hair is still hot on me and all girls in general
- I still live in the same city and have some of the same friends
- As a general rule, I'm still not really attracted to people
- Still nocturnal (but more of a morning person)
- And I still get myself into the most ridiculous situations

Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire I am suddenly having a crisis of the self, because I just realised that I cannot think of anything else about myself that hasn't changed since I last blogged here. So let's start the introduction again.

Hi, I'm the artist formally known as Pheebes.
- I'm currently studying a Bachelor of Environmental Management at a university that's in the middle of a forest.
- My favourite band is The Smiths and I think that Morrissey is the most perfectly imperfect person currently walking this planet.
- I genuinely enjoy studying what I do and am convinced that one day I can make a difference to this world, even if it's in a small way.
- I'm just starting to get into environmental and conservation volunteering and the more I learn about the problems in the biosphere, the more of a greenie I become.
- I just made myself a liqueur affogato and it was awesome. Liqueur affogatos are actually my favourite drink.
- The first night I ever went out to a bar/club I met the guy who's my current boyfriend and we started dating a few days later.
- The fact that I was attracted to him proved to me that I'm capable of being attracted to people. Which was huge because I didn't know this was actually possible. I actually have a sexuality, guys!
- My boyfriend is a singer, dancer, aerospace engineer, socialite, space enthusiast and total hottie (by which I mean nerd.) He's also currently working in Germany as a rocket scientist and there's a 3.5 year age gap between us.
- This sucks a little. I don't really enjoy long-distance relationships /dramatically flips a table/
- I do enjoy going out and night and drinking in small amounts
- Don't watch anime anymore!
- I no longer have much of a social phobia! Hoorah!
- I allow for moral grey areas a little more than I used to. Hoorah? Boo? You decide.
- I just did a Kinsey Sexuality Scale Test and it said "The test failed to match you to a Kinsey Type profile. Either you answered some questions wrong, or you are a very unusual person." Even tests think I'm an unusual person
- I'm currently recovering from anorexia, and recovery is going very well at the moment
- At the end of last year I lost 10kg in the very short period of a month and have put about 2kg of that back on
- I listen to a lot more mainstream music than I used to. This more than mildly disturbs me
- My kitten Pippy is now a crazy adult cat
- I'm extremely comfortable with the topics of body image and sexuality, which I did not used to be at all
- I've mostly stopped appearance-bashing myself, though my anorexia still gives me a bit of an obsession with how flat my stomach does or doesn't look
- But I no longer hate my own face! Yay!
- This probably has a lot to do with the fact that I no longer have acne. Yay x 12735261837!
- I don't hate the world
- I have goals and ambitions!!! Finally!!!
- My life, my past struggles and myself are all things that I am proud of
- I have my P2 manual driver's license
- Most importantly, I finally have a sense of self worth, and honestly believe that I should always fight for me

So Blogger, what do you think? Are you still keen on me? Do you think I'll still be able to provide you with strange and amusing anecdotes. Only time will tell, but for now let's just agree to start seeing each other again. Let's keep it casual and see where it goes; we could very well have something beautiful again!